Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2018
Hey HopesGaming, hope you and all the fellow DeLuca Family soldiers out there are having a great day.
Just couple of questions for ya before I return to work.

1) Hypothetically, is there any way to give Gracie a good scare or fright through conventional means (like MC did with Luna in Musala Hill with the "bee")?

At the moment, perhaps it's just me, but it seems almost impossible, with Gracie having a strong tendency to overanalyze things and makes decisions purely on information (even in extreme situations such as Isabel's freezer event, she remained pretty much unphased, just annoyed).
With MC trying to break Gracie out of that shell through his interactions with her (of thinking less on rational/calculating way, and more with empathy), I just wonder how would MC manage to give her a scare (if he ever decides to)?

2) So is the plan for the "Lore" stuff to release with new gameplay mechanic in 0.7? Looking forward to that if that's the case. Question regarding that is, will it be accessible through the main menu (like "gallery" in 0.6.5), or will it be accessible through MC's bedroom interface?

3) I actually love the "end of current content" screens for the girls in angel wings (actually wish we could see them in gallery in HD glory also). It's probably quite a while away (my guess is possibly the update after the 0.7?), but I'm actually really looking forward to Cordia's lewd/freeroam content (and her "end of current content" screen)

4) Just something I noticed while I was looking over the girls' "end of current content" screens, both Luna and Isabel have white angel wings, whereas Gracie has one white wing, and one black wing. Perhaps I'm reading too much into this, but is there some hidden meaning behind it (giving Gracie one black wing, which I totally don't mind, and merely asking this out of curiosity)?

5) Love all the special renders I see on your discord, but damn, that "Witcheress Luna" render basically stole my heart (somehow it fits Luna perfectly, with both Ciri and Luna being hot-headed, impulsive characters, but are actually sweethearts once you get to know them).
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Jan 19, 2020
Just something I noticed while I was looking over the girls' "end of current content" screens, both Luna and Isabel have white angel wings, whereas Gracie has one white wing, and one black wing. Perhaps I'm reading too much into this, but is there some hidden meaning behind it (giving Gracie one black wing, which I totally don't mind, and merely asking this out of curiosity)?
Those wings imo represent the duality of her character , on one side we see a person who is extremely protective and loving towards the people she holds close to her heart i.e her family and even to an extent the MC and on the other side this cold , calculating , callous individual who would most likely stop at nothing to destroy the individuals who would do her family and loved ones any harm. Kind of like two face from batman , i love the dichotomy of her character and i want it to be explored more


The Godfather
Game Developer
Dec 21, 2017
What's with the Filius reviews I'm getting lately?
I am so accurate that I am scaring myself! Like the latest review by PhoenixRage23 FlipFish and the rest.
It's like they ignore tag, comments, reviews. Download blind and expect a game to be made how they want it to be made and then review it based on that. It so stupid imo and disingenuous thing to do.
They are not reviewing the game for it's content, for the quality, the quantity but 100% only because it lacks what they desire - sexual content.
Btw, I am not saying your not allowed for your opinion or your review. Just giving my opinion on your reviews.

Anyways enough with the rant with those kinds of people.

Thank you to all who took their time and give a genuine review! Appreciate it all!

Hey HopesGaming, hope you and all the fellow DeLuca Family soldiers out there are having a great day.
Just couple of questions for ya before I return to work.

1) Hypothetically, is there any way to give Gracie a good scare or fright through conventional means (like MC did with Luna in Musala Hill with the "bee")?

At the moment, perhaps it's just me, but it seems almost impossible, with Gracie having a strong tendency to overanalyze things and makes decisions purely on information (even in extreme situations such as Isabel's freezer event, she remained pretty much unphased, just annoyed).
With MC trying to break Gracie out of that shell through his interactions with her (of thinking less on rational/calculating way, and more with empathy), I just wonder how would MC manage to give her a scare (if he ever decides to)?

2) So is the plan for the "Lore" stuff to release with new gameplay mechanic in 0.7? Looking forward to that if that's the case. Question regarding that is, will it be accessible through the main menu (like "gallery" in 0.6.5), or will it be accessible through MC's bedroom interface?

3) I actually love the "end of current content" screens for the girls in angel wings (actually wish we could see them in gallery in HD glory also). It's probably quite a while away (my guess is possibly the update after the 0.7?), but I'm actually really looking forward to Cordia's lewd/freeroam content (and her "end of current content" screen)

4) Just something I noticed while I was looking over the girls' "end of current content" screens, both Luna and Isabel have white angel wings, whereas Gracie has one white wing, and one black wing. Perhaps I'm reading too much into this, but is there some hidden meaning behind it (giving Gracie one black wing, which I totally don't mind, and merely asking this out of curiosity)?

