
Lexi Head-Writer
Game Developer
May 9, 2020
Well, from a psychological point of view Hopy has a few options he can present to us in the future.

Haremroute: Luna and Gracie have a deep relationship together. It is shown on multiple occasions so far. So if Hope wants to go that way, he can present some kind of Haremroute to us. Grace is a logical based mind. If MC can wrap the idea up into a processable package for her, so that the logical outcome of her thinking ends with a Yes, she wouldn't deny it.
Luna, on the other hand, has deep rooting trust issues.
You solved her reluctance against you in My name is Luna. So now, as she is fullheartedly believing she can trust you, it shouldn't be hard for MC to coax her into a Harem.

Oh and HopesGaming if you have questions for a specialist in the human mind sector, just pn me^^ I'll gladly help.

Now that ones are possible for all Girls so far.
With more or less psychological impact on them and or the family.

I doubt I have to go into detail for Big Bros wifey. The shit will hit the fan if MC goes for her and he finds out. As he is rather impulsive, to top it off xD Kind of depends how he finds out though. Might be doable to let him even shrug him about it under certain circumstances.
Cordia and Wilfred kind of treat the son like a liability. We hear, that he isn't allowed to hagle with the big families, as he is to impulsive etc.
Yes it would hurt to lose him somehow but that's the "best" scenario for the loveroute with his wife.

If MC tells her off now, especially after My Name is Luna Episode...
Let's call it a bad end. Luna will and has to tick. There is no other possibility with her Background.
So kiss your ass goodbye, should you dare to throw Luna away.

She's all about brains. Take a smart route to convince her, that you only wanted to help her open up and ease her social awkwardness and you might get away with it. Depending on how strong her feelings really are on a personal, nonlogical base.

As for the Family, Loosing any of the Girls will be a major blow to the Family.
Cordia is the silent, more or less emotionless type but losing a daughter will affect her deeply.
Revenge is out of question. It will happen.
A possible and interesting dilemma would be if MC caused the death.

So... I'd say, A Gracie-only route needs Luna to either die or accept a triangle love.
Luna only seems the easiest one to me.
Third one... big Drama and tension incoming without some serious button pushing on the son. Or his death.

And let's not forget additional options. The Assassinlady might become romanceable too in the future. Maybe even Cordia.
(And for fucks sake, I demand a cordia route! xD)

Did I forget to mention sth?
Meh... If so... remind me about it.^^
That are my 2 cents to where this all can lead us.

Deleted member 2069402

Isabel's first meeting is three types. Which of these increases the most?


Jul 22, 2017
is there anyway someone could help me with continuing this game? since the update which brought the new content for isabel i havent been able to trigger it. when i look at the journal and look at events, there are some events that are green (completed maybe?) and some that are white (not completed maybe?). when i look at my completed events, i see that all of the events that are in white on the event tab, are indeed completed ( i also remember completing them).

im not sure how to continue forward with the game without just starting all over again. is there anything anyone here can do to help me out? will uploading my save for one of you guys to look at help out any?


Oct 19, 2018
Good god, can't wait for more Luna, she's so precious, damn, i'am just can't stop replaying scenes with her... Also after i get some job, i'am for sure subscribe to Hopes patreon, he deserved it for sure.
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Feb 10, 2019
I just finished this version after a week and a half. Glad I started playing it as the more time I spend with it, the more I am drawn to the story. I love Luna's the most here, and I just hope that MC will be given the option to stick by her now and forever!

I'm a new Deluca family fan!!


Engaged Member
Apr 9, 2018
I doubt I have to go into detail for Big Bros wifey. The shit will hit the fan if MC goes for her and he finds out. As he is rather impulsive, to top it off xD Kind of depends how he finds out though. Might be doable to let him even shrug him about it under certain circumstances.
Cordia and Wilfred kind of treat the son like a liability. We hear, that he isn't allowed to hagle with the big families, as he is to impulsive etc.
Yes it would hurt to lose him somehow but that's the "best" scenario for the loveroute with his wife.
I'm curious what the impact could be if his sexuality is discovered "potential blackmail", still proud of myself calling that from the beginning haha, and I've had a sneaking suspicion that he was responsible for the poisoning. There are definitely ways it could be less hectic, and depending on the details of who the MC actually is he could be untouchable regardless of what happens.


