Yeah i found all 27 cards, have the mansion unlocked and have all girls in harem, except Isabella cant transfer to the mansion
Hmm...not once in any playthrough of 0.5.3 via the Win version have I encountered this. I've played it from scratch and with old saves. I'm currently out of town and don't even have the game on the laptop I'm using.
Isabella can't be transferred, so no issue there. Only thing left would be unlocking all the sewer grates, but it seems to me that you most likely have that done too. I'll d/l and play it again, but it may be a few days before I'm done. If per chance you aren't using the Win version and it's the Android version, contact the creator of that one. If it's the Linux or Mac version, just tell me and I'll let the Dev know if he doesn't pop in to respond.
If you're using the Win version, do me a favor while you wait on me. Download and extract the game again* just to rule out a corrupted/bad game file. Get that save folder copied and paste it somewhere just to be safe before a new extraction is done. If you need to know where the save folder is located, just go here:
* - Wouldn't hurt to do the same with the other three versions, but I don't have a clue how the game folder looks or where the save folder is located in any of them.
Update: The pics are there right from the jump. I just grabbed pic 10 before even talking to Laura, etc. I even saw one that won't be accessible until a player gets the level 3 lockpicking set. It makes no sense for me to go any further in-game just because they aren't trigger-based to appear after some specific quest has been done. I honestly now have no more suggestions for you other than what I wrote above about 27 hours ago pertaining to downloading and extracting the game again.