can't someone drop a save file that isn't bugged??That is the curse of playing a game as it is being built![]()
can't someone drop a save file that isn't bugged??That is the curse of playing a game as it is being built![]()
Because the quest log plugin is a pain in the ass and Vruk will tell you EXACTLY what to do. My testers are able to run through the game without problems. Also, this isn't other RPGM games. You actually have to read what Vruk says and listen. He gives directions at the end of every conversation. The Gita quest for the sleeping powder is not the same for her corruption. All necessary time frames, items, etc are listed in every conversation.
To do generic quest text that shows up according to the quest status is a quest log. I understand that it is a pain. I wish I had a plugin that would record what you'd seen so you can re-read it. Don't have one though. I plan on trying to do SOMETHING to help, but the only thing I can do ATM is what is done: Have Vruk give specific time and objectives at the end of dialogue. For now, its best to make a note of what you need to do before quitting the dialogue if it is hard to remember or you don't plan on doing the quest right away.
It's the first time I witness the dev not giving a snippy answer to the ongoing problem concerning his quest design and provided in-game infos. Usually he is blaming it on (stupid) players not following his "superb" dialogues enough. And sorry, who the fuck sits there and takes notes on a piece of paper or txt document in order to remember every bit of crucial info? This is an erotic game, people want to have fun and see scenes, which this game is very much lacking. Not taking notes and not doing silly, redundant and massive grind within an ugly game engine. There are rpgm games, which really make the best out of the outdated engine and also provide a proper quest log or dialogue history at least. Maybe the dev is about to change his behaviour for the better. But I remember lots of snippy comments to the many people who are stuck and don't really know how to proceed, which isn't really their fault, because there are simply too many asking the same questions...In case anyone else is interested in what the creator said regarding the questlog:
You'll need to buy lockpicks at the blacksmith's shop. Then pushing with your mouse and if the lock reaches the top, click left and press enter on your keyboard afterwards. You've got to repeat this, untill you're through. It's annoying, but once you've figured it out, it's easy, but still tedious, having to do it again and do you pick the locks?
Gita can be completed, if you break into her house in the morning and add your sperm into her tea pot. Doing this for 3 days, will complete the quest on the fourth day in the evening. But there is no real new reward scene for that, just the same blowjob she already gave you, when starting this quest. My initial reaction was: wtf!Can you already get the lady merchant laid? I saw some CG where I think Vruk fucks her.
I broke into her home and I saw the poster. But then no new option arises, neither during night or day.
I am already at the end of version 0.14, have I broken the quest?
Same with the dick dragon powder? Can I even produce some and give it to the alchemist? I collected a few wings but it doesnt seem like I can do anything with it.
yeah the guy and his guarddog are assholes sometimes. Especially his dog often talks down to players and think they are beyond other opinions. The worst is when you have a question, follow all there steps with the right place to ask what you want to aski and they don't give a real answer. Also the games questlog is useless. it tells you nothing, you get no hints what so ever, some stuff you need to do never gets explained and you can only hope someone elsewhere has the answer you are looking for. I look for freaking shannon for a long time now and nobody want's to tell me where the fuck she is or what I have to do. Same with the girl where you have to unlock the stupid door. It says I need to go in there, but you cant do shit in there. Again, NOTHING is explained. Reading your post finally gave me answers!It's the first time I witness the dev not giving a snippy answer to the ongoing problem concerning his quest design and provided in-game infos. Usually he is blaming it on (stupid) players not following his "superb" dialogues enough. And sorry, who the fuck sits there and takes notes on a piece of paper or txt document in order to remember every bit of crucial info? This is an erotic game, people want to have fun and see scenes, which this game is very much lacking. Not taking notes and not doing silly, redundant and massive grind within an ugly game engine. There are rpgm games, which really make the best out of the outdated engine and also provide a proper quest log or dialogue history at least. Maybe the dev is about to change his behaviour for the better. But I remember lots of snippy comments to the many people who are stuck and don't really know how to proceed, which isn't really their fault, because there are simply too many asking the same questions...
