To me, a "well-written" ending for this VN would be the MC being abducted by Rosa, with Officer Juri keeping an eye out after she sees the APB and eventually noticing Rosa going to/from a bodega in some part of town we haven't seen yet ... then busting Rosa, but succumbing to the allure of the situation after she realizes the MC has willingly given in to Rosa's role-playing advances and wishes to remain in a sort of BDSM-infused relationship that is being financed by funds accumulated from a rich Uncle who Rosa has kept in her good graces for many years. Because, let's face it, the MC is a total whore.
Meanwhile, Karen, Nikki and Haley band together in their shared worry and grief, soon finding that they need to share MUCH more to continue feeling even a slight spark of hope about the future.
Or something. That is, this was tongue-in-cheek and I realize the above was not well-written
, but the general intention was to say I'd enjoy seeing something hit out of left field that could still be explained by the personalities of these characters which we've seen up to now. Blow my expectations about the storyline, but not about the characters.