
Engaged Member
Dec 4, 2017
Is anyone else on board with the hate train for the main family? Let's look at their decisions up to Chapter 3:

-Raniel: Instead of saying, "Hello!" or "How've you been?" she immediately threatens us as the messages for dad, without so much as a goodbye or a take care of yourself. The next meeting we have with her she suddenly starts caring, and while I do understand she didn't hear any of our prayers; she still took a mood 180 REAL quick, a god damn shoulder to cry on when daddy isn't ordering her to be a messenger bird.

-Raphael: She's not bad, she tried to tell us what happened during our first encounter but was blown off (justifiably so, to our knowledge at the time; she had ignored our calls). Anywho, afterwards she reverts back to her obvious shy demeanor due to the blow off, and has most definitely taken an associative stance on our relationship till we sat down to talk (being Emma's perfect lap dog and everyone's healing fleshlight, there's probably some mental lack of confidence there).

-Azel: She's probably the worst one of the group. Even knowing everything we know by the end of it, she still only saw what she was doing as a task, "Well any one of our siblings would've done it so I did it first, that makes it okay." That laid back lack of care is garbage, I understand that they don't know officially what had happened to us, but Hell wasn't known to be this fucking hot tourist destination, they had to have known that. And being daddy's errand girl and still trying to play both sides by living with mommy makes her out to be this dishonest, "I'd do it again in a heartbeat", untrustworthy, little shit of a sister or person for that matter.

-Emma: So she's a bit like Raphael in that while she just wants to help, her issue is that she isn't truthful right off the bat DESPITE being openly affectionate and honest with the MC. She doesn't get the shy excuse, they have had plenty of heart to heart moments and not once did she even think to either ask what happened to the MC, or explain how she tried to help in the first place. This isn't Knives Out not everyone needs to keep secrets like god damn strangers but then be openly nice to one another with virtually no working context. The MC wants NONE of this shit even if you do pick the good path he hints at his time being dogshit in Hell yet they STILL feel the need to be quiet about important details. Keep in mind, she is a smart individual, immortal, and arguably knowledgeable, she shouldn't be playing this half assed half truth bullshit.

And lastly, all of them: I don't know WHAT every angel is smoking up their ass, but it is laughably stupid. You're telling me, that out of the centuries they have tried to get the MC out of Hell, they didn't ask a SINGLE demon on Earth what the environment was like in Hell? Raphael is a fucking doctor for christ's sake, you're telling me she doesn't recognize mental or physical trauma? What about Azel, she's literally the Angel of Death, she even mentions that she knows darkness or patterns or whatever when she sees them, she's around those people all the time. Not a single one asked what Hell was like, what they do there, nothing? Immortal beings my ass, these guys have been sitting in fantasy land. It doesn't matter if they couldn't access it themselves, information is constantly flowing out of Hell, as seen with the rumors of the MC's takeover. Did they think it was sunshine and rainbows down there? Give me a fuckin break, I think they all deserve the cold shoulder, and this whole forced buddy buddy bullshit with Azel is awful, she's the worst of the bunch because she's SEEN the landscape, not exact the High Heavens.

Afterthoughts: Overall, I still like the writing, I suppose some people can be oblivious to trauma. The issue in this case is that they are knowledgeable, and more importantly; immortal. It just bugs me that being surrounded by supernatural individuals in their life on Earth you'd think they'd spend at least SOME time knowing about what they spent the last few centuries trying to break into was actually like. If my brother disappeared for over a hundred years, the least I could do is know where he was at, how he was doing, etc. But it just seems like they spent more time dicking around with the humans than they did actually trying to understand the real situation, trying to help or otherwise. The only recovery I can PERSONALLY see is they actually sit down and air out everything, and maybe some god damn guilt from Azel sending her little brother to a torturous Hell filled life for his entire coming of age. Then perhaps some actual believable acknowledgement for the pain the MC went through instead of, "Are you okay???" The rest of the angels can suck a cock, they'd rather bend over for dad and backstab mom and their siblings than be real family so that's on them. The MC is justified, the only REAL acknowledgement he's gotten is from that angel in the bar and Inessa.

