When the school is in the corridor with Mia. Before the message was sent to Adrianan, then no reply comes at 13 o'clock.Which stage are u stuck at?
A error message would have been helpful, it's probably file permission related if i had to guess:i keep having a problem with the mac files i cant open them. i think there s sth messed up
I just had the same problem but found a fix for the problem.
In terminal just change into the this directory "Contents/MacOS/" and the chmod 775 on TheTwist0.18Mac
After this go the folder where the game is placed and do chmod 775 on TheTwist0.18Mac.app -> after this it should work!!
Try go back to jason’s room to receive the replyWhen the school is in the corridor with Mia. Before the message was sent to Adrianan, then no reply comes at 13 o'clock.
I have the same pbduring daytime she's there ok but from 20 (8pm) to 22h only an empty bed and no Julia ... but with the dialog option.Guys, I have the 0.20final and still no Julie during visit in her room, I mean she's a ghost here
C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\KsTgames\The TwistWhere to put save file?
I experienced this problem also. I could find no way to fix it. Then I discovered the root of the problem was the low end on-board video card. (as snugglepuff stated above). I purchased a geforce graphics card and all is now working properly.