Make sure you've done these steps
i have other questions
450. Make sure John is not at home. Also make sure you have done the threesome with Janice and Emma (step 170) and the previous events with Rachel (up to step 418).
On Tuesday go to the living room until 19:00. Janice shows Emma the necklace Jason gave her as a birthday present. Emma takes a closer look.
She recognizes it as her stolen necklace and realizes that Rick is not the one who stole it. Jason confesses to be the thief and apologizes. Janice is mad at Jason.
(During this "mad period" Janice refuses to have sex with Jason until you complete the steps 451 to 453.) Emma is not mad at Jason.
Janice suggests that she and Emma should go out tonight to have some drinks and forget about everything.
[On Tuesday go to the living room until 19:00. Janice shows Emma the necklace Jason gave her as a birthday present. Emma takes a closer look.] is not heppened
i already john kick in my house