It's pretty obvious the majority wants to see more sex animations. What should I focus on?

  • Missionary position for Sienna.

    Votes: 131 13.1%
  • Sakina (vampire girl) in any position.

    Votes: 330 33.0%
  • Missionary for Nasira.

    Votes: 40 4.0%
  • Add more clients and/or monsters.

    Votes: 456 45.6%
  • A different girl or something else? (Please post with details.)

    Votes: 43 4.3%

  • Total voters


Active Member
Mar 29, 2017
Got another game freeze. This time it's when you are summoned for a checkup after you have your first child (Nadia). "Baldy in a cage" scene. I haven't checked if it's repeatable yet.
[EDIT] Yep. It's repeatable. You can just skip scene if you know it's going to crash in advance, I guess.


Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
Strange. I didn't get any freezes during my playthrough (on an 11 year old computer with a broken graphics card, no less) BUT I did not have the new alchemy system implemented yet either. I'm wondering if it's somehow relevant but I have no idea. I would surmise a conflicts with the new outfit system (which gives the Exudate items after X amount of time), but that wouldn't happen during an event (since time is turned off during such things).

Could it be related to a sound issue? Like maybe when you first start up the game, and a sound plays (from whatever type of file extension), then the game crashes because your computer is hunting up the codec to play it and thus has a conflict with the game while trying to do so? It's just my crazy theory though, so that might not be the problem at all. xP


New Member
Sep 23, 2018
Hmm, well I repeated it myself twice before I posted but now I can't reproduce it. I guess wait to see if anyone else complains. :p
Same issue where using the Alchemical bench in the tutorial cave locks the game, but sadly mine does not resolve it's self like the previous bug reporter. New game started, get to the bench, game still runs but it locks out all movement and menu commands beyond those brought up by "1" "2" "3", etc.


Active Member
Mar 29, 2017
Same issue where using the Alchemical bench in the tutorial cave locks the game, but sadly mine does not resolve it's self like the previous bug reporter. New game started, get to the bench, game still runs but it locks out all movement and menu commands beyond those brought up by "1" "2" "3", etc.
Can you check something? I think that when it froze for me it didn't show a bottle in the alcove above the alchemy table. That should narrow down the freeze point a little.


New Member
Sep 23, 2018
Can you check something? I think that when it froze for me it didn't show a bottle in the alcove above the alchemy table. That should narrow down the freeze point a little.
A bottle consistent shows up, but you are always locked out of doing anything afterwards. It's the same with all alchemical benches that I've run into, outside of the tutorial cavern as well.

And I'm experiencing the same bug where the game does the same sort of locking when you are brought by the doctor to the other part of the tower for the first time, after giving birth.

A shame, really. If progression in the game is this buggy at the moment, I'm afraid there's little point in playing.


Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
0.741 Patch:
Version 0.74 is required, just download the patch and copy the contents over everything in your 0.74 folder.

I managed to get the Tower incident to repeat for me too. It was an issue where a "player paralyzing event" was running at the same time I had another event trying to make the player transparent. It couldn't do so, and was politely waiting for the paralyzing event to finish... which is never going to happen because it's a parallel event. >.>;

I fixed this by turning off the paralyzing switch before making the player transparent. I also moved the transparent thing to a better location, so Sienna should no longer be appearing and disappearing at strange times during those events. So the tower night events are fixed. Yay!

I also took a look at the potions event again. Honestly I just can't imagine what the cause is, BUT the time system has pussied up things before, so I think that is the same issue again here. You're probably reading the tonic selection dialogue and deciding on numbers while time is passing, which also causes other stuff to happen. This was especially notorious for messing up players trying to use doors (I've tried to fix all of those, but I'm sure I missed some.. doh! But I will get to them! Sometime...).

I "think" that I have fixed this as well. Potion making now disables time, but also uses up 10 minutes per potion made. This was originally intended but I forgot to add it in before releasing .74 (it's a new system, after all). There could also be similar issues with the water/cloth making station, transmuting, etc.. I'll try and get those fixed up for a future release, but if it's a big issue then let me know and I'll see about getting another patch out.

