I just discovered this game and tried it out, and it definitely has promise. The renders are pretty good, and as I've said elsewhere, if a game involves controlling a slutty Hermione, I am on board.
It looks like the dev at least occasionally follows this thread, so I do have some feedback that I hope you'll appreciate.
First, as others have said, the QTEs really ought to go. They don't add any value, aren't fun, and can only lead to potential frustration. They really don't belong in a game like this, and absolutely nothing would be lost if you just removed the timer bar in the places where you have one and let the player click the button to progress. The same can be said about chasing the flying cock monster thing, it's not fun. You could just have the icon appear in different parts of the castle and stay put and it would only be less frustrating. Ultimately, as a game dev, any time you want to add a mechanic to a game you should first ask yourself, "will anyone really find this fun?" While challenges can definitely be fun, pointless frustration never ever is.
Also as others have stated, the interface needs help. At the very least it would be nice to have some way to see how many friend points or whatever it is you've accumulated with different people. You have that little icon pop up when you do something they like, so I assume it's being tracked somewhere, but I have no idea as a player what it's doing or how much progress I've made with them. I won't go into the save slot thing, as that's been beaten to death in this thread already, but +1 for wanting a more robust system there. I would also very much like an option to have text just appear instantly. I loathe having to push a button to get text to pop up just because I read faster than it scrolls onto the screen. I'll honestly never understand why any games even do that, but if you feel the need to do so, at least let me turn it off.
A gallery of unlocked sexy times is pretty much standard for porn games like this, and if it's possible to do given the engine and libraries you're using, I would strongly suggest doing so.
There's an admittedly hilarious typo in the love potion recipe where you're told to "cock it" for four minutes. I imagine Hermione's gonna be getting a lot of cocking in this game, but I don't think that's exactly what you meant here.
On that note, I can't be the only one who's looking forward to her blowing a human cock at some point, poor girl.
Anyway all of this is, of course, imho, ymmv, and probably tl;dr, but there you go.