Lexi Head-Writer
Game Developer
May 9, 2020
I'm curious what the impact could be if his sexuality is discovered "potential blackmail", still proud of myself calling that from the beginning haha, and I've had a sneaking suspicion that he was responsible for the poisoning. There are definitely ways it could be less hectic, and depending on the details of who the MC actually is he could be untouchable regardless of what happens.
Well, he has a lot of stress built up, as it is surely a secret which would discredit him if handled poorly.
I'm not really firm with the rules of underworld societies, one would think they know all kinds of depravity and stuff, not batting an eye about this.
Hard to predict how this might play out, or lemme rephrase that, how Hopes will play it out to us.
As for the poisoning... No. I highly doubt it was him.
He would know pretty sharp that MC is a guest of Cordia (Wtf am I always tempted to write Cardio? ugh...) and that it would provoke her wrath, if her guest dies while being in her hospitality.
Additionally, if this news got out, it would weaken her standing and that of the whole DeLuca Family, as it would signal to the other families, that they can't even guard a simple guest.
Might even be understood as an invitation in trying to take the whole Family down.

So that theory is a no in my eyes.
But, as the events are spun, it can be possible, that he instigated it over the servant. Imo he shot the poor dude a little too fast. Even against Cordias wishes. So I can understand where you are coming from with this idea.

Hm... now that I think about it from that angle.
Maybe he tried to use MC to instigate a war by blaming a certain family for the attempted assassination?
But so far he doesn't really come over as the strategic, thinking type. Totally would have believed it, if we were talking about Gracie.

Although in another note... This would mean using a Familymember, as the Girls clearly stated in the shootout scene, like a disposable asset. I wonder isn't this against Familyrules yet again?
Of course, wrong the family over a certain line and that's it. But MC just arrived. And it wasn't only one but two attempts to kill him right from the start. The malfunctioning brakes as try 1 and the poison as the second one.

To wrap this up and come back to your wondering:
It depends, how it would reach the limelight i'd say. It gets leaked or used as blackmail?
It will hurt the family in a very bad way. Especially if used for blackmail.
Might even force Cordia to rid the family of her own son, if it takes a toll too heavy on the business. Depending on who does the blackmailing.

The easier way would be to just let him come out with it on defined grounds. Thus making it public by themselves, playing it cool and accepting.
Yes, it will impact his standing and the respect he gets at first, but that can be fixed with demonstrating power and claiming the lost respect back.

The best course would be to hide it forever, in theory, but in praxis, that's utterly impossible. It will always come to light somehow. So if he is smart he won't try that for too long.

And yeah. Curious to see, how this branch will develop.
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Engaged Member
Apr 9, 2018
Tarkash Beyond the drama he's a loose cannon, not fit for leadership. I could see him being killed off which would probably make the transition smoother for the Isabel route, and yeah being exiled would likely have the same effect.

I totally agree about Cordia too, she needs more involvement asap!

loreyczr Story 7 when you find the picture but there's not a Cordia "path" at this point.


I will impreggy your mommy
May 21, 2019
Holy fucking shit man, this game made my head cry and I'm not talking about my dick. Luna's past is just, goddamn. I thought it was just gonna be mostly "heavy gore" which I don't mind in the slightest for some reason, and also some child abuse. But there was no gore in it? There's just some blood and that's it. Instead it was 99% child abuse which was fucking sickening. And the name of the dev is hope wtf? I don't even give a shit about sex scenes anymore fuck that, I just wanna see every single person involved in that skinned alive.


May 2, 2020
We are forgetting one very important character when it comes to the attempts to kill MC. This character has the experience, resources, craftiness and opportunity to pull off all three of them. That of course is Wilfred. Up until this update I was suspect of his motivation and loyalty but see that changing from a direct threat to the the MC to an implied or indirect one. I think he is very protective of Luna and Gracie though. He could easily have tampered with the brakes since no one else was there to see it, He could have a servant in his back pocket for the poisoning and he could have used his connections to arrange the assassination attempt.

Deleted member 2069402

I can look at the game guide to increase or decrease your morality. However, it seems that morality grows with bad words and actions. Isn't it right to be the opposite? Or is the guide wrong?
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Feb 20, 2020
You can look at the game guide to increase or decrease your morality. However, it seems that morality grows with bad words and actions. Isn't it right to be the opposite? Or is the guide wrong?
No, the guide is not wrong. MC is part of the mafia Family so I guess is how the morality system works
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