5) Love all the special renders I see on your discord, but damn, that "Witcheress Luna" render basically stole my heart (somehow it fits Luna perfectly, with both Ciri and Luna being hot-headed, impulsive characters, but are actually sweethearts once you get to know them).
1) Everyone can be scared. It just depends on what they fear. For some it's bugs for other it is something else.

2) Plan is for it to be released either with 0.07 or as a side update after the main release

3) Yes. The angel pics will be added to the gallery. Now with the planned new angel pics, this is the only way to show the old one to the new players. Planned for 0.07 or small update after

4) Only time will tell. Or not. Maybe. Heh.

5) Yea I liked that one as well. Definitely want to make more Witcher focused renders.


Aug 24, 2018
Im really loving this game as i enjoy plot heavy games with some Adult stuff on the side, it kind of gets old when every game has Girls throw themselves at you for absolutly no reason, if that happened with this game i honestly believe it would ruin it considering HopesGaming has some of the best character development of games i've seen, an argument could be made about the pacing being a bit slow at times however it is usually made up by an amazing update like we did about Luna's back story.

I'm pretty happy with the game, i just wish this Covid-19 nonsense could hurry up and end so i can feel comfortable Pledging.


Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
Do people just download games without knowing anything about them? Maybe I'm weird but before I try any game I try to find out if it's something that I would actually be into. The dev said from the beginning that this wouldn't be like other games where girls get crazy about you super fast.
That is not a problem. Sometimes not knowing works better, as your expectation don't affect your experience. Lots of favorite of mine were downloaded without knowing anything. Actually, both favorite Rebirth and DeLuca, which I love and support, were like that too. Rebirth was even harder as the description of the game is just:

"Guy lives a life with few worries, till an unfortunate encounter with a mysterious woman changes his life. "

The problem lies in reviewing things with the wrong scale, like expecting sex in a Disney's child movie, less character development and more combat focus in Mass Effect or color in a Charlie Chaplin's movie. You are going to get disappointed.
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The Godfather
Game Developer
Dec 21, 2017
Do people just download games without knowing anything about them? Maybe I'm weird but before I try any game I try to find out if it's something that I would actually be into. The dev said from the beginning that this wouldn't be like other games where girls get crazy about you super fast.
That's the whole premise with the Filius character. Like the latest review by PhoenixRage23.
He admitted that he only played a fraction of it and hence it's not a review of the game.
It is clear he hasn't read the tags (which clearly stated the sexual content) nor the other reviews or the comments.
So, what is he really reviewing if not the game itself? He is reviewing that the game lacks what he himself wants... Like reviewing a horror movie and getting annoyed that it lacks romance.
Going through his post history and it is filled with the same comments and reviews.

But we can't single that guy out only. Pretty much 99% of the negative 'reviewers' of my game is the same thing. Not a review of the game but what they thought the game was going to be (based on nothing but their own mind). There are those that try to act like there is more than that involved but anyone can clearly see that it is in the end about the sexual content.
Only one guy, that I remember, made a low rating based on his dislike for the game based on the actual games story and content. KrystofDayne. So, kudos to him. Even tho I disagree with it (what can I say, I am biased, hehe. ) I respect it.

But that's the main point. Review the damn game on what it IS not what you expected it to be without trying to at least read the damn tags.

Low ratings are fine - as long as it is honest. Idiotic reviews are idiotic.


Agree with what you said. Sometimes you just want to try something completely blind (I do that with many movies). But then they should at least have the decency to not act all confused when it is not like they imagined.


Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2018
That's the whole premise with the Filius character. Like the latest review by PhoenixRage23.
He admitted that he only played a fraction of it and hence it's not a review of the game.
It is clear he hasn't read the tags (which clearly stated the sexual content) nor the other reviews or the comments.
So, what is he really reviewing if not the game itself? He is reviewing that the game lacks what he himself wants... Like reviewing a horror movie and getting annoyed that it lacks romance.
Going through his post history and it is filled with the same comments and reviews.

But we can't single that guy out only. Pretty much 99% of the negative 'reviewers' of my game is the same thing. Not a review of the game but what they thought the game was going to be (based on nothing but their own mind). There are those that try to act like there is more than that involved but anyone can clearly see that it is in the end about the sexual content.
Only one guy, that I remember, made a low rating based on his dislike for the game based on the actual games story and content. KrystofDayne. So, kudos to him. Even tho I disagree with it (what can I say, I am biased, hehe. ) I respect it.

But that's the main point. Review the damn game on what it IS not what you expected it to be without trying to at least read the damn tags.

Low ratings are fine - as long as it is honest. Idiotic reviews are idiotic.


Agree with what you said. Sometimes you just want to try something completely blind (I do that with many movies). But then they should at least have the decency to not act all confused when it is not like they imagined.
It really gets tiring (for me) seeing them repeat their whole "song & dance" time and time again, so I can only imagine how annoying it gets for you. What I generally found that rubs me the wrong way was these people basically state their own bias like it is facts, and treat the others (not just you, but basically majority of DeLuca fans out there) like we don't know better (LOL).

