I'm still not seeing a terrible amount of interest. Well, at least Eliont is not unhappy about the whole thing.
Won't stop me from working on the mod, but it does give me cold feet wrt going public. Well, I guess I'll wait a bit longer, see if more people (re)discover the game in the meanwhile.
In other news, there's now a pretty special fairy (=angel) girl you can capture, at the cost of losing access to the flying city and all of the other rewards. Took me around 10 minutes, discounting the fact that the art is currently just a placeholder.
You do have to be able to beat a titan+angel combo, though. Or run, and lose
any rewards at all.
I've also spent
way too much time upgrading and polishing lair selection. You've now got a number of expanded options, some from DW, others new. Like burrows, mountaintops, undersea grottos, uninhabited ice/lava caves, ruins, Wizard Towers, mountain fortresses. There are pre-built buildings, accessibility barriers, fixed size vs expandable lairs, etc.
The 'ravage specific villages' mechanic is back, now. Goblins and smuggler guards too. There are also slightly graphic reports of lair events (escapes, starving, etc).
I'm currently trying to bring back the Thieves and restore Knights to their former glory, but it's slow going. As an aside, I caught myself writing stuff like "there\'s now..." and "You\'ve now" when I made this post. Coding text in Python does that to you.