Hi man thank you for all
Can you make a Renpy remake of Sexduction when you finish with this game?
Actually, Sexduction is what really got this started!
So I wanted to play all the Games by Honeygames, having already played Follower and King of the beach. So Sexduction being the oldest, I really wanted to start with that one. I just found the Unity game almost unplayable and looking at the other two's Renpy conversions, I though, why not convert all the rest.
Unfortunately, it turned out to be much more difficult then I thought. So I contacted the other two developers and
SecretSal's method of conversion seemed to be the most doable for me with my current Renpy/Unity skills. The current method is kind of a brute force method. I basically play the game and note changes in the variables by looking at saves and put my own spin on things. I look at a lot of clues, read the walkthroughs, look at images to see if I missed any paths by looking if there are any unused images left belonging to the chapter. Then I try and find the paths to get to the missing images. So almost like building a puzzle. The format of King of the Beach by
SecretSal and The King is back, makes these games ideal for this converting manually, as it's mostly a linear path, with kind of solving a puzzle to solve the solution for all the girls. (It's a playing method used by a lot of games that involved some grind, including Big Brother, Man of the House, Cure My Addiction etc.)
Anyways, back to Sexduction. The biggest problem converting sexduction, is the lack of save ability. That makes it close to impossible to use this method of conversion. (Not totally impossible but almost. Using VMs could be a crude way to simulate saves.) So for all intensive purposeless I have to find or write a tool, that extract the logic from Unity and convert that to Renpy. I spoke to
NightTrain that converted the Follower and he was willing to help. He gave me some pointers on how he did his conversion and told me to contact him if I get stuck (And I did get stuck

) . I also spoke to
dsconstructor that did a unity mod for The Twist with very promising results.
So the conclusion to convert Sexduction is that I can not do it using the same methodology I used for The King is Back. I would need to use more advanced techniques that I'm not yet on top of. Once I'm done with TKIB, I will definitely look at converting Sexduction. My ultimate aim is to be able to convert Snake Thompson.

HoneyGames does not do it himself. He mentioned several times that he might have a relook into that game)
TLDR; Sexduction is on my radar, but I can not use the same method I used for "The King is Back". I do not currently have the skills/tools to convert it, but I have an idea on what needs to be done to do it and will start work on this as soon as I'm done with this conversion.