VN Ren'Py Abandoned The Mason Gambit [Ch.10] [CorForce Productions]

3.10 star(s) 51 Votes


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2018
Hehehe well... I understand what you mean but, words matter and I don't think you mean exactly what you said. If so, then by having sex with both Nicole and Allison, the author has already put MC in opposition to the very ideals he is promoting. No, I don't think he cares about the institution of marriage so much as the idea of a committed relationship - even if that relationship is a non-traditional one. I'm OK with agreeing to disagree. But, I also felt a need to point at some unfair biases that were starting to develop over a single issue. As I said, IMHO.
Disagree. "Rules for thee but not for me" seems to be incredibly on brand for people who purport to believe in "traditional values".

The rules only don't apply to the MC. Everyone else who engages in premarital sex is killed off faster than the black dude in a slasher film :ROFLMAO:

Exactly right. The special circumstances of the viral infection in combination with the conflicted MC over traditional concepts of strict monogamy were meant (I think) to promote the evolution of an open dialogue rather than present a bigoted opinion. I guess we'll find out as the story progresses.
I agree with this as well. No where have I said the game is actually bad. I actually think the story is pretty good with some solid concepts at work. It tackles tough topics and there are points in the story where the writing actively engages the reader by addressing questions the story is posing.

I was impressed at the bit of dialogue where Allison goes "I think its time to address the elephant in the room" and the MC responds "Yeah me too. I'm starting to wonder why nobody seems particularly stressed over this.....extinction-level catastrophe that could potentially happen with this sterility plague and why it seems to be occurring in this secret underground lair my dad had built"

Yes game, I was actually beginning to wonder that as well. I, the reader, also have several questions.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2019
I just started this and already it's incredible.

I love the military elements with mostly accurate descriptions and backgrounds, given how my father was a Pigeon, as was I until I found my calling in leading more ground effects being a Grunt.

Having a character living in or raised in Vancouver is great, since it pulled me into the story, as I moved here 6 years ago and practice on White Rock beach, then watch the sunrise while relaxing with Tai Chi.

The name drop for Edmonton was another immersive draw since I was raised in Calgary with all of its wonderful chinooks usually at just the right time, while Edmonton doesn't have the western protection from the mountains it gets some VERY crazy weather, right down to about 50 klicks north of Calgary, including hail literally the size of golfballs and a tornado I was "Lucky" to encounter when I was in Edmonton industrial area many moons ago.

On a side note, there must be something in the municipal water systems of both E-town and Lethbridge, since you can literally gauge how batshit crazy a woman is compared to her beauty; meaning the most beautiful women I have ever dated from either city were incredibly chemically imbalanced...and that's just a PC version since I can tell you stories with some of the more...creative ones.

The renders are great, though Allison looks like 4 other characters from as many projects, where most even have the same M.O. and the MC looks like he has to turn sideways to get through doors and pays someone a crisp 5 to wipe his ass since he clearly can't reach it...making it curious how he removes the sand from his crack for 5 years in the desert lol. Z

Post note: I have several questions about this humanity terminal virus that appears to be contained within the city, more specifically to those that the father was in contact with.
They need to find a way to mass produce a 5 million-dollar shot or at least come up with something comparable since they did so with the 19th strain of Covid and all its mutations in "record time".
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Feb 22, 2020
This is trash because the person that made it is trash. He just inserted his own personality into all the characters to the point that everybody is the same insufferable over-concerned with everyone's sexual history and habits feeling superior because of their protected chastity.

At least he puts that cringe disclaimer at the front. He is all about false equivalences and justifying his own ugliness as the mirrorside of the same coin. Slut-shaming is a mirror to virgin-shaming? Nobody is out there judging virgins except if they are citing it as proof of their moral superiority like you asshole!

As you can tell I am triggered. To each their own but don't act like you have it all figured out. You only know the road taken, you're not fit to speak of the road not taken. People are more than their philosophy on sex.

Spare yourselves this preachy garbage and find something that's actually fun and liberating. Who wants to go to church in a video game!


