2nd Porn Movie and Studio BUG UPDATE
0.44Beta1 & 0.44
The inability to trigger the 2
stnd porn movie and possible future studio scenes
Currently if you click on either "1st porn movie" (0.44-Beta1&BFinal) and "Offer to act..." (0.44Beta1) under "SHARED MEMORIES"
It will prevent you moving forward with any studio scenes.
View attachment 1191810
But, if you do find yourself in this situation, there is a fix.
And here's how you do it, AFTER WHICH, I would recommend loading up a save before the issue happened, preferably to just before the start of 0.44
You need to delete the following registry
(USE AT OWN RISK, changing things in the registry could cause issues for your system)
-On the Keyboard - hold Windows Key+R
-Type Regedit
-Delete - Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\KsTgames
and if there's a 2nd one delete that as well, just in case
View attachment 1191787