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Okay, back to some actual info. I have been trying to confirm some things before making this post. For those not on my Discord. I will copy/paste the last message I posted at the bottom. Just some basic info about how much work I can put into the game now.
First I of course as always want to thank those waiting patiently. Even those waiting impatiently. xD. I have always been determined to finish the game and even making others. Just still learning things and learning how to deal with random nonsense that happens. I really do appreciate those that like what I do in any way.
Now for the "more concrete" info. Basically, it's all guessing at the moment. In fact, it's kind of very wild guessing. xD
In the first two weeks at my current job situation. I have been able to pose a good amount. Probably more than even in the past. Then while I was at work I was able to render those. I was able to do about 50. Now I would've done a few more but the preview image above was a bit more complicated than I expected. So that was a bit annoying but I learned some new things. Which I am always happy with.
So now for the guessing part mentioned. I have roughly 250 images left to pose and render. That sounds like a lot I'm sure but with my new process and the extra time I have. That won't be too much.
Coming up next... the biggest wild guess of them all. I'm expecting that I should be able to complete the current work by mid-March. Nothing else for sure I can say, unfortunately. As I've learned the last several months. Anything and everything can happen-- "Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong." aka Murphy's Law.
Mid-March is still the hope and plan for now though. Next week I will give a real short update. Just basically saying how many images I was able to finish. At the moment that's about all the real info I can give.
That is it for now. Again thank you to everyone that is supporting, has supported, is and has followed my progress... (That's a terrible sentence. xD) I can be slow to learn sometimes but eventually figure it out. I'm a little hard-headed that way. Lol
The Discord post:
"Another short bit of info. I have completed the 1st week of a new job area, after the training week. I have better pay, better hours, and more days off. So I have a lot more time to work on "The Inheritance". I have quite a bit set up yesterday and still doing more today. So here's another preview. A Patreon post will be soon. I just got access to it again. Patreon is slow... "