Devoted Member
May 11, 2020
This is trash because the person that made it is trash. He just inserted his own personality into all the characters to the point that everybody is the same insufferable over-concerned with everyone's sexual history and habits feeling superior because of their protected chastity.

At least he puts that cringe disclaimer at the front. He is all about false equivalences and justifying his own ugliness as the mirrorside of the same coin. Slut-shaming is a mirror to virgin-shaming? Nobody is out there judging virgins except if they are citing it as proof of their moral superiority like you asshole!

As you can tell I am triggered. To each their own but don't act like you have it all figured out. You only know the road taken, you're not fit to speak of the road not taken. People are more than their philosophy on sex.

Spare yourselves this preachy garbage and find something that's actually fun and liberating. Who wants to go to church in a video game!
You know, that this rant says more about you that about the Dev. and getting personal and insulting him, don't make you right.
Don' t get me wrong, I would tell this to anyone who gets personal and insulting with you aswell.
that you think it is "trash" because you don't share the values of the MC and his behaviour, hece the game don't give you the options you would like to have in it is one thing.
calling the person which shared his point of view his values and his sight of life the A word and calling him a rightous puritan is one other.
I ask myself the question why you feel iferior and atacked, by a fictional story ?


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2019
You know, that this rant says more about you that about the Dev. and getting personal and insulting him, don't make you right.
Don' t get me wrong, I would tell this to anyone who gets personal and insulting with you aswell.
that you think it is "trash" because you don't share the values of the MC and his behaviour, hece the game don't give you the options you would like to have in it is one thing.
calling the person which shared his point of view his values and his sight of life the A word and calling him a rightous puritan is one other.
I ask myself the question why you feel iferior and atacked, by a fictional story ?
NO!! (gasp) NOT the dreaded 'A' WORD!!
Did you mean Autocorrelation, Astigmatism, Anticholinergic, Acclimatization, Anthropocentric, Agranulocytosis, Aluminosilicate, Auto-competitive, OR maybe it's Aegilops???

See when you type in a single LETTER of the word you are clearly trying to impose in our minds to cause US to auto-think what it could be, it leaves a VAST field of possibilities as to what THAT word might actually be!

NOW then about the post you commented on, no the creator of that opinion was calling out the Developer for SHOVING his personal ideals and "Morals" into the creation, outwardly DARING the reader to either follow along with what the narrative is or "fuck OFF" I think is how he put it.

Literally creating a character in his own narrative that is portraying the person he wants to be, I would be inclined to agree is a little cringe-worthy.

SO judging a person for their comments on a piece of fiction, just because you feel the same as the individual he is commenting on is a little hypocritical don't you think?


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2019
I wish I didn't have to CHOOSE between the wonderful women we have within the story so far!
Allison seems to be the obvious choice but I am having a VERY hard time looking away from MY top choice of Selena, we have a career woman, intelligent, blonde, beautiful with the perfect proportions in my opinion of a #1 draft pick!
This is naturally going to make me start it all the way from the beginning to complete the story with all of the girls, so there is THAT for a plus as well, and really, it's well written, even though purity bits get tiresome having it drilled into my head, yet everything else seems to be keeping the flow consistent, so continuing I shall do now.


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2018
I wish I didn't have to CHOOSE between the wonderful women we have within the story so far!
Allison seems to be the obvious choice but I am having a VERY hard time looking away from MY top choice of Selena, we have a career woman, intelligent, blonde, beautiful with the perfect proportions in my opinion of a #1 draft pick!
This is naturally going to make me start it all the way from the beginning to complete the story with all of the girls, so there is THAT for a plus as well, and really, it's well written, even though purity bits get tiresome having it drilled into my head, yet everything else seems to be keeping the flow consistent, so continuing I shall do now.
this is a kinetic vn, also harem, you dont have to choose


