guys and who is old man johnson? I never understood. I hoped that he was the MC, but only from a later time, because old Johnson behaves like a mother hen in relation to the MC, that is, very caring, as if taking care of himself, just younger. in 23 sisters, by the way, there was a moment - the mother-sister of the MC ... and I so hoped that it would be possible to make the mother the daughter of the MC, if the MC, jumping back in time, gives birth to his mother with his grandmother Loraine. and it would be almost safe for the plot if, for example, grandmother Loraine had a one-night stand with old man Johnson (when he was younger), and then grandmother Loraine would naturally not recognize the young MC the way she recognized the young MC of him native mother. but alas! my dreams were destined to dissipate into dust - the author disappointed me in the main thing by saying that old man Johnson is NOT MC ... Why is the world so unfair and cruel? why? *sob sob* =)