I don't really know anything about scripting, so not sure how to reply. heh
It's a good thing you're not Dev then, ain't it? Basically I noticed in the script file there's a lot of scripting that can be condensed by the fact that he spells out the whole words that are the default role names instead of using the individual letters designated at the beginning of the file (m, s, b, p, etc...) Dev could shrink the size of the file while simultaneously helping the users see the game as it was supposed to be.
the definition was until the version 0.5 but patreon has wroting to the dev that he is in violation of Community Guidelines.He posting that
Fair enough... but what I'm talking about now, is not using the write in like the game originally did, but replacing the in game text with the shortened labels so all us modders have to do is go into the script file and replace the role names in the beginning of the quotations.
To illustrate what I mean:
Beginning text in script file said:
define p = Character("[player_name]", color="#00cccc")
define m = Character("Woman", color="#6600cc")
define s = Character("Girl", color="#ffccff")
define b = Character("Boy", color="#ff0000")
define w = Character("Waitress", color="a52a2a")
define r = Character("Receptionist", color="#7fff00")
Dev has defined the roles as woman, girl, boy, waitress, and receptionist, but the file doesn't take advantage of that set of definitions. If dev went back and used those definitions, replacing all instances of bestie, lover, and whatnot with m, s, b, etc the game would display woman, girl, boy, waitress, receptionist, etc, and be compliant... and then we'd only have to replace 3 words if we wanted to make it our own. As it is, because all role names were manually entered in, we how have to replace every single manual replacement.