Fuck, I thought I had fixed this.

There are still invisible 'casualties'. Console "army.power = 0.0" to fix your game and use the attached script to fix new games.
But it does show you how bad the Final Battle is going to be. These 'losses' are equivalent to one round of battles there.
"Big suprise...
Huge surprise..."
Kind of, but not really. You can stockpile girls and set up your auto-sacrifice with those. Or buy them from Hakim. You just can't abuse it too much (beyond 1 angel/stamina levels).

Well, the solution is to max the seals before sleeping and keep a stock of sacrifices. Or pray to Hakim.
Auto-sacrifice will save time, more food will save time, more giant lairs will mean better girls. Don't know about infamy, though.
I think it's a little
too big. The
other peasants will never believe this is the pure, unadultered
That's without multiple workshops. Which
are kinda hard to use, what with all the differently priced crap and all, but saving up and doing a big, multi-workshop smithing session seems like the obvious answer.
That's only if you leave leveling crafting till you're size 10.
Actually, knightly lairs
should be the best 'regular' option, barring dwarven airships.
Not too much, then. You're not even getting a pride bonus yet. Are you using the smugglers' stock to craft?
Well, as I said, you can't get money, minions, darkwood, new lairs, etc all at once. If you replaced your DW excursions with hunting for gold, you'd see much faster progress.
Well, yes, but not
that much when you're a walking apocalypse yourself. It's called over-extending.
Why do you want
more fear? And it's 10 because you leave mobilization up. Demonpocalypse or just high poverty will get your fear up.
The food? Food will become
much more plentiful.
Yeah, er, you're somewhat right. But you can also look at it like this: hitting size 10 is basically painting a big red sign on your back saying "come get me!". So they do.

It's... well, like
another doom clock. Except you deliberately tick it over yourself.
Not sure if something really needs to be done about it on normal+ and higher. Or what, exactly.
Nah, the normal ending is still feasible. Now you don't have to worry about sacrifices or infamy, get exotics from the cultists, and can still raid the dwarves, merchants, airhsips and potential lairs for cash. The one big thing that's gone is the jeweler.

I'm going to make a bunch of demon waves for you to wade through, give him attack mastery, and maybe some per-turn healing if it's still too little.
max(0,int(math.floor( (0.5 * self.servants_power + 1 * self.grunts_power + 1 * self.specials_power + 2 * self.elites_power) * ((3.0 + self.diversity) / 4.0) * self.equipment ) - self.power * 20000))
Well, you asked.
You're too heavy on elites and too light on actual grunts (and snakes). The ideal mix is 5-10% elites, 10-20% snakes, and 25-50% others. Otherwise, you tank 'diversity'. Although more raw power can compensate quite a bit.