What do y'all think? Am I off my rocker for thinking this or do some of your feel the same way?
I pretty much agree with you there.

Azel is garbage at this point, no guilt, no responsibility for her deeds, than there are the dialogues like that virgin talk or if the MC had a good conversation recently etc...I honestly don't see how you can salvage her character, at least not in a believable way. Neither do i want to see her redeemed, imo she should share MC's experience of torture in hell.

Emma, well she got a bit of redemption in 0.3, still far from great thought. What makes her really bad is her cougar in heat attitude from the get to go.
All she ever does is drooling over the MC, i mean duh, the guy is deeply scarred physically and mentally, add to that really estranged form his nice family...

Raphael, out of the three she is the only one i like of this family and where i can see more, also the one which acts the most natural, considerate.
That she is Emma's lapdog is a downside, but so is the MC at this point. Emma's abilities don't leave much room for free will or resistancee...

I mean, everyone which has as much as a single look at MC's body can tell that hell wasn't a luxury resort.
Or seeing his fresh wounds, where he cut his wrists (he doesn't even hide those), that he is in a really bad place...
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Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
I pretty much agree with you there.

Azel is garbage at this point, no guilt, no responsibility for her deeds, than there are the dialogues like that virgin talk or if the MC had a good conversation recently etc...I honestly don't see how you can salvage her character, at least not in a believable way. Neither do i want to see her redeemed, imo she should share MC's experience of torture in hell.

Emma, well she got a bit of redemption in 0.3, still far from great thought. What makes her really bad is her cougar in heat attitude from the get to go.
All she ever does is drooling over the MC, i mean duh, the guy is deeply scarred physically and mentally, add to that really estranged form his nice family...

Raphael, out of the three she is the only one i like of this family and where i can see more, also the one which acts the most natural, considerate.
That she is Emma's lapdog is a downside, but so is the MC at this point. Emma's abilities don't leave much room for free will or resistancee...

I mean, everyone which has as much as a single look at MC's body can tell that hell wasn't a luxury resort.
Or seeing his fresh wounds, where he cut his wrists (he doesn't even hide those), that he is in a really bad place...
Yeah I get all that;

Emma's nice demeanor and our friendly demeanor towards her makes sense due to the power's influence on each other.

But this whole hippy dippy bullshit with Azel makes literally no sense. I mean; we literally had a panic attack near her upon our first encounter, and now suddenly we're fine around her because, "We would've done the same if the roles were reversed?" Fuck off.

Raph isn't innocent here either, again; she's been a doctor and better yet a medic for the angels for how many years and you're telling me she can't recognize mental (or physical) trauma when she's around it. There is literally a scene where they all sit around WATCHING the MC's quiet demeanor and even COMMENT that, "silence says a lot." I swear to God this family is oblivious to basic signs.

The solution in my eyes is they sit down after the fight, REALLY understand what the MC went through, and for Azel's sake I had better see some tears of actual regret and not these, "No hard feelings?" excuses. From Raph's side I need non stupidity. And from Emma's side I need non fantasy land, she needs to realize what her son ACTUALLY went through isn't something she can walk off with a god damn shopping trip.

Edit: No hate to the creator tho. The way I see it; it was written this way for a reason. If he prolongs the relationship bonding with the family that dishes out more play time, longer game life span. And from a writing perspective, it makes SOME sense as to why they would act the way they do:

Most of the angels (if not all) are probably essentially brainwashed to obey their father (God), in every iteration of biblical or non biblical lore, that's how it is. Now that being said, the Goddess (Emma) decided to leave which is a being they are probably equally loyal to, hence the split between Earth and Heaven residential angels. At the time in their eyes (which was before the split), their Dad's orders were absolute; and sending the MC to Hell was a must on their part. Obviously Emma is exempt of this rule, and the other angels noticed that, so thinking for themselves (in angel time) is probably a fairly new concept.

That all being said, there is still one MASSIVE plot hole that is so obvious it's blinding; how did they not know what Hell was like? They may have never been able to BE there, but they are around Demons, they have lore that they've studied from humans, and they knew that Hell was a punishment for the MC, what did they believe happened in there?

