Thinking About You Redesigned
As you know, there are many great games on Patreon. My humble game is one of the smaller projects. There are many better-looking games, more professionally made, with better gameplay, more popular... Of course, competition is good for you

Because of competition I have to start doing my game better, which is good for you too

I have been working on many changes over the past two months. I don't promise you a revolution, rather an evolution, but I hope that after these changes my game will be better and give you more pleasure
So, what's new?
- Better looking graphics. I do my best to make my game look better.
- Images in 1920×1080 (Full HD)
- More images for each scene. No real animations in this game, but I would like to give you the illusion of movement and animation.
- Optional activities - if you want, you can hug girls, or watch them when they change clothes, or take them for a walk, etc.
- More dialog options.
- New mechanics of erotic scenes. Now you will have to look at Julia, at her face, at the reactions of her body, to know if you're doing something right or wrong. It'll be fun!
Plans for the next few weeks:
- v.01 redesigned - I need a public demo, and v.01 is short, so making a new version will not take much time. There will be some new content, so I hope you will play v.01 again.
- A new scene for + 10 $ Patrons. A very interesting scene, you'll see!
- Birthday Edition inside the main game. A lot of new erotic content.
- v.05 - the new part will be shorter than v.04, because, as you can see, I'm working on other things at the same time. But I hope it will be very funny