Devoted Member
May 11, 2020
NO!! (gasp) NOT the dreaded 'A' WORD!!
Did you mean Autocorrelation, Astigmatism, Anticholinergic, Acclimatization, Anthropocentric, Agranulocytosis, Aluminosilicate, Auto-competitive, OR maybe it's Aegilops???
:ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: Thank you for the contribution to my english ! you know exactly that the alluded A word is the lower sphincter of humans beens, used to evacuate the feces. that you don't find it ofensive, is good,
I didn't judge the person, nor did I say or imply anything, Just pointed out , and here that he could have said the same without calling him a A...hole and a trash.
Maybe it was not clear in my answer but i respect his opinion about the content of the game it is his opinion.
and that he finds the "slutshaming" ofensive and also the Introduction, dense or the word what you like to use.
About me taking an hipocritical stance, that is up to your point of view, (which is clearly different from mine, based on culture, belives,values, and life expirience)
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Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2019
I wish I didn't have to CHOOSE between the wonderful women we have within the story so far!
Allison seems to be the obvious choice but I am having a VERY hard time looking away from MY top choice of Selena, we have a career woman, intelligent, blonde, beautiful with the perfect proportions in my opinion of a #1 draft pick!
This is naturally going to make me start it all the way from the beginning to complete the story with all of the girls, so there is THAT for a plus as well, and really, it's well written, even though purity bits get tiresome having it drilled into my head, yet everything else seems to be keeping the flow consistent, so continuing I shall do now.
Edit: LMFAO Nicole, is apparently in the running for a "Lifelong Partner" who is getting tossed in the trash completely for slut shaming ALL of those girls that are no longer virgins AND gave reasons for it.
Dont go away MAD though, slut-shamer, just go away!
So....take a LONG walk off the top of that lighthouse, I don't need that negativity in a story I am involved in...oh she had SEX with someone, WELL she HAS to be a slut, get bent with your idiotic puritan BULLSHIT!

Edit 2:
NOW the writer has ALLISON saying the same stupid bullshit "Anyone that does that has no respect for their man??"
Oh there was a WHOLE speech that went along with THAT drivel!
Jesus fcking MURPHY ah well I just skip through that sort of shit anyway now, since there really isn't anything NEW to learn, just MORE opinionate garbage to toss out, but come ON< this is getting ridiculous!!

And NOW we get a NEW bartender character complaining about how his ex-wife is friends with HER ex and cant keep her legs closed and blah, blah, BLAH...aaaand SKIP THAT useless fcking dialog as well.|

OH GET THIS "I don't do sluts for the same reason I don't stick my dick in another guy's used condom"??
So..this fcking writer thinks that ALL women who have sex before marriage or have MORE than one boyfriend they run fucking TRAINS where guy after guy fucks them?

NEWS FLASH, most women do something referred to as BATHING, LO-and-BEHOLD, once they do that, they are usually SQUEAKY clean AND get this for an ADDED BONUS, if the guy was using a condom AND it didn't break...WOW, there is literally nothing IN there.

LMFAO this is just incredibly NARROW-MINDED writing with blinders on>

I was trying to think WHY the writer is being such a ZEALOT to these fcking SLUTS, ALL of them being WOMEN of course, NONE of these sluts that are continuously mentioned are guys at ALL... which means EVERY slut happens to be a woman, and ONLY women...mighty one-sided isn't it, what's the matter Junior, did the first girl you stalked never return your slick affection, so you have a hate on for all women>?
I THINK that is referred to as "Sexism"

ALRIGHT I was brainstorming with my Tiny Dancer here, WHY would this writer be SO much of a zealot, it came down to a CULT.
Yeah, that's right I called it out, NOW I know you might be wondering WHICH cult it could be?
Is it the Jehovas Witnesses, is it Mennonites, how about the Amish??
No no no, half of those do not like technology and JWs ALWAYS want to show a clean and pure type of face to the public, so no swearing.
NOPE, it's MORMON...Waaaaait...that sort of stupid sexism is also very predominant in..not Sihk not Muslim...holy shit it MIGHT be Islamic after all...they don't give 2 fucks about their women AND any of them having sex with more than one MAN in their life are sluts...well, I think we have a winner folks!

