
Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2018
he met val 1st time when got to capital and don't think he has been been in capital for long enuf for val turning 18 and 19.
The scene was the first scene of the game, MC met her while during her goodwill tour of the eastern provinces. She wanted to marry him then sent several letters prior to him being recalled back to the capital.

    scene ch1s1mcmeetsvalentina28 with dissolve
    p "{i}The complexity of the situation has not lessened. I've received letters from Princess Valentina since then. I'm not sure they can be called love letters, but they are certainly affectionate.{/i}"
    p "{i}I felt that I could avoid the situation while stationed on the eastern edge of the kingdom. I wouldn't have to confront this. But now I’ve been recalled to the palace.{/i}"
    p "{i}The kingdom has been in turmoil lately. Apparently the King feels I can help stabilize things. I pray he's right.{/i}"


Jul 12, 2018
isn't the top photo(not screenshot) from before the MC goes to the capital ...
meaning hes still out East on a war campaign and time passes before he reaches the capital ..
also the the codex was added later on (as far as i remember) meaning the info is from later on not the first scene off this avn

its very well possible valentina is already 19 at the current time in the avn
but lets not go to deep into the age off the the pixels off this photo off the screen whit this avn on it
makes sense if the codex was added at a later time since i meet her at her 19 birthday a few years later from the 1st picture, when being called to the capitol.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
Soo, i just started this game and found what i believe to be a mistake from dev.
View attachment 3850643
View attachment 3850645
thats a flashback for when the MC met the princess that was sent around the provinces as a good will embassy!
2 years later he is called with his entire legion to the capital to secure it and thats when the story starts!

he became a war hero because he was outnumbered and probably outgunned but still kept the eastern provinces secured!
a lot like Belisarius in real life, always out manned, always out gunned and yet he kept on snatching victories of what should have been defeats!
mainly his battles against the sassanid empire are considered epic and true lesson and pinacles of generalship!
his sea adventures were not so bad either the way he crushed the vandals the lombards and the osthrogoths!

do notice that had rome crumbled and accepted the sassanid demands, both empires would not have been so depleted t
hat when the arab expansion started they were severly lacking in manpower and battle hardened warriors since 30 years of wars being miss managed ,,,
and seriously after 30 years of war their soldiers should have been top notch... recruit them at 16 they would have been 46 and from there down ...
a full echalon of veterans... and yet both the sassanids and the romans just burned their best warriors in useless battles and sieges!
and everytime a new general rose trough the ranks he would be eliminated as a danger to the throne!
So when the arabs finally went at them, even out numbered their generals were better and their more mobile troops removed both empires advantages
while both empires had neither the generals nor the troop quality to nulify the arab advantage!
notice that once they faced proper empires again like the franks or the northern indians their advance stoped!
so basically meritocracy was removed out of political expediency... one could say the middle kingdom atm suffers from the same problem!
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