Come de fck on man, I love the style of this game but it's totally unplayable cause you need an extra screen to look at what to do in a sketchy list you always forget what task number you where at when you closed it the last time you played. I swear playing this game I feel so dumb, does anyone ever finished it to the last patch without external sources?
Why the dev keeps developing the story? 95% of people who played probably never unlock more than half of the content cause it's so silly, no quest marker, no quest book, no calendar, man come ON.
Just because of this fact this game is the only one I liked but I never donate anything. It's very good but it's hurting my feelings how much it's making me loose my time because it's not ergonomic.
After waiting a all year for a detailed in game walkthrough my opinion on all this is gone from awesome to pain in the ass. And I guess soon I will have PTSD looking at anything related to it, I know I will never be able to finish it the way it is