Alas like I said, maybe they really were just narcissistically caught up in themselves, and perhaps they gave up looking for that info after they realized they couldn't get in there in the first place. But I still find it a little odd. Obviously this isn't Toiken, but I feel like it's a blatant disregard on the logical side of things. I guess we'll see, maybe they were in denial.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2018
Yeah I get all that;

Emma's nice demeanor and our friendly demeanor towards her makes sense due to the power's influence on each other.

But this whole hippy dippy bullshit with Azel makes literally no sense. I mean; we literally had a panic attack near her upon our first encounter, and now suddenly we're fine around her because, "We would've done the same if the roles were reversed?" Fuck off.

Raph isn't innocent here either, again; she's been a doctor and better yet a medic for the angels for how many years and you're telling me she can't recognize mental (or physical) trauma when she's around it. There is literally a scene where they all sit around WATCHING the MC's quiet demeanor and even COMMENT that, "silence says a lot." I swear to God this family is oblivious to basic signs.

The solution in my eyes is they sit down after the fight, REALLY understand what the MC went through, and for Azel's sake I had better see some tears of actual regret and not these, "No hard feelings?" excuses. From Raph's side I need non stupidity. And from Emma's side I need non fantasy land, she needs to realize what her son ACTUALLY went through isn't something she can walk off with a god damn shopping trip.

Edit: No hate to the creator tho. The way I see it; it was written this way for a reason. If he prolongs the relationship bonding with the family that dishes out more play time, longer game life span. And from a writing perspective, it makes SOME sense as to why they would act the way they do:

Most of the angels (if not all) are probably essentially brainwashed to obey their father (God), in every iteration of biblical or non biblical lore, that's how it is. Now that being said, the Goddess (Emma) decided to leave which is a being they are probably equally loyal to, hence the split between Earth and Heaven residential angels. At the time in their eyes (which was before the split), their Dad's orders were absolute; and sending the MC to Hell was a must on their part. Obviously Emma is exempt of this rule, and the other angels noticed that, so thinking for themselves (in angel time) is probably a fairly new concept.

That all being said, there is still one MASSIVE plot hole that is so obvious it's blinding; how did they not know what Hell was like? They may have never been able to BE there, but they are around Demons, they have lore that they've studied from humans, and they knew that Hell was a punishment for the MC, what did they believe happened in there?

Alas like I said, maybe they really were just narcissistically caught up in themselves, and perhaps they gave up looking for that info after they realized they couldn't get in there in the first place. But I still find it a little odd. Obviously this isn't Toiken, but I feel like it's a blatant disregard on the logical side of things. I guess we'll see, maybe they were in denial.
The problem with Emma is that she was acting like a cougar even before she met him again. She finds out the MC escaped from hell and her first thoughts (after sending her lapdog to find him, because she's busy sipping her wine...) are not if he's ok and what he must have been through, but something in the lines of "I'm curious how he looks like now".

Now, talking about massive plot holes... A literal goddess, followed by a couple of archangels and a lot of angels are looking for decades for a way to go to hell and rescue the MC and fail miserably. The MC who is pretty much clueless about everything, since he was locked up in hell since he was a little kid, finds a way to return to hell in a matter of days, because he's worried about Inessa. So they're either useless or they didn't try that hard.

To be honest, every excuse/explanation we got in this last update looks more like the dev trying to do some "damage control" based on people's complains, than something he had in his mind right from the start, which created some new plot holes in the story.


Engaged Member
Dec 4, 2017
The problem with Emma is that she was acting like a cougar even before she met him again. She finds out the MC escaped from hell and her first thoughts (after sending her lapdog to find him, because she's busy sipping her wine...) are not if he's ok and what he must have been through, but something in the lines of "I'm curious how he looks like now".

Now, talking about massive plot holes... A literal goddess, followed by a couple of archangels and a lot of angels are looking for decades for a way to go to hell and rescue the MC and fail miserably. The MC who is pretty much clueless about everything, since he was locked up in hell since he was a little kid, finds a way to return to hell in a matter of days, because he's worried about Inessa. So they're either useless or they didn't try that hard.