AND again he is SO hell-bent on hating those sluts huh...maybe because they are sluts to everyone BUT him lol?
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Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2019
:ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: Thank you for the contribution to my english ! you know exactly that the alluded A word is the lower sphincter of humans beens, used to evacuate the feces. that you don't find it ofensive, is good,
I didn't judge the person, nor did I say or imply anything, Just pointed out , and here that he could have said the same without calling him a A...hole and a trash.
Maybe it was not clear in my answer but i respect his opinion about the content of the game it is his opinion.
and that he finds the "slutshaming" ofensive and also the Introduction, dense or the word what you like to use.
About me taking an hipocritical stance, that is up to your point of view, (which is clearly different from mine, based on culture, belives,values, and life expirience)
LMFAO yeah I DO know what you meant, so just say the WORD and let it ALL out, instead of stringing ALL the letters minus one, get a fcking GRIP, either SAY the damn word, or do not, this "A" or "F" or "C' or "D" or"K" or "S" is complete bullshit, even my children do not bother with the abbreviations...since THEY grew up, stop picking a letter you DONT want to say the word for!


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2019
this is a kinetic vn, also harem, you dont have to choose
Wait really, you CAN have a harem, I am going by his VERY long introduction on how this story is playing out, like it or not, with the ONLY sex after marriage bullshit, AND if you arent like THEM then you are a "insert derogatory shaming name here
Well THATS great news, then again I still might replay this several times to see the different outcomes of each individually, then settle for my favorite of a harem minus Nicole.


Devoted Member
May 11, 2020
LMFAO yeah I DO know what you meant, so just say the WORD and let it ALL out, instead of stringing ALL the letters minus one, get a fcking GRIP, either SAY the damn word, or do not, this "A" or "F" or "C' or "D" or"K" or "S" is complete bullshit, even my children do not bother with the abbreviations...since THEY grew up, stop picking a letter you DONT want to say the word for!
yes Daddy ! :love:
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Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2019
OH NO!!!
Nikki sat on his lap and.....(gasp) KISSES, even with TONGUE!
I think even...(shudder) touched her BUM!!!
Oh she MUST be a SLUT then right??
well I mean HE cannot be a slut because he is a SHE must bare that shame huh...since she is a WOMAN?
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Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2019
Chapter after chapter I keep thinking Oh it's GOT to get easier on the sex before marriage bullshit but NOPE, how FOOLISH of me to hope for something like THAT HUH?
NOW we get a RETRO "save yourself for marriage because you don't want to be a SLUT now do you Granddaughter?"
SLUT shaming from a dying Grandmother oh thats just fucking RICH!~
Almost like the dialog is from the same fucked up author that can't seem to give his characters their OWN personality, nope it's just HIM in a dress, in a 2 piece, in a ballcap and ALL slut shamers!