I mean, criticism because something isn't your cup of tea is one thing (being different strokes for different folks and all) , but there's respectful and outright disrespectful way to express it. And from what I've seen, most of those people have just been disrespecful and your Filius character was very funny, yet so accurate way to portray those people.


Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
Agree with what you said. Sometimes you just want to try something completely blind (I do that with many movies). But then they should at least have the decency to not act all confused when it is not like they imagined.
I agree with you. That was the point of "The problem lies in reviewing things with the wrong scale".
I tend to assume that people can discern the tone in which a story is told out of their own desires. But hey, then we have situations like that guy that just could not do with Luna's past and thought that his own feeble mind was reason enough on to say that DeLuca sucks. So maybe I expect too much.

I have meant the creation of a standalone file for the Filius Canis scene more like a joke than anything, but I am thinking it would be worth to do it. Those that need to see the scene most, to understand how they sound, are unlikely to stay that long playing the game.

It really gets tiring (for me) seeing them repeat their whole "song & dance" time and time again
That is the reason why I tend to take a few days off this thread. I love it as I love the game and love debating, but it can become a bit toxic anytime some douche try to teach us how the better version of the game would be. You know, telling us to make the game exactly to THEIR taste but not for them, but for OUR sake. I try to be nice and avoid them, asking myself what would Keanu do? but sometimes I just can't control myself and start answering back, which I know I shouldn't.
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Låt den rätta komma in
Jul 2, 2017
I came to the conclusion among so many fights in so many threads that there are people who don't need to be into a game, doesn't care about, they need a battlefield to be able to argument. Delays, lack content, NTR, whatever are just excuses to dispute with other people. If the game has a lot of followers, so much the better.


The Godfather
Game Developer
Dec 21, 2017
Those that need to see the scene most, to understand how they sound, are unlikely to stay that long playing the game.
I know they will never get to the scene but the scene was just for you guys to get a little chuckle.

I came to the conclusion among so many fights in so many threads that there are people who don't need to be into a game, doesn't care about, they need a battlefield to be able to argument. Delays, lack content, NTR, whatever are just excuses to dispute with other people. If the game has a lot of followers, so much the better.
Pretty much this, yeah. And the basis of the Filus 'inspiration'

What I generally found that rubs me the wrong way was these people basically state their own bias like it is facts, and treat the others (not just you, but basically majority of DeLuca fans out there) like we don't know better (LOL).
This fact I think gets overseen so much. Not only in this game but in so many games out there.


Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2018
5) Yea I liked that one as well. Definitely want to make more Witcher focused renders.
I'd love to see you do more.

This is just how I'd imagine the DeLuca cast, if they were reborn as Witcher characters (though I'm sure you might have different thoughts):

Wilfred as Geralt
Cordia as Yennefer
Isabel as Triss
Gracie as Cerys (or Renfri from Butcher of Blaviken storyline from the books)
Lucan as Crach
Antonio as Lambert
"Serpent" as Cahir (from the books)
Gottardo as Zoltan
Joey as Dandelion

Damn, looking at this list now, compared to Ciri = Luna which are perfectly in sync, sync in some of these are pretty terrible :LOL::ROFLMAO:
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Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
I'd love to see you do more.

This is just how I'd imagine the DeLuca cast, if they were reborn as Witcher characters (though I'm sure you might have different thoughts):

Wilfred as Geralt
Cordia as Yennefer
Isabel as Triss
Gracie as Cerys (or Renfri from Butcher of Blaviken storyline from the books)
Lucan as Crach
Antonio as Lambert
"Serpent" as Cahir (from the books)
Gottardo as Zoltan
Joey as Dandelion

Damn, looking at this list now, compared to Ciri = Luna which are perfectly in sync, sync in some of these are pretty terrible :LOL::ROFLMAO:
Where can I find those renders? I don't use discord at all but now I am intrigued. I have an account and I am the DeLuca channel but just don't use it.


Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2018
Where can I find those renders? I don't use discord at all but now I am intrigued.
Hopes just did the Witcheress Luna one. The above list is just how I'd imagine the other characters to be. Hold on I'll see if I can find the Luna one for ya (that is, if you haven't seen it already).
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Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2018
Darn, I remember saving it before on my laptop, but forgot that I had my hard drive formatted (sorry Ayhsel ) . HopesGaming would you mind sharing that Luna Ciri cosplay pic here (for people who haven't seen it already)?
It seems I can't find it on the discord for some reason.
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Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
Darn, I remember saving it before on my laptop, but forgot that I had my hard drive formatted (sorry Ayhsel ) . HopesGaming would you mind sharing that Luna Ciri cosplay pic here (for people who haven't seen it already)?
It seems I can't find it on the discord for some reason.
Intention very appreciated nonetheless!!
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