Thanks everyone, as always all the feedback is really appreciated! For those of you that struggled with finding the new recipes (seems like a lot of you), when you figured it out or saw the answer was it an "oh that makes sense" moment or did it feel like confusing bullshit?
is this update still coming? i understand if something came up, but it'd be nice to know
Really sorry, it feels extremely lame and scammy on my part to make excuses when the update is already late. I know most people are very understanding like yourself, but it's hard to shake the scummy feeling as I'm typing out "excuse number 3" for a week late update.
I promise to get better at this though! I'll swallow my pride and keep communicating I'll get these updates out on time!
Good luck, love the concept. Hard to jerk off to pixels unfortunately, maybe some CG's for scenes?
Thanks! The pixel art is kind of central to the game, so this may not be the one for you.
dont listen to these chumps I think the artstyle is great. I do wish the screen with text had an animation or at least an image on it though, and a lot of the text cuts off and makes it seem like theres a second page when there isnt.
Thanks a load! For the end pages, I will probably add a button that will show the animation again beneath, it should be in the next update. As for text cutting off, that's one thing I'm a little stubborn on from a design perspective, I like that each scene always has exactly one page of text that's quick to cycle through if you've already seen it.
Hey good job Pinkfuton as always ,I hope you can include hairless nude body spell,robot spell and maybe frog spell in your potion room game.
Thank you! I like the idea of a robot spell, I just need to think of how it would look and how it would be "sexy". For the hairless spell it seems a little niche for me to spend time on...Its does fit as a failure scene though, If I have time I'll add it. And by frog spell do you mean a literal frog or a anthro-frog?