Mod Ren'Py Abandoned Time For Dragons - Defiler Wings: Deranged Dragon Mod [29-07-2020] [Jman]

3.50 star(s) 8 Votes


Nov 13, 2020
If you are up for some modding, you can mod the game to make things easier for yourself. :devilish:
Gee thanks for the totally useful reply instead of actually adressing my questions/issues :rolleyes:

1. Ive never done modding or programming of any kind and would have no clue where to start
2. I dont *want* to mod the game, I want the game to actually be winnable at its base design. Its currently got a few major issues that are just making it way too hard, namely that there doesnt seem to be any way to balance your food needs with the resulting poverty from raiding villages; a quest that requires decades if not centuries of in game grinding; and this horrible demon problem Ive already mentioned above. Demons are an unavoidable time bomb that means game over when they happen.


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
...even when I was using them it was still earning me a profit of 5-10 gold a day.
Yeah, but using a cheaper option would have given you even better profits and quicker access to the second homunculus. The mod turns TfD into a resource management game, so squeezing every extra bit out of your activities is a given.

And since you cant get minions until medium size (since tiny/small are too small to overpower peasant girls)
Goblins aren't minions now? o_O And even peasant minions can be had as a tiny dragon. Just pick your first evolution wisely and get a power-1 farmgirl. The lonely farms are full of them. It might take a little longer to level those up, but at least all the time you're still tiny/small will be put to good use that way.

How long does it take for the smugglers to rob the knight? I just paid 96 gold and it said they would leave him naked as a babe...
Right now, it's instant. I have a version with a delay planned, but it's not released yet. But this 'naked as a babe' is ruffians bragging about themselves, they take only one item off of him and he can just level up again. Robbing is really not a remedy against maxed knights.

For the hatcheries, how do I find dwarves, efreet, or jotuns? Ive spent weeks wandering around the mountains and sky and have never seen a single one of these guys.
The dwarven home and hatchery are hidden. Look around in certain shady places to get access. But this is the hatchery, the endgame one, so I doubt you could actually fight your way through to it right now.

Efreeti are quite rare. Jötuns are as well, but there are three places they can occur so maybe a little more accessible. Keep wandering, you'll run into them sometime.

Do I just have to wait a few years for the poverty to finally go down or what?
Yes, there's no magical 'poverty go away' option. If you devastate the Kingdom, you have to live with the consequences. Time is the only cure here.

...100 poverty and every single village is abandoned now so I have no easy way to get food or maidens.
The Sea has several food encounters, and you still have the animal herds. Although these do increase poverty again.

I suppose hunting bears/boar might work for a while, plus you really should have the lizardman village unlocked by now. And the Capital always has maidens, although the fights can get really tough. Or you can fish for mermaids.

And Hakim is your 'emergency' source of girls. Did you unlock him yet?

Just got a quest to send a total of *1000* minions to the army. That is absolutely insane. How many centuries of in game time does that take?
I don't know, no-one's who's actually tried has ever said a peep about it. But this is one of the endgame quests, you can have quite a baby factory set up by then.

squad screen
Would be nice, sure. I haven't actually seen a Ren'Py game use drag'n'drop and while it's supposed to be possible, I'd rather do everything else with a better gameplay impact first rather than bang my head against this UI headache. If I really get everything else finished, I might take a look. But definitely not in the near future unless someone more or less points me to a working example that's similar to the current game.

Something else that is becoming a problem is the demon seals. ... How do I deal with this problem?
Welcome to the main challenge of the game. The warning Mom gives you at the start of the game isn't there for flavour, you know. :p It's there precisely because people have been running head-first into the demon invasion and then acting surprised that demons are tough.

Also if demon encounters are becoming commonplace in the land, you should really make it so that the dragon can encounter some!
I have some plans along these lines, but it takes time to do this, time I don't have ATM.

...sacrificial alter, but the problem there is it only gives 4-6 seals
A solid peasant should give about 9, actually. Are you sacrificing good-quality virgins? As long as you only have one altar, you really need to pick and choose.

...can only be used once a month, so Im still losing progress. Am I just fucked or is there some other way to deal with this?
You should get multiple altars as soon as you can afford them. Two are barely sufficient with savescumming, three are more or less okay. BTW, these 'useless' nobles make for quite nice sacrifices, ~19 seals as an average for a virgin.

