Lizardman village seems to be the best for food later on, assuming you've stocked them with enough minions. If you play your cards right your can get about 750 satiety from them per cycle. That said, raiding villages and simply fighting enemy groups will slowly but surely fill up your satiety. Rich traders also give a good amount of food after you plunder them. Which brings me to my questions:
1) How in the everloving hell do you keep a monstrous and up size dragon fully fed? Is there some sort of feeding mechanic/spot I'm missing or should I just chill it with the evolving until full and then turn it on when needed?
2) Is there a specific kind of fireling/ice maiden I should be getting to get balor/frost wyrm minions? If their virgin eggs are supposed to give you them then I can say without a doubt that all they've been giving me are ravagers and frostpaws, and that ravager eggs are labeled as juggernaut instead of ravager.
3) If you mutate your main head, does the element of your breath attack change or is it always fire?
1) Don't evolve too much at once, I only do one or two upgrades at a time.
2) In order to get the advanced spawn from any girl she must be a virgin,
AND you must have at least one mana,
AND your virility must be high enough (18 for fire /ice , 24 for demons and 30! for Angels).
While she is pregnant, the egg quality estimation will be light blue if advanced spawn and darker blue if regular.
to be fair though, those quests are enabled a bit early compared to when they are completed.
3) Always fire, red head is worst head because of that.