To be honest, every excuse/explanation we got in this last update looks more like the dev trying to do some "damage control" based on people's complains, than something he had in his mind right from the start, which created some new plot holes in the story.
Even more funny as in the current update it was shown that they have connections with apparently powerful demons, like the one which made the magical amulet for Raphael (the one which can hide her even from god).
But apparently the dark magic to create a portal never came up and that is pretty much common knowledge for demons (even the random servant which became Shadow knew it), as one of the 3 ways demons use to leave hell.
Even if that demon didn't have the knowledge to create a portal, at the least she should know about it.
The MC grabbed the first random demon to get an answear about ways to leave hell and Shadow needed 'a few minutes' on earth to find a demon which has the necessary knowledge...

So they are either completely useless, or they were occupied by other, more important stuff, like going to college a few dozen times, to busy at work (i still don't know why Emma doesn't use her powers to solve money problems), Emma was probably going on a world tour for wine tasting idk.

Then the plan that Raphael should go alone to the portal/hell. I mean, i didn't expect Sun Tzu, but not even a simple distraction so that Raphael could safely sneak past the guardian...children have better strategies if they want to get their hands on the cookie jar...

So yeah, this definitely feels like damage control and not something that the dev has planned beforehand, also more plot holes.
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Oct 13, 2018
I think the premise of this story is something absolutely unique and has the opportunity to offer something novel to the adult game space; my one big gripe is that the story at times devolves into the typical "gotta fuck them all" game everyone loves almost inconvenienced by the story it wants to tell.

MC was in hell for centuries on centuries getting tortured by its king? Well everyone treats it like he's just coming home from summer camp. I can understand the differences in time between two dimensions, but the way the entire family reacts to him returning it feels more like they think the MC is just a whiny bitch exaggerating how long he was in hell for sympathy points. The MC literally kills the king of hell and takes over the dimension for his own, yet while he lives with the humans he's just a rebellious teenager going through an emo phase.

Emma can be incredibly offputting at times with her immediate desire to jump the MC's bones. Her asking the MC to join her in the dressing room at the store so she can get naked in front of him, declaring to him her intentions of having him catch her in the shower like he has with Raph and Azel, and having the MC make his bed the same as hers immediately just make her wildly blatant about her intentions. Her being like this makes me think that
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, although I don't know if that's the vibe anyone else is getting. Many people are upset with the fact that her presumed inactivity while the MC was in hell is completely forgotten for the sake of every game having the MILF with the biggest tits and biggest ass that's the main LI, but her actions are (sorta) explained.

Like most people in this thread, Azel is a massive negative for me. Sure she was only doing what her father told her to do when dropping off the MC at hell and only viewed it as an obligation, but the fact that when the MC returns she's written as the stereotypical "older sister that was never the closest to the MC, but jabs and insults are how they communicate with one another" character also involved in some shady shit. All that's missing from her is that she goes to the club at 11:00 pm and everything changes when the MC saves her from an abusive boyfriend or customer who wants to get too handsy. I will say that I appreciate the "I know she's responsible for taking you to where you would endure centuries of torture and shows zero remorse for doing so, but dat ass" dialogue between Arkas and the MC when she's in the shower.

Raphael as the younger sister is portrayed of course as the studious yet innocent and inexperienced one of the family who doesn't realize how attractive she is and you no doubt are going to have to work to make comfortable with her own sexuality, which works in the genre but also I hope she is developed to become something more than just that trope. Of the family, I feel like she's the one most naturally would gravitate to, if for no other reason because she's the one least responsible for the MC ending up in the situation he was in.

My opinion on the family isn't necessarily that the MC needs to exact revenge for everything he was put through while he believed they just didn't give af, but I would like it if the MC could just do his own thing, not needing to be shoehorned into this cookie cutter adult game family dynamic. I mean the dude took over another dimension and is looking to exact revenge on his father, and instead we end up in this situation that feels like a sitcom except its on Syfy.

This game I think has so much potential to be an excellent one and I think there's more good (Luna, Luna, Luna, Luna) than bad (please god tell me the college aspect of this game is done), so I am interested to see where this story is heading.

