Wow you sound like an entitled ass. Hopes does good work. If you want a game made your way, make one yourself. It's not Hopes job to pander to you, it's his job to work and create his vision, at his pace. Now if you don't want to support that, fine. Nobody is forcing you to do so. But I think (and this applies to a great many developers who get shit on this site for "not providing an ETA") that telling people "the game will be out in X weeks" is developer suicide. If shit goes wrong, people are just going to bitch, complain and bully developers who, I can guarantee, are probably as gutted as you are to not be putting their work out there. You don't get that this isn't a quick fap for them, it's a passion. If someone shit all over you when you're putting yourself out there in a creative sense, you'd feel awful about it and would very likely wonder why you even bother. You're not offering fair criticism at all. You're tarring honest, transparent developers who are being upfront about their development process with the same brush as those developers who do take advantage of people.Im giving fair criticism tho... In the beginning the updates were more frequent,better and longer. Now its 4+ month wait for a new update that doesent offer much enjoyment. Personally i think this is the game with the biggest potential on here. But me and others are seemingly getting quite fed up with the lack of development. I pulled my patreon subscription to it a while back because it just didnt seem worth it. And its always the same... Heres some images i made of luna to shut you up in the meantime and never an eta on when the update is coming. I dont think you yourself are that kind of person but lots of people might soon see it as you being one of those shitty devs that just milk people for money.
So basically your problem is that you are envious. I got it.I have a problem with the fact that people give him a 1000$+ a month and having to wait for up to 4 months to get an update that contains only a couple new scenes. Fuck if i could do as little as that and get 1000$+ a month for doing pretty much fuck all i would be insanely happy...
Well, I for one like a good story and will trade it for a handjob. I guess the other options with Cordia are still valid?A little handjob from mafia mama is all we ask for. A good story is welcomed but don't think that's what we are here for.
Generally judging the output of any creative effort by numbers (new renders, hours of gameplay, number of songs composed, square feet of paintings painted) will always have to fail, because anybody could be a writer writing a couple of novels a year. The trick is to write them so that somebody would actually care to read them and pay for that. So "quality" (which can't be objectively measured here) is a huge aspect.I dont have a problem with not getting an ETA that much. I have a problem with the fact that people give him a 1000$+ a month and having to wait for up to 4 months to get an update that contains only a couple new scenes. Fuck if i could do as little as that and get 1000$+ a month for doing pretty much fuck all i would be insanely happy...
I dont have a problem with not getting an ETA that much. I have a problem with the fact that people give him a 1000$+ a month and having to wait for up to 4 months to get an update that contains only a couple new scenes. Fuck if i could do as little as that and get 1000$+ a month for doing pretty much fuck all i would be insanely happy... Oh and ofc someone is gonna pop in and say: Hes doing it all by himself.... So do many other devs who take up to 3-4 months to release a new update. but their updates contain a lot of new content. As i said many times before... This game has the same potential as some of the biggest adult games on here(Being a DIK,All of Mr Dots games,Where the heart is etc...) but i doubt it will ever get there due to such slow development. Some of those games are much younger than the Deluca Family and have loads more content... Slowly beginning to sound like patreon milking...
You keep on saying other games have "loads more content", so I'm just gonna say what you wish to say (but aren't saying explicitly till now), by content you mean sex (full-on sex).Isnt everyone? The only difference is that i would actually give a fuck about the people that pay me 1000$+ and give them a reason to keep up their subscription by giving them something in return. Instead of just making them believe that they just might get something in the future not just breadcrumbs to show that ur still "working" on the game
Tired of this whole song and dance to be honest (to the point I lost count of how many times people talk shit about the game with no validity whatsoever lol).Well it seems that the Thread is shit again ... Have some People really nothing better to do![]()
1.Some more questions for HopesGaming (gosh, realizing if I compile every single Q by me and A by you man, it might be enough to be compiled into a book by now. You know I have a hugely curious mind, but still I just want to let you know before I jump into the questions that I always appreciate your candor in response to them).
1) You've said in your previous answer to my Q that there will be instances where Serpents' overall impression (blue hearts) of MC may increase or decrease.
This has me wondering, will their impressions/blue hearts always increase or decrease in unison? I'm asking since Gottardo's line "Some other Serpents and higher ups had their doubts, but not me!", feels like there was disagreement(or difference in opinions at least) between Serpents regarding their initial thoughts/impressions on the MC (prior to beach prison event).
Perhaps it's just me, but I reckon it might be a bit interesting after MC eventually meets all the Serpents, that while in some situations the MC's choice may increase (or decrease) all their impressions (i.e. blue hearts) in unison, in some other situations MC's choice/actions may increase one (or more) of the Serpents' impression (for e.g. "Serpent" or any one of the serpents), but is met with disapproval from the rest of the Serpents (by either no change in blue heart, or even losing a blue heart depending on each serpent's specific personality) to show their sometimes differing reactions to what MC does.
2) Are there any future plans for MC's bathroom for any possible events, even if it's not necessarily for sex (e.g. MC and any of the girls fooling around in the bathroom, which may or may not necessarily lead to some naughty lewd scenes. Perhaps MC even gets back at the she-devils in the bathroom for them throwing him into the dirty water in Isabel's event?)?
Or is Cordia's "Don't peek" instruction an obstacle for something like that to happen?
3) Wilfred's life is shrouded in secrecy, but what is one thing about him which is 100% true, but he hates to admit (that fact) to anyone (whether it's a weakness he has [if he even has any], or a habit, hobby, age, guilty pleasure food, or something else?)?
4) So far, only Consiglieres we've seen are Wilfred (DeLucas) & Rutillo (from Fazios. Though I'm not sure whether it was specified he was a Consigliere, the way he speaks and interacts with Wilfred gives me the feeling he's a Consigliere). Will we see more of them as we get introduced to the other Families (rest of the Big 5 and other crime Familes, e.g. Kaskar Family etc)?
5) Gracie says to Luna in "My name is Luna" event that "Uncle's team has been scouting him (MC) since he could barely walk."
Seems to indicate that there's a human resources/scouting team for DeLucas (under Wilfred) for search and scouting talents. Do all the rest of the big 5 and even smaller families have this similar recruiting systems (although perhaps smaller families have a bit less sophisticated recruiting system compared to DeLucas and rest of Big 5?)?
6) In "The Punishment" Beach Prison event, while talking with Luna, and Trino (at DeLuca estate), Gracie says to MC: "I wonder what face you make when you cry."
For Gracie, it was a harmless question out of curiosity plus due to her lack of social relationship skills (and MC dismisses her saying "Stop wondering about weird stuff"), but will there come a time when the girls see MC genuinely feeling down, sad, depressed, vulnerable, or even cry (compared to his normal cheery or grumpy self)?
We saw a possible glimmer of that in "Mother?" event (with Cordia comforting MC with a kiss in her office after he gets a bit sad/conflicted after re-confirming Rina really is his mom), so I do wonder whether that particular range of emotions (sadness?) for MC will get explored more in the future.
I did see your last post but I sadly cannot say anything regarding stuff like that as it is more theory stuffI still want to know if there is a connection between "Mustache" and "Uncle Mustache."
It's the internet. I'm surprised there isn't much, much more trolling on this site.Well it seems that the Thread is shit again ... Have some People really nothing better to do![]()
I know it, but Wilfred has asked me to not tell anyone otherwise he would be very sad (for me).Theirs alot of random back and forth Icba to rifle through... update release date news?