There is some out of control situation that can happens during development and there is always good reason why it takes longer. We always deliver! I dont want to enter in personnal details regarding team member but the writer cannot complete the work started and some other including myself had to take over it to complete the job. During this time i decided to add a whole scene, and getting inspired, it become a BIGGER scene but it will worth it. In the other hand this also add to the writing part... done by the same poeple that is saving the release!I compare time to previous updates, I think they arrived about 3 month.
Keep in mind that we are not taking that easy, we never done it and will never do it, we work as hard as we can to deliver, if it take longer, there is a reason, and in the end you will have a longer, bigger and more complete release! There is a capacity that i can produce and im always overdone it. If you were watching me all days, weeks and months, you will understand that it is not an easy task and that many hours, way more than a 8 hours/day job is needed to be invested in creation to achieve good result.