For a first version, it has a good amount of content.
- nice setting with (apparently) a long story to come
- meaningful choices that affect your character
- different paths to explore (will we be able to turn to the dark side?)
- lots of background info
- good renders with nice models and lovely skins, but...
- why do the girls have such enormous eyes? Annie's in particular look strange to me.
- some scenes are really dark and hard to see.
- the font is horrible, and since there are literal walls of text to read, it is hard on the eyes.
- some of the dialogues and internal monologues are a bit long winded. The first scene is infuriating because of it.
- the english is good at the beginning, but less so later on.
- it would be nice to know where we are going during roaming phases. What's the point of having empty spaces to wander in? A map like the one in Ataegina would be nice while in the tower.
All in all this game shows a lot of promise. If the dev keeps the story interesting it could become great.