
Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2020
This last conversation is making me worry, I'm making my darndest to not hurt any of the girls, and am pretty sure Cordia and Wilfred are well aware of 95% of what the mc does, but now I'm just worried I overestimated them, and things will go really bad.


Forum Fanatic
Respected User
Nov 20, 2017
This last conversation is making me worry, I'm making my darndest to not hurt any of the girls, and am pretty sure Cordia and Wilfred are well aware of 95% of what the mc does, but now I'm just worried I overestimated them, and things will go really bad.
Don't panic. Wilfred will surely gently kill your MC if he hasn't done anything too serious.:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Remeber what Numa_Cway has written and save often.

I for myself are wittingly playing with fire and my only hope is that this game doesn't have permadeath.:oops: Same goes for other games which are even more obvious about certained decision.:whistle:
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Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2020
Don't panic. Wilfred will surely gently kill your MC if he hasn't done anything too serious.:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Remeber what Numa_Cway has written and save often.

I for myself are wittingly playing with fire and my only hope is that this game doesn't have permadeath.:oops: Some goes for other games which are even more obvious about certained decision.:whistle:
Yeah, I make a new save at each decision just in case, but I'm not too worried, because Wilfred did kinda tell the mc that he and Cordia know at least a little bit of what he's doing, and so hinted Isabella in the cheating path.


Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
This last conversation is making me worry, I'm making my darndest to not hurt any of the girls, and am pretty sure Cordia and Wilfred are well aware of 95% of what the mc does, but now I'm just worried I overestimated them, and things will go really bad.
-Cordia caught you in her office looking for evidence and instead of punishing you she kissed you. It is very unlikely MC can do anything to make her angry, given what we know about MC's personality.
-Wilfred might go against Cordia desires only if he things she is mistaken (as with Gracie), but he has Cordia's well being and happiness at the top of his priorities, so as long as Cordia is happy with you you are fine.
-Luna already made a promise with you. She is not one to go back on her word. You are safe with her.
-Isabel seemed to have made up her mind and is walking down a dangerous path with you. She can potentially go against MC if she feels betrayed, but she seems to be aware you are more than friends with the other girls. Not sure how she will feel once she learns about Cordia and MC in the future, given her strong mather/daughter love for her, though.

-This leaves only Gracie as the real danger to MC. She is extremely capable and seems to lack empathy and moderation. Going from full hatred to full love (as with Isabel), which makes me guess the other direction is equally likely. While not fully developed as Cordia, she is immature and borderline childish, making her the biggest threat to MC.

I totally don't think her threat was all joke either.
She was totally not kidding. And I love her even more because of that.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2020
-Cordia caught you in her office looking for evidence and instead of punishing you she kissed you. It is very unlikely MC can do anything to make her angry, given what we know about MC's personality.
-Wilfred might go against Cordia desires only if he things she is mistaken (as with Gracie), but he has Cordia's well being and happiness at the top of his priorities, so as long as Cordia is happy with you you are fine.
-Luna already made a promise with you. She is not one to go back on her word. You are safe with her.
-Isabel seemed to have made up her mind and is walking down a dangerous path with you. She can potentially go against MC if she feels betrayed, but she seems to be aware you are more than friends with the other girls. Not sure how she will feel once she learns about Cordia and MC in the future, given her strong mather/daughter love for her, though.

-This leaves only Gracie as the real danger to MC. She is extremely capable and seems to lack empathy and moderation. Going from full hatred to full love (as with Isabel), which makes me guess the other direction is equally likely. While not fully developed as Cordia, she is immature and borderline childish, making her the biggest threat to MC.

She was totally not kidding. And I love her even more because of that.
oh I agree, I just tried to be vague for whom hadn't played yet, but yeah that is my feeling too, also Gracie seems to be a sociopath, well most characters in this story are from the looks of it, but she seems to be more extreme, also she probably has some other underlining psychological "problem", don't know what, I'm not a psychologist(maybe will go to college for that now that I dropped computer science because of the corona), but her hubris will be her downfall, mark what I'm saying.


Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
oh I agree, I just tried to be vague for whom hadn't played yet, but yeah that is my feeling too, also Gracie seems to be a sociopath, well most characters in this story are from the looks of it, but she seems to be more extreme, also she probably has some other underlining psychological "problem", don't know what, I'm not a psychologist(maybe will go to college for that now that I dropped computer science because of the corona), but her hubris will be her downfall, mark what I'm saying.
I would not call it hubris, as I don't think her behavior comes from extreme pride but actually from a lack of social understanding.

Nonetheless, I just love the fucking genius! And I myself I am going full in: with Luna, with Gracie, with Isabel and eventually Cordia. I can't pick a favorite. And if I must go down I will go down in glory (proud epic music playing in the background)!


Forum Fanatic
Respected User
Nov 20, 2017
-Cordia caught you in her office looking for evidence and instead of punishing you she kissed you. It is very unlikely MC can do anything to make her angry, given what we know about MC's personality.
-Wilfred might go against Cordia desires only if he things she is mistaken (as with Gracie), but he has Cordia's well being and happiness at the top of his priorities, so as long as Cordia is happy with you you are fine.
-Luna already made a promise with you. She is not one to go back on her word. You are safe with her.
-Isabel seemed to have made up her mind and is walking down a dangerous path with you. She can potentially go against MC if she feels betrayed, but she seems to be aware you are more than friends with the other girls. Not sure how she will feel once she learns about Cordia and MC in the future.

-This leaves only Gracie as the real danger to MC. She is extremely capable and seemed to lack empathy and moderation. Going from full hatred to full love (as with Isabel), which makes me guess the other direction is equally likely. While not fully developed as Cordia, she is immature and borderline childish. She is the biggest threat to MC.
All true, if you don't go too far.
If, then I do believe my prediction will become true.
  • For Wilfred and Cordia you must most likely gravely disobey, betray or hurt the family.
  • With Luna I think if you break the oath you have between you and her and abandon her - although I don't know why someone should even think about such blasphemy:p - then you be own your own and porbably have the whole Deluca family against you.
    Gracie will help her sister without question in this case. Cordia and Wilfred would need an important reason to back you up.
  • Gracie, don't cross her bad enough that she switch to her cold, calculating persona. If then you most likely would need Luna to bring her back to her sense. From what we know alreadey this means don't ever hurt any of the core family members or even thread them.
  • For Isabel I'm not sure, what would trigger events that leads up to your ruin. Perhaps gravely betray or hurt the family or completely destroy her trust in you.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2020
I would not call it hubris, as I don't think her behavior comes from extreme pride but actually from a lack of social understanding.

Nonetheless, I just love the fucking genius! And I myself I am going full in: with Luna, with Gracie, with Isabel and eventually Cordia. I can't pick a favorite. And if I must go down I will go down in glory (proud epic music playing in the back)!
social understanding explains her threats, and how she acts towards people, by hubris I meant the fact that she does think she is smarter than anyone else, and although she probably is being so self-assured can make you blind to the camera in the ceiling. it makes her underestimate people, and that is dangerous.
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Jul 9, 2019
I would not call it hubris, as I don't think her behavior comes from extreme pride but actually from a lack of social understanding.

Nonetheless, I just love the fucking genius! And I myself I am going full in: with Luna, with Gracie, with Isabel and eventually Cordia. I can't pick a favorite. And if I must go down I will go down in glory (proud epic music playing in the background)!
Not interested in Eiza? :D
IMO, she's also a LI ^^ Probably the one with almost no problems.
Aside from the fact you have to rescue her sister out of the fangs of an assassin family that wants you dead...
like I said... almost
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Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
Not interested in Eiza? :D
IMO, she's also a LI ^^ Probably the one with almost no problems.
Aside from the fact you have to rescue her sister out of the fangs of an assassin family that wants you dead...
like I said... almost
Not really, at least for now. I mean, if I happen to have the chance to go for her I will, but she is a side character for me. After all, she had 5 minutes screen time. We will see once she is given opportunity to shine.


