To all those guys bitching about Dev's opinions, why don't you all just leave? This is clearly not a game for you all. Please find something better to play. Posting about how you don't agree with dev won't change anything.
Yeah he believes in true love and one partner for life kind of thing and he is still forming a Harem but
1) most of them are infected. It's not like they have many choices.
2) MC isn't casually fucking anyone unlike other games. He even turned down a girl in a bar. He believes in falling in love and making love. Once he fucks someone he won't leave them for ever. So yeah, it is a lifetime thing for him.
3) MC don't like skanks. He doesn't have problems if a woman isn't virgin. For example, his stepmom isn't a virgin and he still wants her. He don't like those girls who treats sex casually.
Funny you say that. MC appointed a female as his company's CEO. His team consists mostly of females. The one he reports to is a woman.
He want his girls to use their Amazonian traits and learn new things.
Where do you get that we are against the MC? His choices or his behavior?
We are against the proselytizing the author does through the MC and a seemingly kidnapped character from another game. The "story" isn't the issue, it's the continuous, non-stopping, permanent evangelization that the author uses the MC to do.
Now he even brings in another character that we all LOVE to pieces, it is probably one of the most loved characters in this site, to make a spectacle of debasing her for his own ends. It's not the "story", it's the author.
And it is absolute hypocrisy to claim to stay loyal to the one true love and have a cadre of "true loves", if any of the women did the same, as SHOULD be her right by his rules, he would do worse than what he did to his mother. So, those "special" rules and benefits only apply to him. The women exist to be his.
About the mother, that was the supreme show of hypocrisy. She's free to use her body as she sees fit. To have sex with 20 football teams at the same time, it's NONE of his fucking business. He may like it or not. It's irrelevant. But infecting her on purpose to punish any man she may wish to have sex with is WAY, WAY too far. He could cut the funds, that's the limit. Anything else is way too much.
The problem is that this isn't a "story" this is preaching material, for people that want to CONTROL their lovers. That want to have the right to demand fidelity, but, not offer it. To own the women in their life. To never be compared by removing any chance of it. To pretend to be strong when they are insecure.
I understand. This is a "story" for boys that don't know what a woman is. That are afraid of being compared and losing in the comparison. And those boys will follow these ideals. Leading to a life of celibacy or imprisonment because of domestic violence or psychological abuse.
I wish you good luck.
I don't plan on coming back here, but, will reply if called.