Response to spoiler and my general opinion.
How not to market. Have the title picture of a woman at an angle that is taken almost from a kneeling looking up at her perspective, that in a sense creates a sense you are less, not equal which even subconsciously people will pick up on even if they are not aware of it.
The name, you explained it but does that picture align with that name ?? I will hazard a guess most people did not even know that term. But I yield, you would need to research to be sure.
The whole avoidance and unwilling nature to discuss the future tags at the beginning or direction, then a week or so later you reveal slightly more about the direction. Why did you just not wait the extra week and publish and then reveal the extra things you were willing to share. Rather than having a week of confusion as you got your ducks in a row.
These in my eyes are marketing errors. From design, to first steps in implementation. Now I would assume, yet again you would need to do research, but from initial reaction drove away people not wanting to be dominated or be submissive and are left with femdom people or one guy above who refers to himself as a cuck. What type of genre do you think they will
pushing for more and more. ??
Now, my suggestion which you can take or not take, think very carefully how you present your ideas or vision in the future and what you want to reveal or portray. Humans of course will discuss what they see and how things are laid out in games, not what might happen in the future. For instance and this is a clearly made up scenario, you have the early game where the maid is top of the mountain using all the women and the man is weaker and not really dominant, do you think people are not going to reference that and go that is not for them, or do you think people are going to say the author vaguely referenced a while back it won't always be like this and everyone should keep faith. Equally you will have possibly people excited by that set up and eager for more and when most of the audience might be made up of that for some time. You might feel the need to cater to that.
Now I have not played your game, I just gave you an outsiders perspective from reading the thread and from that interaction I have decided not to. Do as you wish. I would advise you to start thinking of the game as a brand, that would entail the overview picture, to how you are revealing everything. Take care.