Jul 9, 2019
Not really, at least for now. I mean, if I happen to have the chance to go for her I will, but she is a side character for me. After all, she had 5 minutes screen time. We will see once she is given opportunity to shine.
AFAIK the next story will be about her and the mission rescueing her sister
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Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2018
View attachment 722179

One of the top-ranked Filius out there!
Gotta give him some respect tho. He has been following me for so long now just lurking and waiting for my posts:ROFLMAO:
Just got on, and noticed a sudden surge in notifications (than usual), and I was like LOL with 4 of them being facepalm by this Filius.
Also seeing a very common pattern with these Filii that they always hide their profiles.

I have been noticing a statistical correlation between the members of the caenis clan. Not just in this thread but around all threads. They usually hide their profile. It really intrigues me. Cause as I said in another thread, I can be a total stupid asshole but I stand behind what I say most of the time. And if proven wrong I have the decency of apologizing.

Why do they hide their profile? what is there to hide in a pirate forum such as this? I am trying to be nice and give them the benefit of doubt but it is so hard not to assume that is because they cannot defend their own words..
Yeah, I'm noticing that too. Perhaps they are types of people who want to have the last word (That is, if they comment on these forums at all). Or perhaps they are eager to give criticisms themselves, but are defensive in terms of taking in criticisms. Could be any one of those things (though we'll never know. And to be honest, I'm not really all that interested in finding out).

Yes she is. And that just makes it more interesting.

You are already going for the wife of Antonio. Going after Cordia is just stepping up the game from there. Besides, she is breathtaking.
She's basically my second favorite character after Luna. Seeing her in her nightgown (when MC sneaks in to find his contract) was simply breathtaking (and her sweaty dreams scene, well for me, it might just be cream of the crop from all of them).
I do wonder whether her bedroom will be accessible later as one of the free-roam options (like MC can go to Luna, Gracie & Isabel/Antonio's room).

Cordia is far, far more dangerous than Luna.

She was one of the original serpents and a complete lunatic.
At the moment, I'm probably more wary of Gracie than Cordia or Luna. Unlike others, she already suspects that MC is hiding something from them (i.e. the cameras. Though Gracie doesn't know what exactly). That scene, where she says she will hurt the MC in cold face, even though she said it was a joke did send chills down my spine.
Wondering what hell would break loose if Gracie ever finds out about those cameras.


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
At the moment, I'm probably more wary of Gracie than Cordia or Luna. Unlike others, she already suspects that MC is hiding something from them (i.e. the cameras. Though Gracie doesn't know what exactly). That scene, where she says she will hurt the MC in cold face, even though she said it was a joke did send chills down my spine.
Wondering what hell would break loose if Gracie ever finds out about those cameras.
I have to admit, the end of that event did make me question the MC and looks at him as a moron.

I don't even mean jokingly, I mean I legit think he's stupid or slow or has some serious learning difficulty.

He knows Gracie is on to him yet doesn't think to remove them for a while until things blow over. It's not just Gracie he's been listening in on (I only put listening devices in) but Cordia, Luna and Antonio.

The second Gracie figures it out they will know he's been listening in on all of them or regardless of anything that's going on that is a massive fuck up and would not only kill any friendships he's built up but also put's him on the entire main family's shit list.

Why would you risk that much of a shitstorm?

Nobody with any ounce of common sense would.

That was my only gripe.

Not interested in Eiza? :D
IMO, she's also a LI ^^ Probably the one with almost no problems.
Aside from the fact you have to rescue her sister out of the fangs of an assassin family that wants you dead...
like I said... almost
Not yet, she hasn't had enough screen time to put her in the same league as the love interests. At the moment she's still firmly in side character friendzone.

but her hubris
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Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2018
I have to admit, the end of that event did make me question the MC and looks at him as a moron.

I don't even mean jokingly, I mean I legit think he's stupid or slow or has some serious learning difficulty.

He knows Gracie is on to him yet doesn't think to remove them for a while until things blow over. It's not just Gracie he's been listening in on (I only put listening devices in) but Cordia, Luna and Antonio.

The second Gracie figures it out they will know he's been listening in on all of them or regardless of anything that's going on that is a massive fuck up and would not only kill any friendships he's built up but also put's him on the entire main family's shit list.

Why would you risk that much of a shitstorm?

Nobody with any ounce of common sense would.

