Not sure when we'll get to see Charvi (Kaskar, Jalen's sister) in the story, but considering she's been referred to as "party girl" by Pops and Jalen, my possible thought on her debut scene:
MC texts (come to think of it, MC doesn't have a phone yet heh Oh well.... I'm just assuming he has one now) Charvi, says it's been a while and asks if she wants to meet.
Charvi replies back saying yes, and texts back the address. It's one of the night clubs in Lucania.
MC readies to leave, but is spotted by Luna, Gracie, and Eiza. They decide to accompany him to the meet.
When they arrive, the club is packed full of vibrant people, dancing wildly.
MC: (thinks to himself) "There sure is a lot of people here. It's gonna take time to find Charvi amongst all these people."
Luna: So Charvi, Jalen's sister said she'd be here?
MC: That's what she said.
Gracie: (in her intellect speaking mode) Charvi Kaskar. Younger sister of Jalen Kaskar by 1 year. Known to be a very rebellious one from young age, and more often than not caused the ire of the father, Pervez 'Pops' Kaskar. However, despite that, there are many suitors vying for her hand in marriage."
Luna: Gracie, not now....
Eiza: (whispers to MC) Boss, this place is too crowded and confined. This isn't the ideal location for me to protect you.
MC: It's okay Eiza. Surely Charvi picked this place because it's safe. Also, I have both you and Luna here to protect me if something does happen.
Eiza: Yes Boss.
In the corner of his eyes, MC spot someone familiar couple of meters away. She's dancing in a very sensual way.
MC: (thinks to himself) "Whoa...... she has changed so much since the last time I saw her."
He walks towards her.
Luna: Hope, have you found? Hey, Gracie, Eiza, he found her, let's go!
Charvi, dancing, spots the MC heading her way. She smiles, yet does not stop dancing, beckons him to her.
(following image is for visual reference only. Wanted to initially upload a gif of the same character, a little bit of dance, and beckoning, but it seems the site doesn't like that gif. Won't let me upload it lol)
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