Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2018
Hmmm, so it's the first time Ombra Family's symbol has been revealed. What does it look like to everyone? I thought at first it looked like a Chameleon, but looking at it closeup, now I'm not sure. :unsure:

The symbol on their shirt:


Image enhanced:


The gif on the post (Amata action scene) doesn't seem to be working properly, so I've copied the link below:


Joey the mangaka

Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2018
Hmmm, so it's the first time Ombra Family's symbol has been revealed. What does it look like to everyone? I thought at first it looked like a Chameleon, but looking at it closeup, now I'm not sure. :unsure:

The symbol on their shirt:

View attachment 915545

Image enhanced:

View attachment 915546

The gif on the post (Amata action scene) doesn't seem to be working properly, so I've copied the link below:



Aug 30, 2020
View attachment 915483

Hey DeLucas

Sorry for the long silence. Planned to finish this event and work on the other so I could show some more interesting previews instead of action and story renders. But seems like it going to be a bit yet.

Not a lot to be said. Busy life, busy work. But everything good, I'm happy and I still love working on the game. Looking forward to getting this out!

Amata action sequence -
This little gif I already shared at the discord and is not the finished product. All the shake are for fun and haven't been done post work. So expect the scene to be different in the game. These are my favorite actions scenes so far.

Also, I just got the 3090 so this will spicy up the stuff a bit! Hopefully this can take my animations skills up a bit!

I plan to have the update ready before 2021 hits. I don't celebrate Christmas so I got a lot of time ha!

Future plans is for the game to hit steam. That has always been a dream of mine to have my own steam game! But that will be a matter for after this release and will probably talk with some of my friends on the hows.

That is it for me! Will soon make another post with some previews. I feel like we need some more naughty-naughty render previews!

Take care all

Will the MC finally be able to put his peepee in a girl?


Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2018
Will the MC finally be able to put his peepee in a girl?
With the situations where MC meets possible girls in his contracts (which are getting revamped) from Wilfred, perhaps (because Contracts are independent from the main story for most part), though I could be wrong.

But with the main girls (Luna, Gracie, Cordia, Isabel)? I think you'll be in for disappointment if you're expecting it.
Like Gracie said "The DeLuca girls are not easy", & MC needs to earn their love.

Lord Verminaard

Active Member
Mar 14, 2018
With the situations where MC meets possible girls in his contracts (which are getting revamped) from Wilfred, perhaps (because Contracts are independent from the main story for most part), though I could be wrong.

But with the main girls (Luna, Gracie, Cordia, Isabel)? I think you'll be in for disappointment if you're expecting it.
Like Gracie said "The DeLuca girls are not easy", & MC needs to earn their love.

Yeah they are far from easy =D To be honest, we are even lucky to feel Cordias kiss so early =D
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Oct 16, 2017
Hi Hopes, Thanks for posting the latest news on here, just a quick question and if its been asked and answered then apologies, but I know this particular update has required an awful lot of backend work that has taken alot of extra time to complete but now that project and other quality of life improvements you've made over the last couple of years are nearly done do you think this will allow you to get closer to the estimated update timeframes detailed on Patreon? Basically allow you to focus on only the story, events and art for each update, or are there other QOL things to come.

I understand this isn't full time for you yet so timeframes have unfortunately being longer so far


New Member
Sep 17, 2020
I just started not too long ago but I can't find out what the xp points are for (If I'm going to find out through the game later I apologize for making this post lol)


Apr 1, 2019
nice game, but i can't help to think of the old saying...
"less talk, more action please":ROFLMAO:
overall worth it, other then a bit grind heavy for no real reward.


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2017
All the shake are for fun and haven't been done post work.
For fun he says, while I'm going green at the gills with motion sickness over here. :sick:

Shaky cam can go to hell, where it belongs! For shame Hopes, for shame...


Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2018
Hey HopesGaming, I hope you've been well. It's great to see that you're busy, happy, and your fire of passion towards this game is burning bright as ever.

Here's couple of questions about the game that I wish to ask you:

1) We've had some really dark moments in the game in the past (particularly "My name is Luna" event), but will it ever get into the gruesome territory (with MC learning how things are done in the mafia world) ? Or would that be going too overboard?