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2019
I saw the renders for Vancouver General Hospital and was hoping it would be close to accurate, yet some things really do not need attention to detail, it was just a hope to see those familiar stairs, then turn around to see an acupuncture center, STILL, the art is top notch here, one of the reasons I am still invested in this.
OH YEAH have YOU had your daily MORALS lessons and Slut shaming?...NO? well, we have it here every hour ON the hour for your displeasure and upset stomachs!
(now WHERE is my "Buddy Jesus" thumbs-up statue gif when I need it?)
EDIT: Oh ICBC mandatory insurance, VERY aptly described exactly how it and ANY monopoly is!
Edit 2: RCMP are NOT Vancouver police, they are a metropolis with VERY MUCH their own police force.
There are smaller towns throughout Canada that employ RCMP for their security (Think of it as a paid service the towns invest in, much like mercenaries in the rest of the world, but from a very local and comfortable source)
Their training is more accurately MONTHS rather than the few DAYS that most police forces in the US "devote" their recruits to...which is why you have massive egos when they get their gun and badge...most of the REST OF THE PLANET does not behave like that...Canada is very much included for the most part...though I know a couple of officers that think they are above the "normal citizen" and above that law.
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Mar 8, 2020
I saw the renders for Vancouver General Hospital and was hoping it would be close to accurate, yet some things really do not need attention to detail, it was just a hope to see those familiar stairs, then turn around to see an acupuncture center, STILL, the art is top notch here, one of the reasons I am still invested in this.
OH YEAH have YOU had your daily MORALS lessons and Slut shaming?...NO? well, we have it here every hour ON the hour for your displeasure and upset stomachs!
(now WHERE is my "Buddy Jesus" thumbs-up statue gif when I need it?)
EDIT: Oh ICBC mandatory insurance, VERY aptly described exactly how it and ANY monopoly is!
Edit 2: RCMP are NOT Vancouver police, they are a metropolis with VERY MUCH their own police force.
There are smaller towns throughout Canada that employ RCMP for their security (Think of it as a paid service the towns invest in, much like mercenaries in the rest of the world, but from a very local and comfortable source)
Their training is more accurately MONTHS rather than the few DAYS that most police forces in the US "devote" their recruits to...which is why you have massive egos when they get their gun and badge...most of the REST OF THE PLANET does not behave like that...Canada is very much included for the most part...though I know a couple of officers that think they are above the "normal citizen" and above that law.
I'm pretty drunk right now, after that WBC loss to Mexico, but why in TF are were discussing Mountie vs Townie policing here?


Active Member
Aug 12, 2018
I tried searching but did find any previuse mention about it.
But atleast for me there is a broken image of Allison in the bathroom, has anyone else gotten that or is it just that i have gotten a bugged file?

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Yeah, i see the same broken image, there as well.


Active Member
Oct 30, 2021
I could wait until the story explains everything, but it seems many people are just impatient.

First - This is not a porn game. I didn't post my story here myself, but this is where it ended up. It is a kinetic novel that promises some adult content in small doses. The focus is on romance as the MC slowly begins to understand the situation with the women involved. He has someone he considers his true love and always has had. He was just never able to tell her.

Second - The MC and the girls have similar views on sex and relationships. I said it will be a harem game but let's clarify. I hate the term "harem" as it suggests a dominant figure over a group of others. This is the farthest thing you can get from that. The MC is being thrust into a fish out of water situation where his belief on relationships is being challenged by a situation where he is the only male available to these women. That's how they see it as they don't want anyone else and they certainly don't want to hurt each other. As with any story, things develop. If you are patient, it will happen.

If this is not your thing then that's fine by me. I got tired of many of the stories out there and the attitudes with the characters in those stories. You can't complain about those stories because, inevitably, someone says 'if you don't like it, do your own' as if that's a proper argument. So, rather than argue with deficient minds I am writing my own. The reality was, I wanted thriller that happens to have some adult times.

That's it.

Cheers :cool:
Will all bi-sexual and lesbian content be optional? I prefer my Li's to be heterosexual and not have any sexual interaction between them.


Devoted Member
May 11, 2020
battali0n , following the Trend of the game it seems so, even the Sex scenes are optional to see, for now you are quite save to play, acording to your preferences, Don't know for shure if this stays so, that is true.
Edit: from the OP Developers Notes:
Developer Notes:

This is my first visual novel.
By definition, this is a kinetic novel. It is a strictly linear story.
The only choice given is that of the name of the main character.
I may add a system of dialogue choices in the future to determine relationship points that unlock scenes - nothing that would change the progression of the story.

Planned content is Harem, and the usual vanilla sex. Anal if the girl is into it. Will likely include some bondage play.

Will never have NTR, sharing, MMF, or swinging. I'm just not into that.
Don't really care what the technical definition of NTR is, the LIs will NEVER have sex with anyone outside of the harem regardless of gender.
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Active Member
Nov 27, 2019
Ball rolling... That needs to be an animated cut scene... especially with THAT music! Just saying :sneaky:
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3.10 star(s) 51 Votes