Some of your advice is a bit wonky, 4 lizardmen will give about 4 defense per guard posted lizard. and with the fort's 1.5 mob power multiplier, that will give (((2*2)*4)*1.5) or in english, 24 lair defense.
These are future Lizardmen

, with 60HP/4-6DAM/4POW, available from noble non-virgins. They give 4*4*2*1.5 = 48, and the starter traps add 1+1+1+3, for a total of 54.
Lair defense will actually stop mattering as a
stat. The Thief already only cares about trap/minion numbers, and damage will be calculated with Knight party resistances and minion attack values taken into account. Defense just gives you an approximate number for 'raw' damage done to the Knights.
Well, okay, the girls still use defense for (not) running away.
I dunno what game your playing, tbh.
The improved one, of course.
Help sections are definitely outdated in all but lore. Try reading them, statements like resistance is capped at 75% and such the like.
That's one
value error, which has been fixed since. The underlying mechanics explanations are still true.
Try the new addition to the OP and tell me if you find anything else.
Saving mid encounter has only caused minor "glitches" for me, but Ill include a disclaimer in the guide.
The encounters have more fiddly bits now, so this advice will be more important than ever. You can probably save right at the beginning of one, but even then it's a bit chancy.
On another note, how would you add a multiplication function to python in a single line? Using this as base:
Assuming you use modifiers in this way in evolutions.yaml:
Replace the 'maxhp' function with something like this:
def maxhp(self):
added_value = self.base_hp
for key in self.modifiers:
if self.modifiers[key].has_key('stat') and self.modifiers[key]['stat'] == 'maxhp':
added_value += self.modifiers[key]['value']
return int(round((self.calculate_evo_stat('maxhp') + added_value) * ( 100 + self.calculate_evo_stat('hpmult') ) / 100.0))
The information displayed will look ugly, though, as players wonder what 'hpmult +20' or even 'hpmult +0.2' means.
Oh just the display text is not right. The egg pops out fine.
What display text?