Ohh also I did want to suggest:
Do the ladies quests first as the points can help on the missions.
Isabel needs Gracie to go past a certain step and they all need main story III to go to step 2
So do the side mission of The Contract for some cash
do some missions and Main Story to get III completed
Then do all Gracie
Then do all Isabel
Then do all Luna
I felt it was nice to see the story for each girl all at once like this but it is just my suggestion.
What I did was first start off with doing some of the Contracts first to build up some money. Then use that money to pay off some essentials for the girls early events first.
Each of the girls need quite a bit of money to be invested in (for Luna, pants with holes for Gracie, for Gracie, MC's clothes for dancing sessions, for Isabel, at least 2 times to buy her wine, and not to mention there's added cost of the camera/recorder).
With a little bit of grind, and equipment rewards gained from Contracts, by the time Beach Prison event is reached, the player's MC will gain extra money from the event itself as well as the Promotion.
This makes it easier to redo the Contracts and ace them to succeed in the parts where the player may have failed before.
Then having already completed all the girls events which their prerequisites are beach prison event, I finished off the rest of them in following order:
- all Gracie's & Luna's free-roam (except my name is Luna event)
- all Isabel's free-roam (most of Isabel's events requires the player to finish off Gracie's events beforehand)
Then I went on to play more main story & main events until I finished "The Kaskar Family" & "I will protect you", in which after wards I finished Luna's "My name is Luna" event.
After that, finished off all the main story, as well as some old main events (like "Portend")
When that was done, only events that were left were "What is Weak is actually strong" & "Unofficial boss" main events, i.e. the new content, and all done.
Playing it this way I think was an enjoyable experience, though I think everybody will play it differently depending on their preferences.