Just my opinion, but quest items should not appear in the list at all. If you plan to have lots of any single quest item (meaning you can find the same item repeatedly and eventually have 100 of them stockpiled) then it's just a normal item like any other, although with a specific usefullness to the story. But the demo playthrough seemed to indicate that quest items were single-existence/never sell/never craft items. Crafting lists should only show items that can be used.
As for the categories, normal/rare/unique indicators certainly have their value, but perhaps a more useful categorization for the player is weapon/gift/usable/trash or something similar. Things like the scrolls of fire and ice certainly seemed to me as weapons. It would have been nice to know instead that they were trash (the word trash here being used in the vernacular of various rpg's not to indicate monetary worth, but that it has no game use; selling it is its only purpose). "Show only Trash" and/or "Show Magic-box Only Items" being one of the potentially useful filters for the list (basically, show me everything I have that has no other use in the game but to destroy in some manor here in this crafting box).