Leaving aside the fact that the whole Tonga thing has already been proven wrong, NLT is entirely free to charge people however much he wants. They are not forcing anybody to give them money. People are free to choose whichever subscription tier they wish to pay for. Calling this daylight robbery is analogous to calling any luxury brand daylight robbery.
It's called capitalism. Look it up.
The funniest thing for me today is that on a website devoted principally to bootlegging software (in this case robbing NLT Media of income systemically) I'm getting ticked off about the joys of capitalism and NLT Media's right to charge whatever they choose if people are willing pay it - FROM THE VERY SOFTWARE THIEVES WHO DON'T PAY A CENT FOR IT!

That's just crazy.

That's like a shoplifter stealing several super-expensive Prada bags from a Prada warehouse defending Prada for charging exorbitant prices, while purloining their product rather than paying for and acquiring it honestly because it was too expensive.

As far as I am concerned if software theft was taken out of it I could go along with some of what's been said, but when the people "standing up" for NLT Media are actual software thieves stealing product from NLT Media regularly, getting up in my face and acting all "holier than thou" when it comes to markets and capitalism in relation to NLT Media, well, fuck 'em I say.

That is just about as dumb and hypocritical as you can get.

People who want Grand Master TGO updates on a bi-weekly basis should all get off their high horses, pony up $25.00 a month, and become proper Grand Master supporters of NLT Media if they believe seriously in capitalism, which only works when it's transactional and follows the rules, i.e., you get something commercially in exchange for something in return by mutual agreement. (Read Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations if you don't believe me.)

If you are pirating NLT Media product you should shut the fuck up about capitalism, at least when it comes to NLT Media, because by definition your actions are those of a thief not a capitalist and you have no right consequently to champion that company, it being a business which you are personally and persistently robbing of product, depriving of income, and rendering a de facto victim of your own criminality.
(I am a genuine long-standing NLT Media supporter by the way.)