Mod Ren'Py Abandoned Time For Dragons - Defiler Wings: Deranged Dragon Mod [29-07-2020] [Jman]

3.50 star(s) 8 Votes


Dec 21, 2018
Hmm... perhaps it should just be changed then what she says there if there's no way to make it work well. Only other idea I had was more evolution for the same satiety spent but that's probably not gonna fly.

Anyway, it would seem that the only civilized race that doesn't have females to capture are the dwarves, either that or I missed something. I would ask if they are planned for the future but I can't even imagine what kind of minions they would produce if they even were added. Something to do with digging obviously, but what exactly I'm not sure.


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
Or you can just RP that the dragon ignores what Mom says. Who listens to their mom, anyway? :p

The only suitable thing I can think of is that sleeping in Drakonia could be used to reduce infamy, and maybe rage, but you get the penalties of unruly minions, increased escapes, auto-looting when someone invades, etc. I don't think it would be very attractive as an option.

Dwarven women are a staple fantasy mystery, one I am happy to leave alone. Unless someone comes up with at least a dozen image packs for dwarven girls and at least half a dozen 'dragon rapes shortie' and 'dragon tortures shortie' pictures.

Otherwise, take your pick:
  • There aren't any dwarven women. Dwarves reproduce by fission, or maybe they're hermaphrodites. :unsure:
  • Male and female dwarves look exactly the same. o_O
  • Female dwarves are hidden and guarded even more heavily than dwarven treasure. And they still have beards. :eek:
Edit: Why'd you turn red? Is this some kind of mood indicator? Is red angry or manly? :unsure:
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Dec 21, 2018
Yeah I don't really see it working out that well either.

As for the images, I can imagine you'd be hard-pressed to find ones that pertain to short women without them being gremlins/goblins/[insert-non-dwarf-but-short-thing-here] or go into the realm of rule 7 iffyness, but perhaps it's doable.

As for the red change, I like profile pics that are thematically appropriate to the site they're on, and purple didn't feel like it was gelling very well with f95's red and various dark shades.

Edit: Turns out finding dwarf pics is actually kinda easy. Whether or not you're going to find enough that are fitting to this game seems to be another story entirely.
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Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
There's no shortage of, er, 'shortstacks', but not many of them are dwarves and pretty much anything that features a dragon either has a shortstack dragon, or a really weird combo.

The one picture I could find of an actual dwarf and a dragon having sex had the male dwarf as the dominant side. :eek: I don't think we want to go there...

Edit: We're in a Ren'py thread, and Ren'py is purple, so... :unsure:


Active Member
Jul 20, 2019
Sleeping in dragonia could also have each day start with mama nagging you to keep moving and find more girls if the cages are near empty, more coins if the coffers are low, and to mama any amount is always low. :ROFLMAO: :devilish:


Dec 21, 2018
A counter in the pride/shame system that tells you how many of your offspring you have in the army would be great, mostly to help with remembering how many are left to go for that 1000 offspring in the army quest.

Some population statistics on the army would also be great, to help players in the diversification of the army.

Final thing considering the army. How many minions do you need to give before the power stat moves? You'd think a couple of hundred minions consisting of ravagers, lizardmen, and frostpaws, leafzard, and succubi would at least move it up to 1 or something. Even got a demonspawn or two in there if I remember correctly.
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Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
The power thing is a bug, your army is treated as if it had already suffered one round of casualties in the Final Battle. Console 'army.power -= 1' to get the proper count. This also shows you how bad the fighting can be, if your current efforts won't even make a dent in the casualties. :p

Otherwise, good idea, I'll add population numbers to the overview screen, including 'bred troops' totals.

Edit: BTW, if you haven't noticed yet, you get some serious discounts for having lots of self-bred offspring in the Army.
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Dec 21, 2018
Odd, the power thing. Lorewise it makes sense though, seeing as the army was in fact beaten back and suffered casualties.

Those discounts might prove useful if I wasn't so pedantic about everything in the lair either being a captive or a self-bred, apart from the single unit of gremlins.


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
The power bug came about because I changed how casualties are handled, but forgot to update the initial value. :oops: If I wanted to simulate a beaten army, you'd probably have some initial recruits. But right now, it's assumed that the Lady might have some personal bodyguards, but the rest are either scattered or in hiding and the Army of Darkness as such needs to be rebuilt from scratch.

And you can always breed more offspring to spread around. Spread the love, so to speak... :D


Active Member
Jul 20, 2019
Gives you a place to spend the knowledge for better darkwood events, and find the lairs of the darkwood bosses

The hardest to find lair boss will lead to a new shop or new captive.


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
What you get from Edge of Darkwood: higher chances to get better outcomes from Darkwood events (including rare captives and permanent stat increases) and boss fights (for treasure, XP and bragging rights; in the future there will be stat increases as well).

new captive.
What zzczys doesn't mention that this is the captive, a special, pimped-out angel girl. The other rewards (including the shop) are probably better, though.


Dec 21, 2018
Hot damn. I thought the army's power would be between 1 and 10 or something. The thing shot straight up to 3120.

One question. Do the different variations of girl types for the same species count(peasant, nun. nobel, etc) for the quest where you have to have a virgin captive of each race? Because I'm pretty certain I have everything(human, mermaid, alv, beastkin, oni, fireling, ice maiden, demon, angel), unless there is one I'm unaware of(probably a more goddess-like one if the hints in that file were anything to go by, in which finding that damn sky fortress has shifted higher in priority).


Sep 9, 2020
One question. Do the different variations of girl types for the same species count(peasant, nun. nobel, etc) for the quest where you have to have a virgin captive of each race?
Yes four types of humans ,peasant, burghess, nun, and (noble/princess/duchess) those 3 are the same.
also Homunculus as zzczys metioned.


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
I have a post somewhere that explains girl types in more detail than you'd ever care to know.

Army power is measured in, well, 'goblins'. :p You need something like 50k to begin the Final Battle, and 100k to do reasonably well and not rely on your dragon most of the time. The 'super army' quest needs 200k.

Of course, that doesn't mean you have to have 50k goblins in your army (although you can, of course). Fiddling with equipment and army composition can boost this by a factor of eight or so, and the intended target for a relatively powerful army is about 1000 grunts, 1000 servants, 250 beasties and 100 elite monsters.


Dec 21, 2018
Can't believe I forgot about homunculi, thanks. Anyway it seems like I'm in for the long haul, at least where the army is concerned.
3.50 star(s) 8 Votes