An example of such would be how the Family deals with its traitors.
We're told of "The Woods", place where people are sent to be taken care of (for their last moments). But how does the Family dispose of the bodies?
Bury them? Burn them? Or some other method we don't know? Will we (through MC's POV) find out?

2) Since Cordia is the Donna (female equivalant of Don), with so many who fights on her behalf (Serpents, Wilfred's Division, Capos, Elite Soldados, Soldados), it feels like it's currently very difficult to picture her in a situation where she chooses (or is forced) to fight on her own (without anyone else's assisstance).

But will there ever come a time where Cordia herself would need to grab a weapon and actually fight (actually, this question would apply to not just Cordia, but all Dons in the DeLuca universe in general)?

3) Growing up, did Luna receive training from all 4 of the Serpents?

While she does state that Cynthia is her teacher (in the beach prison event), she also states that the jump kick we see her use every now and then, she learned it from Gottardo.
If she learned from each of the Serpents, I am kinda curious what each of them taught her (i.e. specific area of expertise, such as "Serpent" perhaps teaching her shooting with firearms & also how to use "stealth", but in Luna's case, perhaps the stealth lesson never stuck with her due to her personality?).

4) So far, we've seen Gracie using her smarts in a lot of situations, but I was wondering will there ever come a time when she receives some combat training (perhaps some funsies in naughty situations with the MC while grappling/wrestling? Actually, I can see this applying with both DeLuca girls as well as Eiza :LOL::ROFLMAO::LOL: )?

5) With Isabel, as the story goes on, will we see her take on more roles/responsibilities other than just "wife of Antonio" or "sister-in-law to Luna & Gracie", i.e. perhaps dip her hands into the Family Business?

6) In the Beach Prison event, each member of the Wilfred's division have a flower (don't really know the flowers really well, perhaps carnation? hmmm) pinned to their suit. Is there a reason (some lore/backstory) behind that?

7) The Capo Caterina almost always seems to have her skates on, so this is a hypothetical question:
what happens if her skates somehow gets taken away from her (and she's forced to fight without them)? Is she still just as efficient killer without them, or would her efficiency drop (such as an example of an expert swordsman having his sword taken away, & is forced to fight in hand to hand combat & struggles due to not used to fighting without the sword)?

8) The characters that Giacobbe mentions in his meeting with Cordia (during the Straffan arc): Marco, Erardo. Lino, Maggiorino, will we see them when we delve further into Cordia's past through flashbacks (where we delve into how she is connected to MC's family and all), or are they there solely for mention (to give a bit of relatability to Giacobbe)?
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Sep 14, 2018
1) We've had some really dark moments in the game in the past (particularly "My name is Luna" event), but will it ever get into the gruesome territory? Or would that be going too overboard?
The torture scene with Pops wasn't gruesome enough for you ? 'Cause honestly just gore for the sake of gore would lose its impact in my opinion, then again a good ol' torture scene with the MC showing his dedication to the Delucas would be cool
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Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2018
The torture scene with Pops wasn't gruesome enough for you ? 'Cause honestly just gore for the sake of gore would lose its impact in my opinion, then again a good ol' torture scene with the MC showing his dedication to the Delucas would be cool
lol, it's not like I have a gore fetish (if that's what you're wondering). I'm thinking about it purely in terms of narrative (since MC will be learning more and more about how everything is done in the Family as he rises in ranks).

For example, perhaps some of these Crime Families (not necessarily DeLuca, though they could also) use methods such as acid to dissolve the bodies in order to not leave any evidence which can result in burying the bodies (Which can be dug up), or burning (which can alert authorities with the whole smoke and everything).

In the above example, it doesn't necessarily need to actually show the acid dissolving the bodies for it to be gruesome. They can just show a soldier just pouring the acid, without showing the effects on the body itself.
Or they can just say that's what that's how they do without actually showing it (something like how the girls had to kill the dog in the My name is Luna flashback. We don't actually see it being done, but are told it was done through narration).

It doesn't always necessarily require specific visuals for something to be gruesome. Same (or very similar) effect can be achieved without showing specifics, but through other means & explanations.
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