As much as I love Gracie, I think you guys are overestimating her a little bit, yes, she is a potential danger, but she lacks in d&d terms wisdom while having lots of int, my stats for her would be something like 22 int, 18 dex, 08 charisma, 9 wisdom, and 10 strength, she is exceptional at some things, but subpar in others, Cordia probably is a 18 in everything, which makes her more dangerous, and mc, well he is hard to figure out I would say 12 int, 16 dex, 14 strength, 12 wisdom, 14 charisma, or something like that, in pure intellect, sure, he is outclassed, but overall he has more potential.
Sorry, nerded out quite a bit there, but this was the best way for me to explain how I see things.
Also, as i said, she knows she is the smartest person in the room, so she does let her guard down quite a lot, due to being quite cocky