4.30 star(s) 73 Votes


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2019
The Dion,Kent,Damon,thing is going to absolutely EXPLODE pretty soon as well.

Especially if you tell Dion,Kent left the note. That dudes got issues.
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Officially Dead Inside
Feb 23, 2020
I had similar thoughts. I can understand - I'm assuming now he's gay [based on the note, his behavior, Dion and his father's opposition towards same-sex marriages] - that he didn't want to tell his best friend (out of fear that he'll lose him or smth), that he told Mira and that he wanted to be alone with her in the club, but barring MC from coming near was a really dick move, especially since he was the one who asked him to come to the club in the 1st place. I didn't like being forced to sit and drink alone instead of just saying 'f*** it!' and going back home.
The issue I have with the dynamic between Damon and the MC is you’d hope that they would know how they’d react to information like “I’m gay”. If they both don’t know how either of them would react then they aren’t really that close.

[QUOTE="Mister_M, post: 5372685, member: 530044"
I really hope that's not the case. Based on the info from therapist that Damon prepared smth big for the evening, I hope that Naomi is that big 'thing'; Damon somehow talked her into meeting with MC and set up a date/meeting for MC.
But why would Damon try to push the MC toward Mira (in the first update) and then arrange for the MC’s ex to show up when the relationship ended so badly? And if this is supposed to be a gathering of the “former gang” plus Mira then why isn’t Danielle included? If Damon is gay why not tell his off again on again girlfrien

[QUOTE="Mister_M, post: 5372685, member: 530044"
:D I was also suprised about how many people know MC's mom, but I grew to expect this soap opera-like settings where everyone knows everyone, and MC is always in the dark, so this doesn't bother me that much. I'd prefer better story, sure, but as far as adult game are concerned this one's still pretty solid. Hopefully it won't derail too much into ridiculousness.
Yeah, this is better than a number of them. It’s a CW writing style - secrets kept from the person who needs to know the information the most - by everyone else.

Deleted member 15555

Harem Lover
Apr 25, 2017
Yeah, she is way too distraught over her client for it to be anything but blackmail (she cheated and was caught) or cheating and leaving. I don’t see her being so broken up unless the client had killed themselves or someone else.

I was trying to decide if he reacted because she was a therapist ordering matcha (we all have triggers) or if she gave off a vibe of being too familiar (the hug greeting). Perhaps lesbian affair with mom?
Nah only the teacher seems more into that considering she touched the mom and the mc xD
(Alexandra gives me the vibes of being familiar to the mc because she acts like it and says she wanted to know him for a long time...also she knows too much of the MCs life for it to be just a coincidence or something that said the mc's friend to her)
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Aug 27, 2017
Okay, this was shockingly good compared to the preview pictures. Like, the preview pictures and titlecard really don't do this game justice. If the title card and main banner was updated to something that stands out a bit more and looks like a super-high quality banner, then it would do the game wonders for attention. It needs to include all love interests because there are some seriously attractive models (like Danielle isn't even on the banner, and Rose isn't in anything) with intriguing story in the game. Content is pretty plentiful too for a second release - 10 gallery scenes, all of which help push the story along without holding it up purely for content. Overall feels a lot like Summer's Gone, a VN with branching storylines and plenty of characterization (and SG is absolutely incredible, too). A lot of drama and secrets in the story though, so hopefully they're followed up without being tropey or plot threads leading to nowhere. Definitely going to follow and support this one.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2017
Danielle is my favorite character by far so far.

Everything to do with the mom seems kinda meh so far for me. Like people have already said, way too many people know about her and her secrets, feels like just forced mc drama for the sake of drama.

Naomi looks like she was beaten with an ugly stick for a few years, I hope some changes can be made with her face because every other girl in the game is super pretty.

So far its pretty good, but if the mc's mom shit is the plot point that gets dragged out for months and months its going to get old really quick.
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Engaged Member
Apr 2, 2018
The issue I have with the dynamic between Damon and the MC is you’d hope that they would know how they’d react to information like “I’m gay”. If they both don’t know how either of them would react then they aren’t really that close.
Yes, but it seems to me the dev is more concerned with creating a sense of mystery/conflict and his way of creating it by keeping the player in darkness sooner or later will always require a certain amount of illogical, unbelieavable actions from everyone. It even seems like he knows that the player will be surprised at Damon's actions so he has various people telling MC that friends sometimes keep secrets from each others as a way to convince the player that Damon's behavior is ok, while it isn't. It's even worse since my MC was always honest towards Damon and never acted behind his back.

But why would Damon try to push the MC toward Mira (in the first update) and then arrange for the MC’s ex to show up when the relationship ended so badly? And if this is supposed to be a gathering of the “former gang” plus Mira then why isn’t Danielle included? If Damon is gay why not tell his off again on again girlfrien
I could see an explanation like he wanted MC to forget about Naomi, so he introduced him to Mira, but seeing how that didn't work he reached to Naomi to try to bring them back togather or - if MC really clicked with Mira (depending on the players choices) - he reached to Naomi in order to give MC closure, so they can explain stuff to each other and move forward. In any case, I hope it's smth like that cause if she's there just to be another person keeping secrets about Damon/mom/whomever then I think it'll be enough for me to stop playing the game further. Hell, I can accept her being there by sheer accident, because she's meeting with someone else or smth. Although what would be a big surprise then (apart from acting like a dick that is)?

