WARNING: I could be way overthinking this, in fact i likely am and also placing my own standards over those of the Original Creator's. Please take this with a grain of salt.
Thanks for the answer, do you know if the Devs for this title intend on adding some sort of combat mechanic at some point as well?
Honestly, I think that would be a huge mistake. At least directly.
I could well be wrong here, but it would seem as though the protagonist will eventually wind up fighting some things eventually.
It does seem like it doesn't it? but I have a feeling that if there is combat in this game, it will likely not be a direct fight.
Throughout the game thus far. The Main Character (Player) has been set up as an Innocent. This is despite the fact he is banging his Aunt, Mother, and Boss at the bar. He even looks like an innocent boy despite the fact he is now of age (18) and consenting adult. He still, however, is innocent.
Mother, Aunt and Barkeeper all hold a position of authority over him. This makes them less innocent and further supports his innocence in the whole situation.
What we have seen, does seem like the game is training us up for a fight. Scyth the Vines, Fireball the Tainted Globs, Run from the Chasing Aunt, Sneak past the Patrolling Mother, Investigate the Haunted Mansion, Rearrange the books on the proper shelves.
And then there is Santa's workshop while exploring the forest with Mother.
It's all innocent while the story gets darker. First the Story of the Haunted Mansion, now the Nyx is missing and her fountain corrupted.
A direct fight would mean that the Player would be put in danger that would force them to kill or be killed. or at least that mindset if no actually killing is done.
From that moment on. the Player characters innocence, despite the nobility of it or the need, is destroyed forever.
In other words. Sex is natural and good no matter what as long as it consensual. Even the rough angry stuff. But killing is always on the black end of morality even if just and right.
So the story is getting darker. Nyx is gone. Her Fountain is corrupted. Cupid is gone from her garden. The half-ghost girl who was killed because she was involved with Nyx is now leaving her home at night. Outside of the village is a growing danger. It's peaceful inside the boundary but walls can only last for so long.
A conflict is coming for sure. But all out combat?
Siren has done a pretty solid job of showing the Main Character innocence. Either it's planned to corrupt that or seems more likely to maintain that to the end. Either plot on that issue is valid but you don't maintain innocence for that long in a story like this if you plan on corrupting and subverting the innocence eventually.
Personally, I feel it would be a mistake to end that innocence. It what gives the character that charm. Directly fighting and killing or being in close danger of being killed by evil? That kills innocence. That will kill his charm. Indirectly sure he can maintain that innocence. even when being chased by minions or the big bad.
Besides, we're dealing with something that can take on a deity and win. Nyx is no slouch. Zeus himself fears Nyx power. So she formidable. What hope would the player, A mortal man, have against such a force of power.
I doubt Nyx is the big bad. Just because she a dark Goddess does not make her evil. She may be under control of something else but not the main bad.
Yep I am clearly overthinking this. LOL. But that my take on it all...