Her Horniness stat is shown in the character screen in replace of your ejaculation distance. I'm entirely unsure of how to modify the UI, so I simply replaced what I felt was probably the most useless stat in the game. It still says ejaculation though.
I wanted to take a look at modifying the way she gains skills, but it's a bit difficult without doing some serious overhauling.
Not only that, but the code itself is a mess really.
Take for example, her pregnancy chances.
It's coded so the game rolls 0-100.
She has a 0% chance base to get pregnant. It's all determined by an argument passed into the 'addSexNum' function.
As far as I can TELL, this is always 5. So she always has a 5*Horniness skill +1 to get pregnant. Capping at 5.
So 5/10/15... up to 25%.
My initial thought was to modify the base 5% chance to get pregnant from other guys. Easy enough right? There's even a public variable for it. HeroPreg and OtherPreg. OtherPreg being set to 5.
Except everytime the AddSexNum is called, Kegani for whatever reason, manually inputs the base fertility modifier instead of using the variable.
This means, to modify her pregnancy chances outside of what I did (Was making the RNG roll go to 1-200) I would have to find every point they use the AddSexNum function, and replace it with the public variable.
It goes on, Initially I had planned to have the accessories from the Penis Compendium page based on how many acts she had performed. But as I said previously, there's no aggregate sum of each one. The game simply doesn't keep track of how many times she's done an act overall, just for each male. I'd have to pull the array, have the game iterate through each one, and add them all up, and i'm not comfortable enough to actually do that.
As far as grades, it's entirely RNG. She generates somewhere between 2000-6000 of a stat on loop start. Supposedly, the higher skill she has in a club stat, the greater chance she has to be Scolded as it's coded, but it's really hard to tell, and I haven't found that section of the code.
I wanted to mess with potions. Specifically, I wanted to weight the list so you're more likely to get potions the lower a stat is/less likely the higher it is. So that when you're at 6, you're not getting 'useless' potions. Again, the problem would require another set of rewriting, as currently the game just randomly picks from an array with no weighting at all. I also havn't found how drink enhancements are calculated either. I know they add a number, and a percentage of that number increases that stat. Say a drink adds 200, and every 100 gives a point in that skill.
The BJ loop is an issue that I havn't decided how to fix. If Horniness goes up to slowly, it can become exceedingly grindy to get her to bone anyone. If it's too fast she'll just be constantly boning.
The loop happens when she can't 'relieve' that horniness because cheating/toy isn't high enough, and the RNG on the next day isn't being kind enough to drop it enough.
my IDEAL scenario, would be to add two potions to the sage shop. One to increase and one to decrease it. This would give the player a more direct control over how she acts at the cost of resources.
Unfortunately, this would require UI work that I don't even know is possible, or using two of the existing potions to replace/modify.
Unfortunately, a lot of this is simply limited by my rudimentary coding knowledge, the messy engrish code, and my lack of ability to modify the UI in any meaningful way. I still have to fix my own copy because in attempting to remove the overlay for peeking in on her in the pool, I made it entirely uninteractable. I'm pretty sure it's possible, because it's a seperate asset. I just have to find out how.
EDIT: Just wanted to add some more information on how horniness works.