Please let me know if you still have any problems with either of these two events. Thanks for letting me know about the bugs!

Edit: Just musing, but I would surmise that most players aren't noticing these issues because they have played before and skip through most Tower scenes, and the potion making glitch would only be noticeable during a need or time fail (like the time going past 1080 as you are checking the potion making, and an animation plays letting you know Sienna is sleepy- and the game just borks out). Anyway I hope this fixes the issue for both of you. Thanks again for pointing out the bugs!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2017
SOme players like myself (once I've played thru the game a couple times) will use RPG-Edit to boost money, and Mana, and Health Items, but some go to far and including key Items, when its vital you gain them thru game play. There's also those that use old saves, which works sometimes on games where the dev hasn't added content which forces you to begin a fresh start of the game. YOu should always restart anew since games are always evolving with most updates.


New Member
Sep 23, 2018
Thank you for the work, bug hunting and production, Paladox. Communication like you are showing is a big plus for players and people in general.

Unfortunately, after having downloaded and replaced the files of my game with the files for your patch, the potion bug still persists. I can confirm that I'm using the .74 version of the game.


Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
Thanks, I'll continue to look into the potion bug and try to figure it out.
I also noticed that gem plants, rocks, etc.. that are supposed to give gems are currently not giving them (no message or anything). I'll probably release a patch for that on Sunday (along with any other updates/fixes). In the meantime I would suggest not mining gem sources. Most rocks are functioning as intended though (those that give ore). I have it fixed in my build but there's still a graphical issue with them and I need to replace all the individual events (avalost, emerald palace, and a few other locations where they're found).

As for giving yourself key items with cheats, that could really bork up the game. I would suggest giving yourself spell ID 67. That's called debug lightning, and I use it to test boss fights. It will kill just about everything with one cast. Also, I've never done this myself but setting variable 22 to some insane amount (999999?) should give you unlimited light everywhere.
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Bobber Tail

Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2017
0.741 Patch:
Version 0.74 is required, just download the patch and copy the contents over everything in your 0.74 folder.

I managed to get the Tower incident to repeat for me too. It was an issue where a "player paralyzing event" was running at the same time I had another event trying to make the player transparent. It couldn't do so, and was politely waiting for the paralyzing event to finish... which is never going to happen because it's a parallel event. >.>;

I fixed this by turning off the paralyzing switch before making the player transparent. I also moved the transparent thing to a better location, so Sienna should no longer be appearing and disappearing at strange times during those events. So the tower night events are fixed. Yay!

I also took a look at the potions event again. Honestly I just can't imagine what the cause is, BUT the time system has pussied up things before, so I think that is the same issue again here. You're probably reading the tonic selection dialogue and deciding on numbers while time is passing, which also causes other stuff to happen. This was especially notorious for messing up players trying to use doors (I've tried to fix all of those, but I'm sure I missed some.. doh! But I will get to them! Sometime...).

I "think" that I have fixed this as well. Potion making now disables time, but also uses up 10 minutes per potion made. This was originally intended but I forgot to add it in before releasing .74 (it's a new system, after all). There could also be similar issues with the water/cloth making station, transmuting, etc.. I'll try and get those fixed up for a future release, but if it's a big issue then let me know and I'll see about getting another patch out.

Please let me know if you still have any problems with either of these two events. Thanks for letting me know about the bugs!

Edit: Just musing, but I would surmise that most players aren't noticing these issues because they have played before and skip through most Tower scenes, and the potion making glitch would only be noticeable during a need or time fail (like the time going past 1080 as you are checking the potion making, and an animation plays letting you know Sienna is sleepy- and the game just borks out). Anyway I hope this fixes the issue for both of you. Thanks again for pointing out the bugs!
I clicked the Walk-through link to Blogger, it sways the blog is removed. If this was not yours then ignore.


Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
Here's Midna's walkthrough. I saved it to a text file at some point when she was still talking to me.

