Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2018
I am pretty positive I won't. However, some people will start complaining from roughly the second mouseclick between two scenes that a game is "too grindy". Any game that is even remotely sandboxy will be called that, if it isn't, you're probably looking at a kinetic novel without a story.
I won't either. In fact, I'm welcoming the new gameplay (with Contracts and others), and don't really mind the grind (even if it does exist).

It's gonna be really ironic if those people who complain saying it's too grindy are the same ones who complained before that "Contracts are boring." or "Contract gameplay needs to change." etc (I wasn't one of them, but I do remember reading one or two saying something along those lines before lol).

I don't know about others, but when the next update gets released, I'm just gonna play the game through as if it's my first time, and not use Control skip to skip over the previous events quickly. Will the temptation be there (to quickly skip to get to the update content)? Sure, I won't deny that (otherwise I'd be lying to myself).
But I feel that's the best way to enjoy this game, at least for me (even though some of these events I did view them more than once through gallery).

Master of Puppets

Conversation Conqueror
Oct 5, 2017
Grindy? the game has cheats ingame, I doubt anyone complain about the grindy part xdd my only complain is the wait for each update but because for me is one of the best, if not the best plot in this site by far and I must to say, italian mafias is one of my fetishes (il padrinoooo <3333 ! )
"There are cheats you can use to skip the grind" does not excuse a game from having grind.


Devoted Member
Dec 1, 2019
I don't know about others, but when the next update gets released, I'm just gonna play the game through as if it's my first time, and not use Control skip to skip over the previous events quickly. Will the temptation be there (to quickly skip to get to the update content)? Sure, I won't deny that (otherwise I'd be lying to myself).
But I feel that's the best way to enjoy this game, at least for me (even though some of these events I did view them more than once through gallery).
For me it usually depends on when my last start was. With DeLuca it certainly has been long enough to warrant a new introduction.

Also, many stories (be they movies or books, and the same can of course happen here) need a second run with the knowledge of what will happen later to check out foreshadowing which flew right over your head the first time, and other scenes which are now in a completely different light anyway.

"There are cheats you can use to skip the grind" does not excuse a game from having grind.
Though I do think personally that a well measured amount of grind in a game is like a well measured amount of spice in your food and does not need any excuse at all.

Master of Puppets

Conversation Conqueror
Oct 5, 2017
I think the people complaining about the grind in this game should have to play foot of the mountains.
We're talking about the possibility of the game becoming grindy when the gameplay update comes out, not how much there is now. It's always a worry that when a dev decides to add 'more gameplay' that that actually means 'more grind', definitely hope that isn't going to be the case here.


The Godfather
Game Developer
Dec 21, 2017
Wow, I haven't played this in over a year and there's still no sex?
So? I remember seing your name clicking like on many of the negative reviews, which is fine and no problem wih that. But that shows you don't like the game. So, why would you care if a game you don't like will have sex or not?
Even if the game get's sex scene it will still focus on the story part and still be like it is.
So, without sounding offensive - this place ain't for ya.
Go to a game thread that is more for your style.

Well theres like 1-2 updates a year what did you expect :D and even when theres an update we get like 2-3 new scenes tops and thats it
Meh. Whenever I see your name I instantly know you going to complain. (Search this guys name and you see literally all this guys post here are complaining.)

I'm not going to bother with you. My game is out when is out and only one text and one image. Deal with it or bye bye.


The Godfather
Game Developer
Dec 21, 2017
We're talking about the possibility of the game becoming grindy when the gameplay update comes out, not how much there is now. It's always a worry that when a dev decides to add 'more gameplay' that that actually means 'more grind', definitely hope that isn't going to be the case here.
I agree with you that it can be the case. That is a very big thing that can happen in games that go on this path.
But I can promise that the new gameplay won't have such problems. :)
The reason for that is that the cost to advance the story/quest will always be low. As your increase in rank and missions your money gain increases. But buying items for the girls won't.
Secondly, there will be an option to turn off the gameplay.

There have been many who streamed the game and I've learned that
not everyone is a gamer. Some people are older while others simply enjoy adult games but never really played any games besides that. So they lack common gamer sense and even what seems mundane will be hard for them.
Gameplay is fun when you are alone and have time. Gameplay stuff may not be that fun if you are a streamer that has viewers.

