We are discussing the game being retarded and hypocritical, the only one getting personal with all this is you going after people and not their opinions. Your only argument is that making out with someone is "not sexual", which is retarded, people break up all the time because their partner kissed someone else, that is more than enough. You dont need to find them having sex thats just worst case scenario.
You know it is sexual because it was shoehorned in to appeal to the retards with a lesbian fetish that enjoy that kind of shit. And the kiss itself showed it, it wasnt a silly friendly peck, it was them making out.
Even the dialog seems like taken out of any of the 100 games here, "oh Im not into girls but it is so hot". I mean, when the whore tells Nicole to kiss her the normal reaction ( and even more for this game thats so fucking preachy about faithfulness) would be to put a stop to that inmediatly because you cant be doing shit like that behind your partner's back. But of course Nicole goes full retard and out of character and starts acting like a stupid teenager with no personality who just got into college and gets easily talked into doing shit and "experimenting". Do you really think it is not out of character for her to behave that way given all that we've seen from her in this game??
Well to me it is retarded and makes the MC a pathetic cuck, that will talk shit to a girl like Jaye for dating other people while single and then he just tolerates his girls making out behind his back. Hell, he even went hard against his own mother for shit like that, I guess the poor mother didnt get the memo that she needed to fuck other women and not other guys

and then MC would have gladly sit with her and comfort her, even watch her going at it.
The game just feels retarded now, all the shit mc and nicole have been shitting out their mouths makes them seem like clowns because when the opportunity presented itself for them to do what they preach she acted like that and MC had that pathetic reaction. They are like a priest preaching against homo stuff while frequenting gigolos or a vegan hunter, just a walking contradiction.