rape_labels.rpy, line 1728. Keyword "if" is repeated
Random looping, excitement does not increase beyond 2;
I remember fixing this, but I don't recall exactly where. I
think current changes to these files don't rely on anything else, so try downloading the rape files I just now added to the OP, and see if the problem persists.
I tried to make a guide a few days ago...
I put the guides in the OP as well, hope you don't mind.
Y-yay? I'm gonna be here hoping that list isn't too long then I guess
It keeps growing.

Yeah, I'm just gonna write this off.
Your loss.
... and every time I tried to take an action to restrain her I hit an uncaught exception...
And instead of reporting the error or looking whether it's been quickfixed in the thread, you just threw a tantrum.
...because this is just a complete mess.
It's called a work in progress.
...why the hell it takes so long to put exp into the upgrade I want.
'Dragons sleep for a long time' theme.
Say I want to make the alva queen immune to losing egg power after being deflowered, how do I make the code statement?
Quick'n'dirty in 'lair - classes.rpy':
def girl_birth(self,unit,room=None,ensure_success=false):
if unit.was_virgin:
unit.was_virgin = False
if unit.spawn_type == 'advanced' or unit.name == 'Queen Alarielle':
So what's the deal with the Architots? They've got most of the map locked down and even with a full squad, magical buffs from the witch and breathing fire, I can still barely scratch even one of them.
They'll be a little weaker in the future, succumbing to ice, magic, acid and lightning. Currently, only ice and acid work. It's part of the 'evolve heads to match resistances' gameplay. Display bugs don't let you intuit what's wrong right now, though.
The projections will also be triggering endgame when the map is
fully locked down, so you need to play whack-a-mole with them if you want to survive. Architot himself is ten times as bad.
I was hoping the situation would resolve as part of the plot, but if it's a late game event that triggered early...
It's basically a doom clock that keeps you on tour toes. Or strung up and stressed out, judging by what
testers players say.
I'll put in a warning about the timer at the beginning. I guess I'll also make it so that 0 Kingdom fear will stop the clock. You'll have to contend with the increased patrols, then, but those are more survivable.
You don't starve to death, you're just stuck in your lair with 0 AP. Might be worth calling endgame then.
666 seals is not enough, particularly when the seals start dropping at rates greater than the amount of days spent sleeping. Dunno why that is...
Too much fear, i.e. too little mobilization. The original TfD had 77.
Anyway, here are a couple screenshots of my final waking moments attached.
Hmm, you might have been bit by high fear. Infamy is not good for a weak dragon, you know.

Kingdom fear of at least 10 doubles the seal loss. Otherwise, looks like a respectable one-year-old dragon or thereabouts.
Specifically, you can set satiety...
This will only work for one shot in the next release, then satiety limits will kick in.
This game is very difficult, and I doubt anyone will get a good ending, or even survive, wthout some serious savescumming or route optimization.
I'd go as far as to say the game is currrently impossible in it's current form
I'll be making 'Easy' easier, and the seal restoration might need a buff. The 'altar-enabling' quest will come a little earlier, too.
I'd appreciate a save with some optimisation where the invasion is just to happen, and sacrificing just doesn't cut it.