That's why the new gameplay can be turned off.


The Godfather
Game Developer
Dec 21, 2017
Im giving fair criticism tho... In the beginning the updates were more frequent,better and longer. Now its 4+ month wait for a new update that doesent offer much enjoyment. Personally i think this is the game with the biggest potential on here. But me and others are seemingly getting quite fed up with the lack of development. I pulled my patreon subscription to it a while back because it just didnt seem worth it. And its always the same... Heres some images i made of luna to shut you up in the meantime and never an eta on when the update is coming. I dont think you yourself are that kind of person but lots of people might soon see it as you being one of those shitty devs that just milk people for money.
The updates weren't long at the start. They were shorter and they were shorter because I released fast.
An update like Luna's background story couldn't be done in one month's time.

Now about the time. Here is a snippet from my main Patreon page;
Q. How long does an update take?
Sadly, it is an impossible thing to give an estimation on. This is my hobby and real-life can tend to take priority when needed. Under 3-4 months is what would be realistic. 3 is the goal.
But I have had updates taken a lot more. That I want to improve, but alas, it can tend to happen. Hopefully, in the future I am in a comfortable enough spot to go full time on this project! But for now- there is no guarantee for monthly or even bi-monthly releases.
Again, this is the front page. Not hidden anywhere. This is the place patrons see before they pledge.

I have never been dishonest with the way I do things. If it takes longer I tell everyone that it takes longer. Patrons can decide to unpledge or not. What is important is that I tell it as it is.

But your problem is different.
"new update that doesn't offer much enjoyment."
This has nothing to do with time or anything else. You're just not happy with the content which is fine. But don't go around saying it's because this and that then.

Of course, I am planning to improve the time for a release because as a dev I want to give it out as fast as possible. I also don't like the current time between updates. But this update is a gameplay add and change which complete changes framework and requires a new save game.
I am not going to rush this out. This one will take the time it needs as it is a really essential part.

Now, you can choose to accept that or not.
That is totally up to you.
Either way is fine and I respect your decision. What I don't respect is constant attacks when I have been transparent about it all.
Again, I am not deceiving anyone by giving false pretenses, I tell it straight up that it can take 3-4 months, and always communicate in the forums and answer questions.


Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2018
Some more questions for HopesGaming (gosh, realizing if I compile every single Q by me and A by you man, it might be enough to be compiled into a book by now:LOL::ROFLMAO:. You know I have a hugely curious mind, but still I just want to let you know before I jump into the questions that I always appreciate your candor in response to them).

1) You've said in your previous answer to my Q that there will be instances where Serpents' overall impression (blue hearts) of MC may increase or decrease.
This has me wondering, will their impressions/blue hearts always increase or decrease in unison? I'm asking since Gottardo's line "Some other Serpents and higher ups had their doubts, but not me!", feels like there was disagreement(or difference in opinions at least) between Serpents regarding their initial thoughts/impressions on the MC (prior to beach prison event).

Perhaps it's just me, but I reckon it might be a bit interesting after MC eventually meets all the Serpents, that while in some situations the MC's choice may increase (or decrease) all their impressions (i.e. blue hearts) in unison, in some other situations MC's choice/actions may increase one (or more) of the Serpents' impression (for e.g. "Serpent" or any one of the serpents), but is met with disapproval from the rest of the Serpents (by either no change in blue heart, or even losing a blue heart depending on each serpent's specific personality) to show their sometimes differing reactions to what MC does.

2) Are there any future plans for MC's bathroom for any possible events, even if it's not necessarily for sex (e.g. MC and any of the girls fooling around in the bathroom, which may or may not necessarily lead to some naughty lewd scenes. Perhaps MC even gets back at the she-devils in the bathroom for them throwing him into the dirty water in Isabel's event? :LOL:)?
Or is Cordia's "Don't peek" instruction an obstacle for something like that to happen?

3) Wilfred's life is shrouded in secrecy, but what is one thing about him which is 100% true, but he hates to admit (that fact) to anyone (whether it's a weakness he has [if he even has any], or a habit, hobby, age, guilty pleasure food, or something else?)?