And I don't think it was supposed to be a gathering of old gang. If 'big surprise' is indeed Naomi then the meeting with her was the sole reason for the club adventure. Danielle wouldn't be necessary plus Damon actively tries to avoid her so he wouldn't ask her anyway. If my assumption is correct however then why choosing the club and not simply bring Naomi to MC's house or smth? To diminish the shock through the mood, fun and alcohol? And the 2nd question is why bring Mira? Only for Damon to have someone to hang out with after Naomi would come?

Also, I kind of feel like the dev didn't think through the whole break-up thing between Naomi and MC or at least presented it in slightly conflicting way. As you say, we were led to believe that their "relationship ended so badly", but now it seems like he was in a bad spot, she couldn't come, he hurt her, they broke up cause of this. So it kind of make sense now that MC feels bad about the whole thing and since he's feeling guilty he'd somehow want if not to rekindle the old flame then simply to apologise, even if he - the same as Ada, since her situation was in a way a reflection of MC's - is not 100% certain that's smth he wants to do. Damon could know/feel that so he arranged the meeting.

regis nex

Feb 19, 2019
Holy shit!
This is a hidden gem of a game. I really love the intertwining lives of the characters, and how they all have a role in certain choices and what not. The dev is really onto something. So far Mira, Danielle, Naomi, and penny are my faves!

Let the class drama overflow with conflicts and " pick either or " types of choices for each girls. I honestly loved and hated that I let Mira down just to Troll Dani's date :LUL:
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Feb 6, 2020
i really dont like how the mc doesnt have the choice to ignore the bartender and go to his friend....in fact its really fucking weird that these two are best friends and we have no options in trying to figure out what wrong in a more serious way...honestly its pissing me off


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2020
I'm pleasantly surprised, hopefully, this will go well, but really some choices are so fucking hard to make, mostly involving Mira, but yeah pretty good so far.


Say no to NTR and Fuck a Preggie girl
Feb 5, 2020
I am absolutely enamored with Ada. Even if the thing with her ex was a bit uncomfortable and awkward. Just means that my job in getting her to move on is a little harder. Oh well. And I really hope that ending with Naomi doesn't end up as anything forced. I really was all for everything up until the ending. Yeah, that shit left me bitter. "When did everything get so complicated"


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2020
i really dont like how the mc doesnt have the choice to ignore the bartender and go to his friend....in fact its really fucking weird that these two are best friends and we have no options in trying to figure out what wrong in a more serious way...honestly its pissing me off
Although I partially agree I think the Mc didn't ignore the bartender because if he did he would be kicked out and the situation would be even worse.
Oct 22, 2017
Man this game is so fucking good. After playing through the second release I just feel like doing the "see all the content" route aka the harem route is going to inevitably result is some kind of spectacular train wreck of drama. It feels like the story is already hinting at it during moments of the MC's self reflection as well as Rose throwing it in your face how it's a bad thing that the MC has been seen with Mira and Ada. I'm definitely curious to see how the dev will end up handling this aspect of the game. Just like how it felt pretty "shocking" in Be a Rockstar when the harem route all came crashing down in a spectacular train wreck lol.

I could definitely feel with the pacing that the MC's ex would have to show up at some point. It makes sense she's the cliffhanger ending. I totally thought while playing though that she would show up as the new girlfriend of Ada's ex lol just for extra drama.

I'm so curious about the "main" aka not related to a specific girl, plotline involving the MC's mother disappearing and Damon's apparent big secret. I really wanna know what the heck is going to happen with that.

Is Damon gay? I feel like from what I recall playing in the first part about how Danielle had scenes of her trying to convince Damon to be more spontaneous with their sex life by pointing on the MC and Naomi plus the way the jock bully dude seemed quite rattled about Damon having the sign on his locker implying as such point to that idea. It feels like it should be something more than that, but it could just be that. At least it feels like Damon's sexuality has something to do with it.

Also minor note. The teacher, Pendragon, acted in the library like she had some big secret revelation in store for the MC about his mom lol. Saying stuff like "I don't want to breach confidentiality." But honestly it felt like the information she said about what she actually remembered was pretty vague and nonspecific. In the library scene she said something to the effect of "Oh I thought you would have moved on from your mom because of why she left." as if she really knew the concrete reason why the mom left. Yet when talking about it all she had to say was "Well your mom seemed upset about a patient." If that was what she thought the reason was for the mom leaving why would that be something the MC is okay about lol. Definitely found the two parts of that mini-arc a little underwhelming/confusing to say the least.
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Aug 10, 2019
I really hate when I know people are hiding something from the MC but can't do anything about it, other than that it was pretty good. Also at this point I have no idea how I'm gonna choose between Ada and Danielle, I really like them both, the rest I don't really care about.


Sep 1, 2020
So Damon is sharing everything with this random chick that just showed up in the town but won't tell anything to his best friend? I don't know about that...

Also the ex gf knew what was going on with mom and probably why she left right? At least that's what I got from the dialogue. I can't wait for the "We didn't tell you because we didn't want to hurt you" explanation, whatever the reason is.

Other than that I really like it.


Nov 12, 2019
hey, great job remastered, i like the story, just hope can be a little more hot, kinky, incest maybe ? between mother / daughter, and the mc as sexfriend or better...i dream on lol

So anyaway i like mira and daniel i like her caractere and bitchie's personnality hope a great story, many protagonist girl also i hope the story not goes everywhere, anywhere can wait for another update
4.30 star(s) 73 Votes