That’s a fair point. I just don’t like conflict.
I understand, it can be jarring to have all those alerts and people saying stuff. But hell:
"People hate you? Good! It means you stood for something" - Winston Churchill.
You do anything, make anything or change anything you'll get people that don't like it. But even if someone doesn't LIKE something or someone, they can still RESPECT them if they are confident, sure of themselves, open about things and don't conceal even the bad parts. It's like if there is a delay I could hide, but that would make my supporters even more angry. Instead I say, long before, X is happening, it may delay, here is what I am doing about it. Up front honesty may have that initial hostility but at least you get the respect from having the balls to stand your ground and being open with supporters and potential supporters.
P.s. I've played Dark Magic. Top tier Harem game that is, only male in existence. I quite liked it. Worrying though, I fear the harem may be corrupting me, next thing you know I'll start shitposting on NTR game threads, drink beer and watch sports. But that would never happe....IT'S COMIN' HOME... IT'S COMIN' HOME...
Ah's starting!!!