That was my only gripe.
Thinking about it a bit more, I'm getting the feeling Cordia might actually know that MC had planted cameras/audio recorders (depending on player choice) around the house. She already knew that MC snuck in to her office when she catches him on his second time.
Only way I can see it is MC was careless, and Cordia either saw him sneaking in, or sneaking out of her office, and with that she probably is able to deduce MC planted something and found his bugs, and may just be keeping that to herself, pretending to be ignorant (just my theory).

Having said that, if MC is found out, if what MC planted was audio recorders (not cameras) I can see Cordia being more understanding than others (like Luna, Gracie, Isabel), since even after catching him in her office she does say "While I don't approve of your actions, I understand what you're going through." (or something along those lines).
Not sure about how she would react if MC used cameras though.


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2020
Thinking about it a bit more, I'm getting the feeling Cordia might actually know that MC had planted cameras/audio recorders (depending on player choice) around the house. She already knew that MC snuck in to her office when she catches him on his second time.
Only way I can see it is MC was careless, and Cordia either saw him sneaking in, or sneaking out of her office, and with that she probably is able to deduce MC planted something and found his bugs, and may just be keeping that to herself, pretending to be ignorant (just my theory).

Having said that, if MC is found out, if what MC planted was audio recorders (not cameras) I can see Cordia being more understanding than others (like Luna, Gracie, Isabel), since even after catching him in her office she does say "While I don't approve of your actions, I understand what you're going through." (or something along those lines).
Not sure about how she would react if MC used cameras though.
If I were her I would be proud, after all, there are some clues you only could get through video, like people's faces, hidden compartments and etc..., logically it is the best choice. Now Gracie would be pissed, because of some reasons, and some of her suspicions.
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Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
If I were her I would be proud, after all, there are some clues you only could get through video, like people's faces, hidden compartments and etc..., logically it is the best choice. Now Gracie would be pissed, because of some reasons, and some of her suspicions.
You think Cordia would be proud he planted camera's in her daughters rooms, where they get naked, after she specifically warned him not to look at them in his bathroom?

I think she'll shoot his bollocks off personally.

I don't think proud is th word anyone will use.


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2020
You think Cordia would be proud he planted camera's in her daughters rooms, where they get naked, after she specifically warned him not to look at them in his bathroom?

I think she'll shoot his bollocks off personally.

I don't think proud is th word anyone will use.
I said if she thinks logically, now emotionally, yeah, he would be fucked. Although, I doubt she doesn't know, and the bathroom thing, is more for his safety, or do you think he would survive getting caught?
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Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
I said if she thinks logically, now emotionally, yeah, he would be fucked. Although, I doubt she doesn't know, and the bathroom thing, is more for his safety, or do you think he would survive getting caught?
Well it's likely to be Gracie that catches the idiot out first so then Luna, Antonio and Isabel will know he's been spying on them all in their bedrooms.

Well, people did ask for some fucking although i'm not sure that's quite what they had in mind.


Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2018
If I were her I would be proud, after all, there are some clues you only could get through video, like people's faces, hidden compartments and etc..., logically it is the best choice. Now Gracie would be pissed, because of some reasons, and some of her suspicions.
Not sure I would agree with Cordia being proud (when she specifically told MC to not peek on the girls in his bathroom), but I do agree about Gracie. But with Gracie, I think she'd be more pissed at the fact that she couldn't figure it out (the fact that there are camera bugs) right away, rather than the fact that MC peeked at her.
Because while she does acknowledge that MC is smart to some degree, she doesn't think MC is on her level of intelligence.

But whatever the case, while on one hand MC is getting some valuable information (on the Family, or emotional state of the girls), on the other hand, it also feels like MC is playing with fire.

Actually, perhaps better term for these recorders would be "double-edged sword." (that is, if there actually will be consequences storywise with the bugs).


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
Because while she does acknowledge that MC is smart to some degree, she doesn't think MC is on her level of intelligence.
Her occasional arrogance aside, she isn't wrong.

MC isn't on her level. He has more social awareness so has a slight edge there but on pure intellect he isn't even in her league.

No one is.

Also why her mother won't let her work, she could possibly be more dangerous than anyone in the game.
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