Yes, Floaty was away for a short time. He had big plans and went to Holywood. It was a rough time, also for me as his spokesman, and after, what feels like the second or third dead horse head in a bed, we can now confirm that we closed a deal.
Be happy to see soon* the first official Floaty film, where you can see him in his best form (in 16k, 3D and THX) doing what he can do the best: Floaty floating on any or none surface.
Prepare for at least 3.5 h of floating with astonishing backgrounds and audio commentary from all the Delucas core familiy members (including Wilfred of course), as well as the Serpent and even including Gottardos flail. It is said that some cameos are planned. One with Joey is plann
ed, but unsure if this wouldn't be forgotten when the shooting begin. (For some reasons one point in the contract was that all staff must wear bullet proof vest and for some unknown reason this point was not negotiable).
Some handshaking events with Floaty is already in planning too.**
It borthers him a bit that after his return this thread is focus on some black knight who fights against the mob instead of eg. does Gottardo take his flail with him even on plane and if yes, how does he come through security.
He thinks he need one of the better bottles of Wilfred private reserves to cheer him up after this.
Ayhsel: I'm not waterproof. So my bits and bytes, screws and nuts would corrode, therefore no need for a speedos here.
*soon is not defined.
**Flaoty can't shake hands, thus it he will be giving hugs***.
***Flaoty can't give hugs, thus it he will press tenderly on you.****
****In accepting Floatys hand shake/hug/pressing tenderly on you, you accept that all the possible outcome like broken bones, squishy mass of flesh or the like are not Floaty responsibility and thus any charge against him or his team are void.