I also started working on one myself later, but it's a bit outdated (and only goes into The Tower a bit).

Still, if you get stuck just let me know where at and I'll let you know how to proceed from there.


Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
With the potions glitch I'm a little unclear on when the game is freezing.
When exactly does it happen?
A: When you are selecting the TYPE of potion (which changes the graphic you see above the table).
B: When you use the table to MAKE a potion (which should only make a quick sound, take a blood/shroom, and give you a potion with no visual element).

I was wondering if a cheat might be at fault, so I tried giving myself 99 of all potion types, mushrooms, and blood, but still couldn't replicate the error.


New Member
Sep 23, 2018
With the potions glitch I'm a little unclear on when the game is freezing.
When exactly does it happen?
A: When you are selecting the TYPE of potion (which changes the graphic you see above the table).
B: When you use the table to MAKE a potion (which should only make a quick sound, take a blood/shroom, and give you a potion with no visual element).

I was wondering if a cheat might be at fault, so I tried giving myself 99 of all potion types, mushrooms, and blood, but still couldn't replicate the error.
Can't speak for anyone else, but my bug happens like this:
1. You use the table
2. It brings up the options listed, which are 1. Tonic 2. Antidote
3. The menu changes after hitting enter and brings up the option to input your choice, which actually goes up far beyond just "1" and "2." Selecting an option that was not initially listed (like "3") brings up the same freeze bug.
4. After making your choice of option 1 or option 2, the graphic changes in the empty slot above the table, now showing a potion.
5. You are now stuck. No message pops up saying you now have a new potion. The graphic for the potion doesn't disappear. NPCs in the surrounding area (if in the Tower) still wander. You can press 1,2,3, etc and still have the stat menus come up that list your hydration, nutrition, gestation, etc, and other stats and "enter" through all the message windows just fine. You cannot, however, move in anyway shape or form, not even to have your sprite (pun intended) face a different direction, nor can you bring up the basic menu with "escape" or do anything else other than hit "X" and terminate the game.


New Member
Sep 23, 2018

I unzipped my game over my old one and unzipped a new version into a separate folder. I then went into the game and tried out my old save in the one folder and one of the pre-saved saves in the other. NOW the bug is gone, but I've found a way to guarantee a repeat.

When you get to the option to input your option number, press one of the actual number keys for the selection and when it then fails to change, as the actual input command is dependent on your using the arrow keys to change the number, the game will then lock upon making said selection properly and exiting the menu.

If you DON'T hit the number key and use the arrow keys as intended, the potion appears, you can move your sprite to the other section of the work bench and brew potions as intended.

It seems that there's a conflict with the game wanting to bring up one of the state menu windows during a time when it can't and might be stuck thinking that your in said window after taking care of the potion making that is currently on screen but as you are still in the potion making menu at the time, there is not a way to exit out of a phantom stat menu which then locks you in place.


Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
I got the bug to repeat by doing this as well. I never thought of using the actual numbers on the keyboard to do the selection! I always use the arrow keys and didn't think the numbers would actually do anything.
The numbers as hotkeys is actually an obsolete system I used very early on in the game's development.
Sounds like the best solution then is to simply kill the hotkey function. STABBY STAB!

Edit: You can be childish and still hit the E and R keys during potion making and get the same results. Probably the same during any dialogue, event, etc..
This is not ideal. I know there are many childish players that will do this, so I must bear the heavy burden of providing failsafes in many many locations. *sigh*
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Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
It's a long time since i had played this, i wondered if there is a way to
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Basic Walkthrough after Kendra's Quest
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9-15 (Only if you saved Seven)
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There's plenty of other little things you can do, such as all the caverns levels.
These are very important for getting more stained glass shards.
Level 3: After learning fire spells.
Level 4: After getting the acid tool.
Levels 5 & 6: After green acid upgrade.
Levels 7 & 8: After red acid upgrade.
(note that there are NO secret walls in The Caverns)
5.00 star(s) 4 Votes