Well, she blames herself for losing their unborn and I do recall her saying that they've become a bit distant since then, or maybe she feels like he doesn't blame her enough or something, I really can't recall. But she doesn't strike me as a woman who is happy nor in a happy marriage. If she was, why would she have the urge to kiss MC, and quite passionately too, if everything was alright in her marriage? She doesn't strike me as an impulsive person that just acts on whatever desire she might have at any given moment out of the blue, even if she does have a little bit of alcohol in her system

No, I think she feels her marriage is failing, think she's not getting what she needs from Antonio anymore and then there is MC who is being the opposite
If I felt like she's really in a happy marriage, well, I'm not a home-breaker, but I've got my eyes on her and do believe she's unhappy, and not only because of the loss of the unborn.