I've been playing slowly and safely. like an immortal dragon would.
I was mainly curious as to how you've avoided the demonpocalypse while having so little money and maidens, and especially without running away all the time. Apparently by abusing the town tribute bug and sacrificing/killing instead of milking/breeding the women.
Well, I can't really fault you for the latter.
The stuff should be mostly materials for crafting, I am getting through those.
You've got a lot of just plain treasure, too. About 1800 gold worth, in fact. Although now that I think of it, most of it was on the cheap side. You're not raiding the jeweler or noble castles much, I guess? I've since made it so that you can store several of the same 'place' in memory, so you can have a bank of castles to raid if you wish.
Only one milked maiden at any one time. and using the milk is such a pain in the ass when you have taken a 100 hp damage and you gotta click 200 times.
Why only one? You do have the ability to build more farms. And milk gets better with more pregnancies.
Also, are you using the 'drink until healed option'; and possibly also the beta 'drink button' from
The seals really take most of the maidens "attentions". and sparks aren't useful enough at this point to use them on that
I recall using fire breath a lot when I was smaller, and also making regular trips to the jeweler. I also tend to have a lair overflowing with cages and maidens, so sacrifices were always in abundance. But I've never got to playing one of the huge+ sizes and their bigger sacrifice requirements.
I either kill them for anger management, make them bear a child then kill them, or sacrifice them for the seals.
That's very draconic.
A lot of people are kinda attached to the special girls. Hmm, how did you miss Marianne? Or did you just pay her off?
...I don't see a reason to change. Every time there's been a knight or a thief they have a method to fly so, I see no reason.
The cloud castle is much bigger (size 60), totally escape-proof for all but the two flying maiden types, and just cool to live in. Size is the biggest bonus here, since max stamina is a hard cap for expansion. Although I guess if you're not concerned about having dozens of cages, farms and breeding pits, it's not such a big deal.
Burghesses are easy to get.
Yeah, but you could, you know, just sell the eggs or give the scalies to Mom. You've got a whole horde of them underfoot.
I could care less about taking the time to pamper nobles. and I can't remember how to make kobolds. honestly, the whole "taking care of prisoners" is too much of a pain in the ass to spawn weak minions.
Kobolds come from those Burghesses you sacrifice and eat all the time.
Nuns, too. And not all lizardmen spawn from nobles. Elves, oni, beastkin, the fire and ice girls... Anyone you can rape without killing them outright can be thrown into a breeding pit and it's pure profit after that. Even 3-4 kobolds give you quite a bit of food once the discount is maxed.
Go to a village, ask for tribute, fail.
Yeah, I'll be fixing that.
Your pride screen says 'hard battles won: 0'.
Meaning you never fought something that overpowered you 2-1 or worse.
I've had other things on my mind. The darkwood is not very interesting. I've been going there, and the best I got was a few beastkins.
Darkwood is the only place to get demon girls. There are also occasional firelings, rare attack mastery and HP training events on top of what the trainer gives you. And once you get monster lairs unlocked, there are some more unique fights against them.
Darkwood does suffer from a few issues, primarily the lack of a good source of knowledge points. Will be fixing that.
If acid resistance were more prevalent I would have grabbed better heads.
I think acid is still the rarest element to be resisted, so that niche isn't going away.
...the act of going to pick up your maiden is free, stamina-wise, the act of gathering the required money is certainly not.
Crafting? Collecting treasure together with maidens (villages, lair locations, plus noble maidens from carriages and yachts give some nice trinkets). Raiding the royal palace is probably the best for that.
Also, is there value to the alves except, obviously, as sacrifices, leafzards suck.
All the lizardman types suck when you have more advanced minions available. But leafzards do magic damage, so are always of some use, and are much more available than Ravagers. And can be sent to the tribe. You also get the super-lizardmen who are probably the third best offensive minion in the game, except against mages and the like.
Elves themselves make for passable early-mid-game minions as well, although getting them to accept is a lot of trouble.
Up to a point, in some cases, there are 4 different files with the same name. so the only hint is that the file is about the same size, but that seems like a lot of guesswork. maybe just add a readme to say which file to switch.
There are? Discard the .rpyc files, these are compiled versions. Of the other two, one is in the 'game/tl' folder, which is the translation. So new files almost always go into 'game/_script' or 'game/_story'. If I have something bigger than just 1-3 files, I'll make a proper patch.