Its really urgent cause Im down to 46 seals.
If your seals go below 30, you get an 'emergency mode' where you can use your altar repeatedly but with halved results until they rise above 30 again.

How do I fight them when they are 90% resistant to everything but magic, and none my minions are able to do magic?
I guess you don't. I'm going to replace the 'projections' with something a little less resistant in the future.

I lost and I dont know if I have it in me to start all over again.
It's fine if you take a break and come back to the game another time, now equipped with better knowledge of game systems.

Or you can play on easy and/or one of the larger starting sizes. Even modify your copy of the mod to your liking, as several people have done.

The target audience of this mod is me :sneaky:, and I'm a sucker for punishment and a serial savescummer. I'm willing to accommodate some changes that make sense to me as well, but in the end, the final advice if you think the game is too tough is 'play on easy'. If that looks too, well, easy, then you can propose an intermediate difficulty and I can add that.

There is no way to stop them from happening.
Just last week I showed that it is possible to handle the seals even on 'impossible', if you savescum like a maniac and are focused on it. :cool: that point you arent doing anything to progress the game and its going to happen eventually anyway.
It's entirely possible to 'build up' the seals again while evolving your dragon so he can beat them.

...enemies that literally cannot be beaten.
There needs to be *some* way of actually dealing with these assholes.
Not quite unbeatable. :) Rainbow or shadow heads and elven minions are possible options even during mid-game. But as I said, the projections are actually meant for the 'boss' fight with Architot, and there's going to be a slightly weaker opponent guarding the gates.

But the main gameplay loop is about not letting the demons invade rather than beating them. The invasion is supposed to be something you really don't want to happen. This seems to be the case right now, doesn't it?

Gee thanks for the totally useful reply instead of actually adressing my questions/issues
No, that's a perfectly valid answer. If you want a game tailored to your playstyle, you have to do it yourself. If you are unwilling to do that, you have to live with what others provide.

Ive never done modding or programming of any kind and would have no clue where to start
No modder or programmer ever emerged from the womb ready to code. Everyone starts somewhere. I'm willing to tell you how to achieve your goals if you're serious about it.

I want the game to actually be winnable at its base design.
Nothing you've said indicates the game actually is unwinnable. All you've shown this far that it's unwinnable on normal with a moderately wasteful strategy.

...any way to balance your food needs with the resulting poverty from raiding villages...
The lizardman village. The Sea. The Forest. Big fights. Eating Hakim's merchandise, in a pinch.

...a quest that requires decades if not centuries of in game grinding...
Even if true, this doesn't make the game unwinnable, merely tedious. And I'm not convinced that it actually takes decades with a high-level dragon.

...this horrible demon problem Ive already mentioned above. Demons are an unavoidable time bomb that means game over when they happen.
The demons are a 'time bomb' and difficult by design, to introduce a sense of urgency and limited resources. And to encourage you to play the game normally and not just go for the demon ending all the time.
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Active Member
Jul 20, 2019
I did not code any part of the game, other than suggesting a new flag for girls. So I cannot really address gameplay issues which the mod author is better placed to address.

Btw is poverty capped? I can only reach 99 tops. At 95 I destroy a town and it reaches 99.


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
I did not code any part of the game, other than suggesting a new flag for girls.
You did change the evolutions, didn't you? :D

Btw is poverty capped? I can only reach 99 tops. At 95 I destroy a town and it reaches 99.
It's capped at 100, but your day ends after destroying the town, so it goes down a little and is then displayed as an integer. I could make poverty changes a weekly event too, if you wanted it.


Active Member
Jul 20, 2019
I could make poverty changes a weekly event too, if you wanted it.
Earlier you mentioned some numbers higher than 100 so was just wondering.

Trying to understand the milk farm function; poring will be made as long as the girl in there has given birth at least once, not necessary to be pregnant
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Nov 13, 2020
" And even peasant minions can be had as a tiny dragon. Just pick your first evolution wisely and get a power-1 farmgirl. The lonely farms are full of them. "
I never once managed to fuck a girl as a tiny or small. Not a single time. It would always say "if only the girl would calm down or [dragon] was bigger. The moment I turned man sized I never lost a maiden again.