I will say that I am a fan of the dev replacing Nyks with a different model from the Jill model. While I too am a fan of it, it does provide some originality for a key character as opposed to relying on the Jill character model to get fans of her from BADIK to flock to the game without paying attention to the story they're trying to tell.
Dec 29, 2018
At this point, the best thing for the author to do is to just move to story away from the family for a while. Have the therapist tell the family to give us some space. Use that time away from them to build up the side characters. Give players a chance to find a character they like instead of trying to change their minds about ones they don't like.

Angela would be a good character to start with because she seems to be a calming presence. She's also lost loved ones, so he could talk to her about how losing Inessa. Between her, the shrink, and Luna, he should be able to regain enough composure to start dealing with other problems. Then start moving to plot forward again with Ellena, Aniel, and Layla.

The game has a lot of potential, and I believe it could still be a hit if it can get past this first fumble.


Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
At this point, the best thing for the author to do is to just move to story away from the family for a while. Have the therapist tell the family to give us some space. Use that time away from them to build up the side characters. Give players a chance to find a character they like instead of trying to change their minds about ones they don't like.

Angela would be a good character to start with because she seems to be a calming presence. She's also lost loved ones, so he could talk to her about how losing Inessa. Between her, the shrink, and Luna, he should be able to regain enough composure to start dealing with other problems. Then start moving to plot forward again with Ellena, Aniel, and Layla.

The game has a lot of potential, and I believe it could still be a hit if it can get past this first fumble.
No I actually agree with you half way. I think the way the story is going RIGHT NOW with the Azel fight; this would be one of the ONLY times early on for the family (which are obviously the primary love interests) to truly sit down and understand the MC. THENNN after they see how wrong they were, the MC can go out on his own to focus on the side characters, it gives everyone respective distance, time to grow and heal old wounds (literally), etc.

If they do this fight, walk it off as a bad day with NO deeper meaning (which might be the case), then the story with the family is down the shitter with no redeemable qualities ANY time soon. It would take a god damned miracle after the fight for me to care about dumb, dumber, and dumbest not realizing the deeper meaning; let alone still trying to pursue/fuck them/ even be friendly around them.

I'm personally less curious about baggage bar lady (Angela) and more curious about the demon sisters at the college (specifically the ponytail one), of course there are probably others we haven't met.
-I don't think I'd care for the other angels AT ALL, only exception being the other one that was outcasted (forget her name).
-Not a fan of the Ghost story line but I am curious to where it'll lead.
-Very interested in the war with Dad, I want the MC to get more powers and be able to kick some ass. The fighting is not bad due to the renders, definitely a step up from other cringe worthy 3dcg fighting scenes involving magic and what have you.
-Most of all I really do want to have a BELIEVEABLE rekindling with the family, as they have the best renders and we have the most history with (lore alert).

Maybe WhiteBear'll suprise me with his writing for the family recovery, who knows. I wish the best regardless, at the end of he day if I don't like it I will drop it and only hope to find something done better and similar in the future, but as of right now White Bear's got a monopoly on this interesting concept. I do love me an OP protagonist power fantasy with lewd well done renders, which is also rare for 3dcg let alone a VN so I hope it works out!
Dec 29, 2018
I'm personally less curious about baggage bar lady (Angela) and more curious about the demon sisters at the college (specifically the ponytail one)
Arianna? The one who shows no interest in us at all and barely looks up from her textbook when her sister Ellena excitedly points us out? The one who doesn't even want to talk with us? What's your reason for choosing her?

Having a big sit down with the family is a bad idea right now because he clearly isn't ready to talk about it yet. They're pushing way too hard and need someone to act as a buffer. That's the job of Camelia the therapist, and it's also essentially what Angela was doing for Raphael, which is why I suggested her as a first stop. Luna has also been trying to calm the main character, so she'll probably be involved in the next bit too.

Ellena and Arianna's father is the most powerful demon in town, and her mother is likely the woman that Raphael bought the magic trinket from, so they could be a good source of information on the underworld. Which is why I think they'll be linked to the part of the game about the chaos in the underworld, rather than the turmoil in the main character's mind. So they most likely won't get a larger role until a bit later on.


Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
Arianna? The one who shows no interest in us at all and barely looks up from her textbook when her sister Ellena excitedly points us out? The one who doesn't even want to talk with us? What's your reason for choosing her?

Having a big sit down with the family is a bad idea right now because he clearly isn't ready to talk about it yet. They're pushing way too hard and need someone to act as a buffer. That's the job of Camelia the therapist, and it's also essentially what Angela was doing for Raphael, which is why I suggested her as a first stop. Luna has also been trying to calm the main character, so she'll probably be involved in the next bit too.

Ellena and Arianna's father is the most powerful demon in town, and her mother is likely the woman that Raphael bought the magic trinket from, so they could be a good source of information on the underworld. Which is why I think they'll be linked to the part of the game about the chaos in the underworld, rather than the turmoil in the main character's mind. So they most likely won't get a larger role until a bit later on.
I'm interested in Arianna because she is the more attractive personality (and physical) type for me personally. I can already see Ellena as the spoiled little succubi that she is, I want none of that. If I'm not mistaken Arianna wasn't not interested in us, she was just nervous to talk to us (and a bit scarred) due to the rumors from what we did in Hell. But she is only one of the most likely numerous other interests we'll see in a supernatural college.

Camelia is about as useless as the GTA therapist. She talked to us for all of 5 god damn seconds, established something was DEEPLY rooted wrong, warned Emma, and then refused to elaborate further; leaving. If she's the mediator between us and the fam no wonder the god damn family is so oblivious to our mental scars.

I'm saying RIGHT NOW Azel is practically dying to the MC, if that isn't an indicator that they need to at least ACKNOWLEDGE seriously that the issue is bigger than they thought, I don't know what more they need to prove the point save for killing one of them.
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Dec 29, 2018
Camelia is about as useless as the GTA therapist. She talked to us for all of 5 god damn seconds, established something was DEEPLY rooted wrong, warned Emma, and then refused to elaborate further; leaving. If she's the mediator between us and the fam no wonder the god damn family is so oblivious to our mental scars.
I don't think it's fair to put the blame on Camelia for this situation. Her only speaking to the main character for a short time is completely reasonable if she did it because she didn't want to overwhelm a guy who clearly isn't stable. She also can't tell Emma everything that goes on in those sessions or else her patient will have no reason to trust her with anything he doesn't want Emma to know. Cameilia told Emma that "From our short discussion, I can tell there's an avalanche of pain he's holding back; he's not well, Emma. He's likely to need long term treatment. What he went through... it's more than someone should ever have to endure." It's 100% Emma's fault. She the one who pushed him out into human society because she wanted to play pretend happy human family. Even without Camelia's initial assessment, it's clear to everyone that this guy isn't ready to be out in human society.

I'm saying RIGHT NOW Azel is practically dying to the MC, if that isn't an indicator that they need to at least ACKNOWLEDGE seriously that the issue is bigger than they thought, I don't know what more they need to prove the point save for killing one of them.
Obviously. I don't think there's anyone around who would disagree with that. But having a sit down discussion with them is pointless. What exactly do you expect the family to say at this point other than what they already have, which is that nothing is their fault? The main character needs time away from his family. The audience needs time away from the family. Cameila telling Emma and the gang to give him some space is the best move right now.


New Member
Apr 15, 2019
Seems like I stopped reading before a big story thing.

What exactly do you expect the family to say at this point other than what they already have, which is that nothing is their fault?
It's not so much what they'd say, it's more so their reaction or lack there of.

But it seems there was a big event, seems like the Dev has a plan. I'll keep an eye on this.
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Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
I don't think it's fair to put the blame on Camelia for this situation. Her only speaking to the main character for a short time is completely reasonable if she did it because she didn't want to overwhelm a guy who clearly isn't stable. She also can't tell Emma everything that goes on in those sessions or else her patient will have no reason to trust her with anything he doesn't want Emma to know. Cameilia told Emma that "From our short discussion, I can tell there's an avalanche of pain he's holding back; he's not well, Emma. He's likely to need long term treatment. What he went through... it's more than someone should ever have to endure." It's 100% Emma's fault. She the one who pushed him out into human society because she wanted to play pretend happy human family. Even without Camelia's initial assessment, it's clear to everyone that this guy isn't ready to be out in human society.

