One of the things that gets me about this game is the actual amount of fun one can have playing it, I started it awhile back and before knew it was at end of the game and it was late in the night. That said i do have a couple issues or questions though...
1.) What woman, especially one with anger issues

, would put up with the basement room after the issues there?
2.) When is Nico or Amanda, i think that is the blonde yoga instructors name, going to start the path of slowly getting kelly to change her everyday clothes, if any, or get her to consider shaving?
3.) When can we shove Mr Pol into a dark pit and toss in Rabid Skunks and poisonous snakes? We could claim temporary insanity.....hell after first meeting him I so wanted her to take his head under her arm in a head lock and give him the 'Junkyard Dog'....ooooold WWF wrestlers finishing move.
All jokes aside I like the game as it is going I just am impatiently waiting for more content and i do seriously hope that we can get a shaven version of kelly, we can choose to have her shave or be shaved completely or not for those that like it as is but hey that is jsut me