" The Sea... "
Requires a whopping three mana for one encounter, or wasting months on evolving a blue head.

" hunting bears/boar "
rare encounters that have a lot of trouble adding up to the hundreds of food you need.

" lizardman village "
yep, but you only get the large 200 fish once every week or two, so while its nice, its still not nearly enough.

" Hakim... Did you unlock him yet "
Nope. Whos that?

" But this is one of the endgame quests, you can have quite a baby factory set up by then. "
Okay so maybe not centuries, but even in the absolutely best case scenario: if you have 15 caged maidens (about right for the capacity of end game lairs like the castle) always pregnant with the breeding pits, thats still going to be 8.33 years to make 1000 minions. And thats not taking into account if you cant find enough maidens to keep them full, having to use up maidens as sacrifices, or using up minions in tough combats.

" Two are barely sufficient with savescumming, three are more or less okay "
I cant imagine having to sacrifice three maidens a month on top of trying to build an army. maidens dont just grow on trees o_O

" 'useless' nobles make for quite nice sacrifices "
Nobles are uber-rare though. 6 years into the game and Ive only ever had 4 nobles. one got eaten by cockatrices and the others all died during their first birthing.

" If your seals go below 30, you get an 'emergency mode' "
TBH if you its down to 30 seals Im fucked anyway, cause those will be gone in a couple weeks. In the end I was losing 3 seals a day.

" elven minions "
I didnt even know there were elven minions, how do I get those? Everything elven is hidden behind that magical mist that takes 10 mana to break through (i had to use some shards to get in there so i could get the forest hatchery)

" The lizardman village. The Sea. The Forest. Big fights. "
Again these are all very small time amounts of food compared to the hundreds that you need to keep evolving. Raiding villages is the only really reliable way to get large amounts of food

" And to encourage you to play the game normally "
You mean to encourage one very strict style of play. The fact that you have to focus your entire game around constantly feeding three altars means you are limited in how you play. If you have to spend all of your time just looking for tons of maidens, then you arent spending that time building up food for your evolutions, or even just exploring the world. Just playing "normally" is going to get you demon fucked. I think thats my main issue with the demons, is you have to focus everything on just preventing the demonpocalypse, and cant just spend time experimenting with other aspects of the game.

Also as a side note, why is the dragon the only one trying to stop the demons? Shouldnt there be human factions working against them? Where are these knights and templars with their magical war gear when the demons are threatening to break lose? And how about the witch and her crew, shes powerful and i doubt she wants demons roaming around. Least she could do is sell us demon-slaying enchantments or something, turn our attacks magical so we can actually fight them. And why doesnt our mom get off her lazy ass when its clear her son is completely outmatched. If shes so worried about the demons destroying the world then she should do something about it once they actually break out.
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Active Member
Jul 20, 2019
Pick up Notepad++, set it to recognize renpy python syntax.
Edit the Kingdom.rpy file, there is a block of code relating to demon seal decay. Experiment with changing the numbers, or completely delete the whole block like me :ROFLMAO:

And how about the witch and her crew, shes powerful and i doubt she wants demons roaming around.
I think the witch might be just looking out for herself.

Shouldnt there be human factions working against them?
I think you have not fought the cultists? Defeat them for good source of maidens.

And why doesnt our mom get off her lazy ass
That is because she HATCHED ;) you to do all her work, and is involved in one of the endings. Also does not like the witch.


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
It would always say "if only the girl would calm down or [dragon] was bigger.
What was your 'power' stat? If you went straight from tiny to small and then medium, that's expected. Getting a more combat-oriented evolution first would have helped you immensely.

The moment I turned man sized I never lost a maiden again.
I'm changing the rolls so that there's a bit more variation in the 'fights'. That being said, humans aren't strong enough to contend with even a moderately powerful dragon.

Requires a whopping three mana for one encounter, or wasting months on evolving a blue head.
Yeah, the mana option is only worth it in an emergency. But if you lay waste to the land, you should be preparing to go elsewhere. :D

" hunting bears/boar "
rare encounters
Not that rare. Boars have a base chance of 2/13, bears 3/11 for the respective 'hunt for...' options. But if you're desperate, they're one way to get a windfall and a combat boost.