Obviously. I don't think there's anyone around who would disagree with that. But having a sit down discussion with them is pointless. What exactly do you expect the family to say at this point other than what they already have, which is that nothing is their fault? The main character needs time away from his family. The audience needs time away from the family. Cameila telling Emma and the gang to give him some space is the best move right now.
Camelia isn't innocent. I'm pretty sure she's aware of who and what the family are, so knowing that Hell is Hell; she probably should've mentioned that, you know, maybe the MC was tortured? According to like literally every iteration of Hell it's not a nice place. And while she didn't know the details (and the characters aren't entirely accurate to human biblical lore or otherwise) the foundation remains the same. Sure the MC was stand offish at first, but you could tell he was trying to push himself to speak up about it, establishing that you went through something bad (which she already knew ahead of time because, ya know, Hell) and then calling it a day talk next week? Is about the LAST thing you should be doing for a clearly "mountain of pain" unstable person, ESPECIALLY if it's an Archangel, not exactly the type of person to call the suicide hotline.

As for the sit down, I meant less so an actual sit down and more so just ACKNOWLEDGING the very volatile situation. Instead of asking if your just okay after he tried to murder his sister.


Engaged Member
Dec 4, 2017
Camelia isn't innocent. I'm pretty sure she's aware of who and what the family are, so knowing that Hell is Hell; she probably should've mentioned that, you know, maybe the MC was tortured?
Come on...the MC's family being what they are, there is no way they wouldn't know that...not to mention MC's runs around in his boxers scarred from head to toe, they can't really miss that, iirc Azel even comments on his cut wrists and that she know that he tried to commit suicid.
Is about the LAST thing you should be doing for a clearly "mountain of pain" unstable person, ESPECIALLY if it's an Archangel, not exactly the type of person to call the suicide hotline.
Well yeah, he already tried suicid with no success, i mean what you wanna do with an archangel which was betrayed by said family and suffered torture in Hell since childhood ?
There is not really a therapy for that, even less a fast one. So letting him settle down for a couple of days with his ''caring'' family is theoretically a good choice.
You also don't want push him to much, otherwise there is often a backlash which results in the opposite of what you want to archive.
Let's be honest, chances for a successful therapy would be small, setbacks to be expected and this would take many years.

And what would be the alternatives ?
A closet rubber cell ? That would certainly backfire in a spectacularly way.
Medication ? I doubt they would work on a archangel, even if they did, they take weeks to have the desired result, in the meantime suicide risk/ drive is even increased and finding the right combination of the meds can take much longer.
As for the sit down, I meant less so an actual sit down and more so just ACKNOWLEDGING the very volatile situation. Instead of asking if your just okay after he tried to murder his sister.
Well we will see their reaction, also he didn't really try to kill Azel and he is far from archiving that, (she's just a bit banged up sadly), just a hallucination, which Azel realizes.
That being said, i doubt a normal therapy would have changed anything in his case, certainly not in a days time.

I mean, they fail to aknowlege MC's situation from the get to go, take no responsibility for their actions, no guilt, no real empathy, really nothing.
Instead they just behave like he was on a weekend trip to a beach resort, try to force him to integrate in human society, without giving him even a few days off after centuries of torture. The MC even stated multiple times he doesn't want to, or doesn't like crowds etc, so forcing him on a shopping trip and in college makes totally sense :rolleyes:
I honestly don't see how them sitting down would change anything, the whole family would need to do a 180 turn in their behavior.

Edit: on a different note, we speculated how much time has passed outside of Hell since the MC's banishment and i noticed this by chance.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2018
Come on...the MC's family being what they are, there is no way they wouldn't know that...not to mention MC's runs around in his boxers scarred from head to toe, they can't really miss that, iirc Azel even comments on his cut wrists and that she know that he tried to commit suicid.

