Brennus and Segamaros need to be dealt with eventually, but the issue is timing. Concurrent wars with three neighbors may not be wise.
True, a three-front war would be bad with the current military strength.
But we still have a peace treaty with the Gauls for the moment, but they sure don't like marriage with Estrid...well best choice is waiting for a envoy from them as the treaty is expiring and playing for time. Who knows they might even offer an interesting deal, with the Danes getting more aggressive.
Brennus...i don't trust this guy at all, or anything he proclaims/offers, he has a lot of troops at the border, seems for some reason really want our local alcoholic and it is stated he has regular contact with Avila. Neither do i believe the war against the Danes has him as weakened as he says, Estrid never mentioned they are close to winning the war.
Add to that, he has to uphold face, was already offended as Aelinia rejected him, now again rejected (depending on choice Aelinia send his massanger back with a kick in the nuts or the MC send them back dead).
So while i would prefer dealing with Avila first and then focus on the nord, that may not be the best choice if she and Brennus are in cahoots...i expect he's only waiting for a chance to strike, at the very least cause a lot of chaos at the border.
My first inclination was to give him a task such as guarding a hill with a small force directly between my army and Avila, but there is too much chance of him being captured and used as a pawn by the Libani queen.
Yeah was a idea of mine too. The thing is, i don't believe he has any honor or duty to fight a losing battle and would rather surrender...not to mention him fighting until death or taking his own life for his defeat...
You could of course always ignore Avila if she has any demands for him, but that would not go down well with the people i imagine, ruining the MC's reputation and credibility.
There's an idea. Perhaps Prince Jarvis plays for the other team. Would it be possible to offer Avila a trade? We can send Marius to the Libani as Prince Jarvis's bride in exchange for her daughter. (Does Avila have a daughter? It doesn't mention one in the codex, but I have some vague recollection of one being mentioned in the game.)
Brennus and Segamaros both have daughters which are eligible for marrige, well Brennu's daughter is the heir.
I think i vaguely remember hearing that Avila has a daughter, but that is all, she isn't mentioned with name or in the codex.
But if you want insult Brennus sending him Marius as bride instead of Aelinia will work well i imagine
We've discussed whom we'd pick for queen, but here's a question for anyone interested. When Persephone was visiting Anna, they mentioned the one person who would be a horrible choice for queen. To whom do you think they were referring?
As Diana rejects to be queen, my guess is either Isabella or Alessia.
But i tend towards Alessia, Isabella has a lot of faults and her family...but Alessia seems more suspicious (and a lot more competent/dangerous) to me. Be it her spy network, the involvment in the conspiracy and/or especially her involvment with Felix.
Aelinia is a other choice i don't think would go well. Not because she would backstab the MC, but her alcohol problems, bad temper, hunger for power and very feminist heavy view on politics is just asking for trouble. I also don't believe she is as brilliant as she believs to be, neither as good in politics.