I'll admit that my view is somewhat skewed due to savescumming and that the chances get lowered after each encounter.

that have a lot of trouble adding up to the hundreds of food you need.
You don't need hundreds of food. You only need a few tens per sleep cycle, anything beyond that is a strategic choice you should be preparing for. If you cut off your primary source, you have to look for others.

you only get the large 200 fish once every week or two, so while its nice, its still not nearly enough.
The 'week or two' can be sped up by donating lizardmen, and each donation also shortens the current timer. Plus, with a bit of money, you can also buy meat in addition to fish, making that 200 into 360 and eventually 720 (360 bi-weekly), more if you're providing settlers while doing it.

Hakim... Whos that?
The name's obviously eastern, or southern in TfD geography. You've never run into a bunch of southerners?

Okay so maybe not centuries, but even in the absolutely best case scenario: if you have 15 caged maidens (about right for the capacity of end game lairs like the castle)
You mean the stone castle? That's not an endgame lair. :D Engame lairs start with 40-60 slots and can be expanded quite a bit.

I think the actual limiting factor is stamina, which as a WAG is at most 20 impregnations per sleep cycle. So you need roughly 50+ sleep cycles, which is not all that unreasonable as preparation for the Final Battle. You also need a big pile of gold and an army numbering ~2500 total, so there's more preparation to do anyway.

...cant find enough maidens to keep them full, having to use up maidens as sacrifices, or using up minions in tough combats.
I don't think you can run out of maidens and even if you do, Hakim has at least a dozen for sale every month. The second is a valid concern and might slow you down enough to make things impossible, but I'm not committing to anything yet without some actual numbers from a real game.

The minion losses will not exist during endgame. You'll be fielding a 500+, maybe even 1400+ HP dragon and 300-600 HP minions, all with resistances. I can't even imagine not avoiding losses with some switching between battles.

I cant imagine having to sacrifice three maidens a month on top of trying to build an army. maidens dont just grow on trees
Since I was able to sacrifice two hand-picked virgins per month as a small dragon, I think your imagination needs an upgrade. :p Useless maidens pretty much are just raining from the sky.

Nobles are uber-rare though. 6 years into the game and Ive only ever had 4 nobles.
You've never killed an old knight? Never raided a carriage, a yacht, a tournament, wooden fort, stone castle, etc? The Capital also has nobles of two different varieties, but the fights can get pretty tough there. got eaten by cockatrices...
:LOL: Well, that's no way to treat a princess.

...the others all died during their first birthing.
No breeding pits?

TBH if you its down to 30 seals Im fucked anyway, cause those will be gone in a couple weeks. In the end I was losing 3 seals a day.
I think your problem was the excessive poverty which got turned into fear and thus seals loss because the cultists got more support due to that.

The 'emergency mode' isn't really intended for such a situation.

I didnt even know there were elven minions, how do I get those?
Everything elven is hidden behind that magical mist...
Not everything. :) Look here, there's an entire list of non-Forest sources. In general, it's a good idea to read the thread back a bit, there's a lot of good info scattered around in here.

Again these are all very small time amounts of food compared to the hundreds that you need to keep evolving. Raiding villages is the only really reliable way to get large amounts of food
What small-time amounts? Lizardmen give you 500+ per sleep cycle if you upgrade them a bit. A big enough fight can give hundreds as well. A few herds add another hundred or two. I think getting 500-1000 food per sleep cycle for a late mid-game dragon is entirely feasible without villages. It'll slow you down some, but I don't think you need to be able to plow ahead at full speed all the time, especially when you've killed off your main food source.

You mean to encourage one very strict style of play.
Not really. You can always level up, get your magic damage/minions in gear, let the demons invade and then play whack-a-mole with them until you're ready. Or level up some more and then go for the Big Bad. Or you can look for the third ending in the Darkwood dark castle.

Even normal play can accommodate a variety of choices, as long as you remember to feed the altars.

