This is TERRIBLE. I downloaded and started a new playthrough to ENJOY all the cool changes. On the FIRST day when I meet Juli after the shower scene, a truly HORRIFYING thing happened. I don't know if I will be able to continue after seeing this. Yes, I found an ERROR in GRAMMAR. The pain was just so great that I'm not sure what to do now.
Motkeyz in the scene I mentioned the MC is talking to Juli and there is a sentence that needs correcting (possibly a HOT FIX). Basically the MC is thinking about how they have grown apart. At one point the MC thinks '...but as a teenager we've seem to have gotten more distant from each other'. It should read '
but as a teenager WE seem to have gotten more distant from each other'. so WE'VE should be WE. Also you might consider changing the 'GOTTEN' to be 'GROWN'.
Yeah it's a nitpick but I get to have fun being silly when reporting it. 
Just a thought and hope that helps.