Thanks dude, all you've written should be in the In-Game Walkthrough. It is really terrible. I thought the "cum in coffee"-quest is just repeatable stuff that you have to do every three days to not get game overed. I didn't know it is a prerequisite for the sleeping powder stuff. I thought they are independent from each other.Gita can be completed, if you break into her house in the morning and add your sperm into her tea pot. Doing this for 3 days, will complete the quest on the fourth day in the evening. But there is no real new reward scene for that, just the same blowjob she already gave you, when starting this quest. My initial reaction was: wtf!
For the other one, the vegetable and fruit seller, you've got to break into her house, while she is at her vendor stand. You've got to have sleeping powder in your inventory already in order to interact with her wine bottle. Otherwise you can't interact with any object in her house. So you'll need to have completed Gita's task to get her some dick dragon sperm first in order to get the reciepe.
For that you'll need to have grinded enough dick dragons, until one of those drops a sperm sample, instead of the wings, which is rare. I recommend save editing and skip this mindless grind shit, just cheat some into your inventory.
Once you've created sleeping powder (requires 1 x dick dragon sperm, 3 dd-wings, 3 bat wings), which you can do in the basement of Vera's house, you can pour it into the wine of the vendor girl. The alchemy table in the basement of Vera isn't even highlighted as object you can interact with, so people will be easily confused. Another bad game design decision, if you ask me...
After pouring her drink, you'll need to skip time and hide in the bushes in front of her window and then witness her drinking the sleep wine. Then again skip time and break in at night in order to force your dick into her mouth while she is sleeping. This can be repeated, but there won't be any progress showing in the current build.
yeah the guy and his guarddog are assholes sometimes. Especially his dog often talks down to players and think they are beyond other opinions. The worst is when you have a question, follow all there steps with the right place to ask what you want to aski and they don't give a real answer. Also the games questlog is useless. it tells you nothing, you get no hints what so ever, some stuff you need to do never gets explained and you can only hope someone elsewhere has the answer you are looking for. I look for freaking shannon for a long time now and nobody want's to tell me where the fuck she is or what I have to do. Same with the girl where you have to unlock the stupid door. It says I need to go in there, but you cant do shit in there. Again, NOTHING is explained. Reading your post finally gave me answers!
You can find her where the dickdragons are after your daughter is born, I've written that a few posts up.I look for freaking shannon for a long time now and nobody want's to tell me where the fuck she is or what I have to do.
There are two girls where you have to unlock doors - one is Gita where you have to go in in the morning.Same with the girl where you have to unlock the stupid door.
Actually adding sperm into Gita's teapot isn't a prequisite for the sleeping powder quest. Those are two seperate quests involving Gita, which don't show in the quest log. Tainting the tea pot will just prevent your mc from losing Gita as future breeding wench in future builds of the game. If you fail the mc will talk about a major loss of a good womb or something like this after 4 days have passed.Thanks dude, all you've written should be in the In-Game Walkthrough. It is really terrible. I thought the "cum in coffee"-quest is just repeatable stuff that you have to do every three days to not get game overed. I didn't know it is a prerequisite for the sleeping powder stuff. I thought they are independent from each other.
Thanks for the help!
Is the recipe an extra item to acquire or are u supposed to know the ingredients for the power by trial and error?But getting the sleeping powder reciepe is a prequisite for corrupting the other vendor girl in town
So at night she should sleep in her bed so she sleeps with me in her bed just don't know maybe can drink with me or do something I haven't tried so much. the game is very prone to erasing mistakes when you do something that happens too early or too lateIt also said I lost a major opportunity there. I've started a fresh save here and broke into Ginas house multiple times but never had anything to interact with there (I also tried activating random things in case it just didn't have sparkles).
Never got anything to interact with in there - I also doubt that I've been missing some item because I had wings from both bats and the cockdragons as well as cockdragon cum (and aphrodisiac, potions and obv. lockpicks).
Dunno what exactly is meant to be done here but it doesn't seem to trigger reliably.
She's also not sleeping in her bed for me, if that's something that should happen.