Well yeah, he already tried suicid with no success, i mean what you wanna do with an archangel which was betrayed by said family and suffered torture in Hell since childhood ?
There is not really a therapy for that, even less a fast one. So letting him settle down for a couple of days with his ''caring'' family is theoretically a good choice.
You also don't want push him to much, otherwise there is often a backlash which results in the opposite of what you want to archive.
Let's be honest, chances for a successful therapy would be small, setbacks to be expected and this would take many years.

And what would be the alternatives ?
A closet rubber cell ? That would certainly backfire in a spectacularly way.
Medication ? I doubt they would work on a archangel, even if they did, they take weeks to have the desired result, in the meantime suicide risk/or drive is even increased and finding the right combination of the meds can take much longer.

Well we will see their reaction, also he didn't really try to kill Azel and he is far from archiving that, (she's just a bit banged up sadly), just a hallucination, which Azel realizes.
That being said, i doubt a normal therapy would have changed anything in his case, certainly not in a days time.

I mean, they fail to aknowlege MC's situation from the get to go, take no responsibility for their actions, no guilt, no real emphaty, really nothing.
Instead they just behave like he was on a weekend trip to a beach resort, try to force him to integrate in human society without giving him even a few days off after centuries of torture. The MC even stated multiple times he doesn't want to, or doesn't like crowds etc, so forcing him on a shopping trip and in college makes totaly sense :rolleyes:
I honestly don't see how them sitting down would change anything, the whole family would need to do a 180 turn in their behavior.

Edit: on a different note, we speculated how much time has passed outside of hell and i noticed this by chance.
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For some reason, I half-expect the next update to be all about "poor" Azel and the MC feeling bad for stabbing her...


Sep 17, 2018
For some reason, I half-expect the next update to be all about "poor" Azel and the MC feeling bad for stabbing her...
Think I would genuinely drop the game at that point.

School arc was painful, family being bunch of idiots + MCs inner thoughts is hard to read at times, feeling ANY remorse for Azel would be breaking point.

Don't think she'll get hurt though, she did say she doesn't want to hurt MC, so probably holding back during their fight. All I assume MC will be sad about is starting a fight with such a loving, innocent creature like Azel. But let's see.
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Boehser Onkel

Forum Fanatic
Feb 20, 2021

a dungeon , a hallway , the throneroom , the bedroom - wooden stool´s (even the throne), candles , swords, axes

the bathroom - polished granite , electric lights ,electric outlet´s , keramic bathtube , upholstered chair´s

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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2018
Think I would genuinely drop the game at that point.

School arc was painful, family being bunch of idiots + MCs inner thoughts is hard to read at times, feeling ANY remorse for Azel would be breaking point.

Don't think she'll get hurt though, she did say she doesn't want to hurt MC, so probably holding back during their fight. All I assume MC will be sad about is starting a fight with such a loving, innocent creature like Azel. But let's see.
That fight was a let down to be honest. She was holding back and the MC could barely keep up with her. How the fuck did this guy wreak havoc in hell? If the demons are so weak, why are the angels so adamant on keeping the balance? What balance?
Dec 29, 2018
she probably should've mentioned that, you know, maybe the MC was tortured?
The main character already told Raphael that he was tortured in the first chapter.

Raphael: "I've been looking for you everywhere! Why'd you run away from home after I healed you? We were so worried about you."

MC: "Oh really? You were so worried? Did you forget to visit me while I was being tortured in hell? Or were you too busy for that?"

Raphael: "I know you're mad at me, but let me explain."

MC: "We're not siblings, Raphael. Not anymore. And I don't care for your explanation."

So there's no need for her to tell the family something they already know.


Engaged Member
Dec 4, 2017
That fight was a let down to be honest. She was holding back and the MC could barely keep up with her. How the fuck did this guy wreak havoc in hell? If the demons are so weak, why are the angels so adamant on keeping the balance? What balance?
Yeah, i had the same thoughts.
If the MC in his state of hallucination (in which he should be weaker and less focused) would be at least on par with Azel...but he is far from it.
There really is no reason for the angels to fake any kind of pretence of ''balance'', or even tolerate demons on earth. Even Emma and god aside, they could just send 1 or 2 archangels or an elder and Hell would be cleaned out in short time.
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