Just playing "normally" is going to get you demon fucked. I think thats my main issue with the demons, is you have to focus everything on just preventing the demonpocalypse, and cant just spend time experimenting with other aspects of the game.
That's intentional, and comes with appropriate warnings at the difficulty selection screen. I think your problem is that you're after the 'easy' experience, but for some reason don't want to choose that difficulty. That's exactly what it's meant to be, a relaxed version of the game where you can explore stuff at your own pace and the demon countdown is stopped entirely if you manage to lower your Kingdom fear to zero. You also need less food to evolve and face a bit easier opponents.

Also as a side note, why is the dragon the only one trying to stop the demons?
Read the thread. TLDR, these are anti-Dragon demons. :D

And how about the witch and her crew, shes powerful and i doubt she wants demons roaming around.
The Witch is an enigma, and might actually benefit from the demons. Or not. :sneaky: In any case, she's in a sort of cold war with Mom and the Archmage, which is why none of them is moving openly.

...our mom get off her lazy ass when its clear her son is completely outmatched...
She's used to biding her time. If you fail, there's always the next dragon. No dragon for a while, the humans repair the seals again and she can start over.

If shes so worried about the demons destroying the world then she should do something about it once they actually break out.
She does, and wins. But not against the 'regular' demons, and not when you completely mismanage the situation. She's not keen on gambling and losing.
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Active Member
Jul 20, 2019

Ravager, Juggernaut missing, probly a few others? Still not able to complete the all types spawn quest, and its getting harder to look thru the hundreds of minions... probly should release a whole bunch of them?


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
That list is missing Winged Asps o_O, Juggernauts and Gremlins. Although it's not a 100% guaranteed list of missing critters, some entries might not be there because I half-assed this. :cautious:

If you have too many minions, let the Army have them. You need to do that for a quest, anyway.


Active Member
Jul 20, 2019
Intermittent bug, the wakeup function sometimes cancels the knight & thief lair encounter, getting an extra day of prep.
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Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
Intermittent bug, the wakeup function sometimes cancels the knight & thief lair encounter, getting an extra day of prep.
o_O Wakeup only processes after the 'go to lair' check?

I think what you're seeing is random chance at play, the knight or thief progressing from e.g. 97 knowledge to 98, 99 or 100 depending on dice rolls.

How fix it?
By not playing in Russian. Russian isn't really supported anymore. :(

If you really must have some sort of Runglish abomination, go to functions.rpy and change the 'print_coins_gold()' function to look like this:
    def print_coins_gold(coins):
        if eng():
            if coins > 1:
                return '%s gold coins'%int(coins)
                return '%s gold coin'%int(coins)
        coins = str(int(coins))
        if coins.endswith('1') and coins != '11':
            return '%s золотой'%coins
        elif coins.endswith(('2','3','4')):
            return '%s золотых'%coins
        elif coins.endswith(('5','6','7','8','9','0')):
            return '%s золотых'%coins
            return '%s золотых'%coins
But this will really not solve the whole problem since there are probably other Russian-specific bugs, and now you have some sort of abomination telling you "Give 12 золотых to robbers". :(


Active Member
Jul 20, 2019
'The [knight.title] [] has found the Lair where [dragon.kind] [] is sleeping.'
This line will display, followed by the wakeup eye open anim transition and wakeup text. Thats what happened to me. Not that a day helps anyone lol theres hundreds of minions waiting. As for the thief, theres plenty of traps, and snakes waiting.

Defeated knights n thieves are put into breeding pits to make more eggs. :devilish: :


Mar 24, 2019
So, thanks a lot. I changed the language and the error disappeared. )

But I now have a second one. What to do here? : D


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
This line will display, followed by the wakeup eye open anim transition and wakeup text.
That's weird. I can't get it to do the same for me, even using your previous save. And nothing is obviously broken in the script, either. :confused: Can you give me one where it happens more or less consistently?

Defeated knights n thieves are put into breeding pits to make more eggs.
Mom approves. ;)

But I now have a second one. What to do here?
Use the attached file in the next post. I see that others have only been catching thieves, not killing them, if this error has gone unnoticed for so long.
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Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
Okay, another version. I added some more sound effects to the thief, but you don't yet have the 'surprise' sound. Use the attachment, again. Or create your own screams, if you wish. :D


Mar 24, 2019
Oh thank you! I was just thinking of screaming out of despair, at the same time I will record the sounds of notifications.)) 0 0
3.50 star(s) 8 Votes