4) So far, only Consiglieres we've seen are Wilfred (DeLucas) & Rutillo (from Fazios. Though I'm not sure whether it was specified he was a Consigliere, the way he speaks and interacts with Wilfred gives me the feeling he's a Consigliere). Will we see more of them as we get introduced to the other Families (rest of the Big 5 and other crime Familes, e.g. Kaskar Family etc)?

5) Gracie says to Luna in "My name is Luna" event that "Uncle's team has been scouting him (MC) since he could barely walk."

Seems to indicate that there's a human resources/scouting team for DeLucas (under Wilfred) for search and scouting talents. Do all the rest of the big 5 and even smaller families have this similar recruiting systems (although perhaps smaller families have a bit less sophisticated recruiting system compared to DeLucas and rest of Big 5?)?

6) In "The Punishment" Beach Prison event, while talking with Luna, and Trino (at DeLuca estate), Gracie says to MC: "I wonder what face you make when you cry."

For Gracie, it was a harmless question out of curiosity plus due to her lack of social relationship skills (and MC dismisses her saying "Stop wondering about weird stuff"), but will there come a time when the girls see MC genuinely feeling down, sad, depressed, vulnerable, or even cry (compared to his normal cheery or grumpy self)?

We saw a possible glimmer of that in "Mother?" event (with Cordia comforting MC with a kiss in her office after he gets a bit sad/conflicted after re-confirming Rina really is his mom), so I do wonder whether that particular range of emotions (sadness?) for MC will get explored more in the future.
Last edited:
Dec 27, 2018
Im giving fair criticism tho... In the beginning the updates were more frequent,better and longer. Now its 4+ month wait for a new update that doesent offer much enjoyment. Personally i think this is the game with the biggest potential on here. But me and others are seemingly getting quite fed up with the lack of development. I pulled my patreon subscription to it a while back because it just didnt seem worth it. And its always the same... Heres some images i made of luna to shut you up in the meantime and never an eta on when the update is coming. I dont think you yourself are that kind of person but lots of people might soon see it as you being one of those shitty devs that just milk people for money.
Wow you sound like an entitled ass. Hopes does good work. If you want a game made your way, make one yourself. It's not Hopes job to pander to you, it's his job to work and create his vision, at his pace. Now if you don't want to support that, fine. Nobody is forcing you to do so. But I think (and this applies to a great many developers who get shit on this site for "not providing an ETA") that telling people "the game will be out in X weeks" is developer suicide. If shit goes wrong, people are just going to bitch, complain and bully developers who, I can guarantee, are probably as gutted as you are to not be putting their work out there. You don't get that this isn't a quick fap for them, it's a passion. If someone shit all over you when you're putting yourself out there in a creative sense, you'd feel awful about it and would very likely wonder why you even bother. You're not offering fair criticism at all. You're tarring honest, transparent developers who are being upfront about their development process with the same brush as those developers who do take advantage of people.

So I fully support Hopes' attitude of "it'll be done when it's done" because at least he's being honest about it. If I was in a financial position to do so, I'd happily support him and many other developers on here. Since I don't have the money to do that, I'll just have to support them against people like you.


Jun 2, 2020
A little handjob from mafia mama is all we ask for. A good story is welcomed but don't think that's what we are here for.


Låt den rätta komma in
Jul 2, 2017
I have a problem with the fact that people give him a 1000$+ a month and having to wait for up to 4 months to get an update that contains only a couple new scenes. Fuck if i could do as little as that and get 1000$+ a month for doing pretty much fuck all i would be insanely happy...
So basically your problem is that you are envious. I got it.


Devoted Member
Dec 1, 2019
A little handjob from mafia mama is all we ask for. A good story is welcomed but don't think that's what we are here for.
Well, I for one like a good story and will trade it for a handjob. I guess the other options with Cordia are still valid?

I dont have a problem with not getting an ETA that much. I have a problem with the fact that people give him a 1000$+ a month and having to wait for up to 4 months to get an update that contains only a couple new scenes. Fuck if i could do as little as that and get 1000$+ a month for doing pretty much fuck all i would be insanely happy...
Generally judging the output of any creative effort by numbers (new renders, hours of gameplay, number of songs composed, square feet of paintings painted) will always have to fail, because anybody could be a writer writing a couple of novels a year. The trick is to write them so that somebody would actually care to read them and pay for that. So "quality" (which can't be objectively measured here) is a huge aspect.
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